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Double Vertical 6k, Closed System With Asian Kush, Urkulan and Sweet Pink Grapefruit

Awesome!! this is about what we are looking to set up we are trying to decide on spacing and what kind of lights we should use. I think you have converted me to 1k's we were thinking 600's because of heat but if you can cool that with AC we should be able to cool with cold mountain air.

What is the distance between your shelfs and the center of the room?

it looks like you have a four sided square? do you have one side that rolls out so you can work in there?... or wait im looking at your pics a little more is your room a 8x16 rectangle then? with the two stacks of light in the middle of it all?

Also how many shelves to you have in there? what do you allow for spacing between each and how much is the first one off the floor?

Sorry for so many questions i am a horizontal grower getting ready to convert to vertical and i want to make damn sure i get it done right.

I was also thinking i you hung a net 4" from the ceiling across your whole ceiling do you think it would help with the buds that get smashed up there?

Thanks again for the help in advance love your grow ill definitely be back for more!



Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
smallfry707 - i did the side by side with bloombastic and dark energy. i think i messed up on the dark energy amount because whatever was feed that. did not like it at all! weird because i only used 1/2 strength. ended up tossing the plants fed dark energy. not going to try that again!
i think its more of a resin producing product. the resin it kicked out is insane!! the buds are decent but not huge. im going to use bloombastic to fatten them up next week.

COhomegrown - lights are perfectly in the center of the 8 by 8, shelves come off the wall 9". 8' by 16', nothing in the middle of the two 8 by 8's, next time there will be. 2 shelves, bottom one is 15" from the ground, top one is 55" from the ground. it could help. the plants naturaly curve at the top towards the light. your going to like vertical!


this is a very nice grow.

this is a grow that makes you say----Hmmmm??? how can I improve my own rig??? Cause this rig is clearly done right.


As always your grow's are overly impressive one question the bloombastic I was given a free sample of it how much and when do you start using it?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
johnipedestran - appreciate it buddy!

turbolaser4528 - its all coco, 66% canna, 33% coco croutons

barnyard08 - thanks for the kind words! i dont remember how much you use, very little though, maybe 2-3 mil per gallon? i like to use it about 3/4 the way into flowering, while tapering down on the main nutrients.


Active member
everytime i see a vert grow i just realize how smart they really are.. i need to get on this shit a.s.a.p!
haha .. looking soo good. keep us posted and stay green
Krunch, this stuff is simply inspiring. I just wanted to let you know that I had my grow completely worked out and drawn out with Air cooled hoods and everything. It's 3:53 AM but I think you just convinced me to run my 3kw stacked up with cooltubes instead of vertically with air cooled hoods. I have no idea to even go about setting up a vertical room though..oy gavult what a mind fuck :D

the Rock

Active member
krunch is the asian kush a cut from the bay,it sounds like your getting decent # from it,. I kinda backed off from kushes the last couple years cuz of the low yields. Does the asian yield better than most kushes and is it related to the alien kush<>TIA


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
sneakinman13 - what are you waiting for? do it!

MrBananaSlug - again, what are you waiting for? i used to have 50 light warehouses. i switched over to vertical, wont be going back to horizontal. even open bulb grows like my other one on my signature yields very well.

the Rock - i named it asian kush since i got it from an asian kat and he wasn't sure at the time. since then, i have found out that its pure kush from so cal. i cant say that it yields better then other kushes because i have not ran any others in vertical yet. i can tell you that im going to get a very good yield. everyone who has ran this seems to not be able to break the 1 lb per light, im sure i can get 1 1/2 -1 3/4 per light. next round i will get 2+ per light, now that i know how to grow this strain.

update with pics soon. rearranged some plants, waiting for them to adjust to there new spots before pics. the kush is really filling out and becoming greasy with resin. the room just absolutely reeks of kush!
Hey Krunch, what size trays do you have your pot's sitting in?

Im planning on doing organic soil so im trying to figure out the best was to drain excess h20.

That Asian's looking great we just picked up a Pure Kush Clone from some friends in So Cal can't wait to grow it out the bud was amazing. how much do they stretch for you in flower?


New member
Awesome setup. I am in the process of setting up something very similar! 3k a room in a flip flop. I can't wait to get all setup and go vertical!
Krunch, just read through some of this thread and your others - WOW! Thanks for taking your time and answering questions from folks. I am with you on the pond liner thing, you can also get white ones now - www.justliners.com has them as do many other places, makes sense to bounce that light around a little more no?


New member
Thanks for letting us watch, looks great.
A couple of ?s.
-What size drip emitters are you using in regards to gpm?
-Do you rotate your plants at anytime during the grow cycle?
-I assume you are vegging in the room also?
Thanks again!


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
COhomegrown - no trays, 8" by 9" by 12" shelves. they like to stretch. flowered at about 18", some plants are almost 5' tall.

JMasta @ superpedro - welcome!

overmyhead - white pond liners? good idea!

Flow - they are just blue drippers from the hydro store, no set gph, they just spray away! i dont rotate the plants, i pull all the branches forward, toward the light. i have another room i veg in.

little update - everything is doing good. rearranged the urkulan and sweet pink grapefruit when i put up the scrog net. i should of put more of those into flowering, i now see that i have gaps in the canopy.

the asian kush is really starting to bulk up, everything is falling over towards the light. the room is becoming a nightmare! absolutely stinks of kush! the kush will yield very nicely!

sweet pink grapefruit


asian kush


wow amazing grow!

how do you feel about naked bulbs vs aircooled in a verticle aplication? im planning on a sealed grow room and think it would be cheaper to just utilize outside air to blow through vert-cooltubes and have a/c just cool radiant heat rather than having a/c try to cool everything without venting.
