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Growing Inside A Speaker 101!! earluwonder skunk & Big Bud.

BC Chronic: thanks for the link!

well, i went to the store today, and picked up lotsa good stuff, and i have some UPDATES for pics!!

my plant has had lotsa new growth! ill get one from the top later.

next post, i will have pictures of my new goodies!

she has two leaves that are looking like they are gunna be HUGE fan leaves, she is now in her new home, and soon will be transplanted too a 1 gal pot mixed with red wrigler worm castings and all sorts of natural humus's and goodies! pic in next post.

my other plant is still in rehab, but i can see a very small amount of new growth where she was topped. since the transfer too the new box, the rehab plant has plent more light!

comments are HIGHLY appreciated.

P.S - BC Chronic- how do i get my picutres in my text like you do in your thread?


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alright guys, here is my second part of the update! ive went out too the store, and bout the rest of my nutes for my waterings for veg and flower, and picked up some great soil!!

first up we have my all natural, liquid kelp boost, it smells SO narly :p
and then i have my seaweed fertilizer, taking care of the N and K i believe! i didnt get any dolomite lime yet, it says on the bag that it is PH stable, but im sure that i will still need some dolomite lime. i hope ill be okay for now, since i dont know what my PH is like anyways.

second up the soil, pretty self explanatory, plus ive said alot about it :p

comment comment comment!


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Grow like nobody is watching
I don't mind kelp smell - it's fish emulsion that gets to me. But damn, looks like you did well bro. All I smell is success!

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thanks scrubs! well guys, she has been reppotted, and she had completely filled her old container with roots, they were pilling up at the bottom, the repot went really well, no dropping or killing this time! im using some of the new soil! im about to flush her, cause i herd somewhere thats what ur sposed to do when you transplant. :p

what u guys think?? not bad quality for my cell phone XD



(color is a little screwy)

hope these images work!


Grow like nobody is watching
I wouldn't flush unless I thought the soil was burning it or something. You just paid for those worm castings, may as well get use out of em :)

She is looking fantastic dude. Big things on the way. One thing I can recommend is when you repot, bury the plant lower so the stem is covered. Easy to knock off a few inches of height that way. Peace.
thats what i wanted too do, unfortunately, the pot is only wider :\ so i packed some soil in the pot with a big hole in the middle, and thats how it worked out XD.

my temps are hitting pretty high as ive watched it, its sitting at like 38c or even 40c sometimes! what should i do?

fortunately the humidity is stayin down :)

ive also come too the conclusion that i have so little space to grow, and my pot will take up alot of the space, ive tried to do some stem crushing and a little LST, but im not quite sure where to bend it at this point, any advice as to in which way, or where to tie her, or bend her, would really help :) im also thinking of topping her, when should i do this?


Grow like nobody is watching
my temps are hitting pretty high as ive watched it, its sitting at like 38c or even 40c sometimes! what should i do?
Make it cooler :) Describe your ventilation system in detail. Fan strengths (especially the amps!), intake/exhaust sizes, etc. Does it feel like not enough air is going though or does it feel like tons is rushing through but nothing is happening?


LST is easy just drill holes in the rim of the pot, tie wire on, hook it around your plant near the top to encourage it sideways (as against forcing it over, ripping the roots and breaking stems - you want gentle persuasion, lol)

My advice is take more photos of the whole thing, the intakes, the fans, and if there are faults, people will point them out. Right now it's like "my cab is hot, how do I fix it?", and nobody knows what you're working with, apart from it being a speaker with lights and a fan, ya know? Help people to help you. Hope it helps.
alright well, the contributing factors are most likely the close proximity to the aluminum tape, and the cardboard with emergency blanted taped too it, it makes it super warm.

my ventalation system is one passive intake, that has a light trap, with a fist sized hole on one side, and two small holes on the outside. the exhaust is another light trap, a bit smaller. with a fan, thats running on 12 amps, i dunno what the cfm's are and i'de have to rip the fan outa there unfortunately.

any more info you need?


Grow like nobody is watching
Your intakes should be at least twice the area of your exhaust fan. So what diameter is the exhaust fan? What diameter is the fist sized hole, and the other two holes? Is there any screen or other restriction over the holes?

12 amps would blow the side of your box off. Is this a 12v pc fan we're talking? Do you remember the name so I can at least look it up.
im not quite sure, im thinking its an antac something, it has 3 speed controll. thats all i can really remember.

and the intake is probubly around twice as big as the outtake, as the fan blows half air into the outtake light trap, and half of the fan is just against the wall, blowing ambient air around the box.

im a little too baked to check the size of the holes right now, but im guessing around 4 inches across? im not sure.

anything eles you need? or some suggestions? in thinking of making your angle light trap, i really love the idea.



Grow like nobody is watching
In a few words - open up the flow
In some more words - open up the flow and get a better fan.

I think the light trap would serve you well, it flows very freely.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey christoph!! Yeah Scrub is right..more air makes a happier plant:)
all you need is the right size intake and a good exhaust and you are laughing all the way to the bud factory!!!
Scrub knows what he is talking about and you can learn TONS from him..then pass it on!!
plants are looking AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!great job..
take care..sorry I have'nt been here to visit..just busy thats all..


Grow like nobody is watching
Oh BC :eek:: you know all the right things to say, lol. I think you had an Antec when you started out if I remember right?


Recovering UO addict.
replacing the foil tape with white paint will help a little with temps....

also sometimes I switch my cfls to reduce temps by a few degrees, the higher K rating ones run a little cooler (daylight)... or throw off less radiant heat or w/e.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Yeah I did Scrub..it just died:comfort: 3 speed, it was great for what its job was...I still have 1 christoph and I'd gladly send it to you...used once..
let me know..
flat white paint... is almost the most reflective too..
keep up the great work buddy
thanks for all the help guys

ScrubNinja: your awesomely helpfull scrubs, much rep :) im definitly gunna build ur light filter, but im not sure how im going to put it on yet, as the fan sticks out from the face of the box, how should i attach it? im also gunna put a big grill on the from where the doorway is, how should i go about that?

BC Chronic: is the fan good? it would probubly be better than mine, i wouldent mind having it around, how can i get it from you? pm me.

StealthDragon: thanks for the advice, ill probubly put some smaller bulbs in there, and ill hope to put that heat down.

it seems to be going down a bit, the more i fiddle with the light traps, ive made the opening on the outtake a bit bigger, and it cooled it down, but a couple of degrees, its sitting at 35 right now i believe.

some pictures of my darling in the new box:


she is responding well too the LST :)

what do you guys think?

my other plant is currently in rehab, and is slowly growing some new leaves.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
try to have another string etc. around the bottom of the stem going the other direction..that way the stem will be stable for later LST'ing.. right now its pulling the stem up from the other side..look at how I did the TW and even now the RockLock...other than that, EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!
I'll pm you right now bro..


Grow like nobody is watching
Bro, I can't see what is going on at the moment. Would prefer some mspaint diagrams or photos from further back. I don't understand how you even access the plants to be honest. In regards to the fan though, you would need it on a hole in the wall, then an air space, then the angle light trap. It's more of a simple intake trap, not really meant for fans and stuff. So you will have to freestyle a bit. But you want the largest areas possible. I would make the whole back side be the intake grill, so no one sees it, and do that hole in the wall thing for the exhaust on the front side, with the speaker mesh covering the angle light trap (a small glow may still leak out of the trap unless you make one of the more complex variations like the Z design that messn'n'grommin designed), Hope you understand. When you figure out what sizes and where to put them, and what materials you will use, run the sizes of each light trap and the material sizes by me, and I will check that it's okay. Peace.

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