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Growing Inside A Speaker 101!! earluwonder skunk & Big Bud.

Tatz: thanks for the support! pull up a chair bud!

ScrubNinja: alright, thanks alot man! let me explaine about how it works, its a speaker, so it has one BIG bass amplifier hole, and one smaller amplifier hole, right above it, that is as big as the fan. ive placed the fan right in that hole, and covered it with my crappy light trap. and the intake is right below that, with another crappy cardboard light trap. i know its a piece of work, but what do u suggest? im planning on drilling some holes in the back, and making a big hole for a big light trap like yours.

now for some pictures for your eyes!

first my darling in a bath

and her close up canopy shot

what do you think guys?


Grow like nobody is watching
And you put the mesh over the front to hide the fan etc I guess? Because there is your problem right there - the exhaust would get sucked straight back into the intake. Looking great btw!
alright! ive figured out what day my second girl was born! it turns out she is only at day 15! man she has a long ways ahead till flower. i thought she was 3 weeks! and i wasent sure why she was so small, and not showing her sex yet.

i really should stop calling her a gal, cause she would possibly be a guy :p or hermi, knowing my luck. i have a picture update, of her with the camel!:tiphat:


and her again, side view in her room!



am baked, so ill be around! smoked some PhazelK(purple hazelnut kush) my friends own genes!



Grow like nobody is watching
“Silences make the real conversations between friends. Not the saying but the never needing to say is what counts.”

~Margaret Lee Runbeck
:O random quotes from no where!

ive seen a little bit of wilting in the leaves, and i think its due too over watering. 3rd node is on the way!
well, it seems as though im having some problems with my youngin

here are some pics:


side view one


side view two


top view

as u can see the lower leaves are losing their green, and are wilting very badly.

the top, newer foliage looks promising, but the leaves look funny. very folded in on themselves.

need help!


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey bro..looks like nute burn...flush with water but use THREE times the amount(water) of what amount of soil you have in there ..ie..1 gallon of soil=3 gallons water..this is an example because you don't have that much soil!
or have you even fed her nutes yet? If not, its time to start..it could be a lack of Nitrogen..leaves are green when there is proper nitrogen..
let me know what you have done up to this point..meaning up to today..
take care
thanks alot for posting BC!! its 420!!!!

hope ur havin fun man :p

anyways, ive been feeding her half nutes every second watering. which is every 3 days. it might be heat stress too i think, its been atleast 30 in there, so i switched too two smaller bulbs, and its down like 25.

im pretty high, so. ill try to figure it out in my head.


Grow like nobody is watching
i didnt get any dolomite lime yet, it says on the bag that it is PH stable, but im sure that i will still need some dolomite lime. i hope ill be okay for now, since i dont know what my PH is like anyways.
This gets my vote bro. Good luck.


Grow like nobody is watching
Not sure exactly what the mechanism of failure is, but I know when I've used soil with no dolomite, they looked like that. Virtually every mix recipe uses it, and you have none, so....
its got tons of perilite, i think ur right scrubs, i thought i bought some, but they never put it in my bag, ill have to go back tomorow and grab some, and mix for my next seeds.


Christoph, i suspect it might be genetic, that the EWS are quite easily-stressed. probably something general llike heat or overwatering or nute problem or a combo.

i have a barely weekold seedling from some open-pollenated seed i that got from a nice female last year, and that weekold seedling has already grown to be larger(definitely shadier, with much more leaf surface area using just like 4 leaves) than all of the 4+weekold EWS plants i have been growing. but then again this comparison could be biased because i also fertilized the soil of the weekold seedling before planting, but not for any of the EWS. atleast that is how their growth performance so far compares with the other strains i`m currently micro-growing. it makes me wonder if these are meant to be outdoors.
i grew out 4 EWSs and 2 have turned out to be males so far.
i think they are suposed to be grown outdoors, my friend that sold me the seeds, grows outside, and continuously tells me thats what i should be doing.

and he only grows them outside, and its some nice bud. im hoping these arent males, that would suck, but ive seen no signs at all, maybe even a few femal parts on there.

i think earlier in my thread i mentioned the ferts im using, all in half amounts. and a little bat guano every week or so. i havent bat guano'd this plant for a while. but my other plant will be getting some tonight i think.

anymore thoughts ICmagers?

comments and questions are very much apreciated! much rep to you.



Grow like nobody is watching
Hey man I wish I could help. This is why I do hydro/coco because I went through the same sorta bullshit. If I were you I would make a thread on the Infirmary section. Tell them everything, every little thing even if you think it won't matter, they even have a form to fill out and I'd recommend taking the time to.

I agree with cork that it could be overwatering too. It sounds like you are probably okay, but you never know because I have had a lot of issues getting the watering just right with seedlings. The curling leaves can be indicative of it, but not always - bad ph can do it too, for example. Good luck, and I hope someone can help.