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CherryBomb II Organic Hydro Style

rule35sub1 said:
Hey OH. :wave: the 2 plant thing was a joke my man, it just looks like more. they are looking lovely. wish i could smell them... :canabis:

i know it was rule , that's why i put the "2" in there ... just for you :biglaugh: and when this round is over i'm going to need some impartial taste testers to do a quick smoke report for the thread ,
you interested ?

talk to ya soon



New member
Your girls are looking great OH. Get some supports ready as she puts her 'Freshmen fifteen' on.

Just smoked my last little bit of my CBII...nothing left but hazy memories of some cherrylishish highs. :yummy:

Well, I can't wait for the next update.


Active member
super frosty!!

Great job... they resemble my JC with the white look to them!! Gonna be covered in crystals when she's done!!


Hey OH, am I interested? Silly question my brother. LOL We'll have to trade some clones too. I can almost smell the cherry now...

Btw, they look awesome!
thanks for dropping in again artdeco & rule35sub1 , HOG thanx for the kind words , i'll be sending out PM's for taste testers after it has a 2 week cure , so it's going to be awhile yet before we cross that bridge.

i was looking through some pic's and found one of the original order from Dr Chronic that i made to get these CherryBomb II beans , i gave away the Nirvana beans {SwissMiss} to a buddy on OG and he told me he found a keeper from them so that was a good thing since half of them were non-viable , the RM NL#5's were ALL duds and were replaced by RM & Luci,
so those are still awaiting their chance at a grow , the DP Orange bud were
mostly non-viable , and the ones that did sprout were nothing remarkable so nothing was kept from them.{i'm alittle fussy about what's a keeper :rolleyes: }

Today is day 32 12/12 and i took a pic this morning of them , SO , Here they are with 31 days flower under their belt .

i still have 12 more CB2's to run yet , and might be able to find a better mother than the 2 i have now { it could happen :biglaugh: } + i have 24 BOG lifesaver to run in the next few weeks along with 30 Nirvana bluemystic & 30 bubblelgum's so i'm going to be alittle busy searching for future mothers { i just love lady shopping :wink: } so expect to see alot more grows from me over the next few months as my hunt for truely outstanding plants continues.

Happy Growing Everyone .




Active member
Nice growin OH :canabis: !! Now,, where do I get one of those "Scratch-and-Sniff" monitors :chin: :biglaugh: watchin and waitin to see these finish out,,Beautiful plants, once again!!

~Wikid :friends: :joint:
Hey wikid ,
nice to see one of the ladies of the community checking in :smile:
I wish everyone had scratch & sniff monitors for sites like this , wouldn't that just be so cool :biglaugh: it's a funny thing how when you see a sweet looking plant how you just wanna sniff it and maybe taste alittle resin :yummy: i know i've seen afew things on IC that have made me wanna reach through my monitor and puff it up :biglaugh:

thanx for your kind words & i wish you the best of luck on all your grows :D
and hope to see you stopping in again from time to time .




Well-known member
nice grow organic hydro hopefully mine will turn out as good when i get the room to germ and grow them
peace chucky


TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
Wanted to try this strain for a while and your thread has made me want it even more now. Keep up the good work, Peace


Looking sweet bro... a pound and a half of Cherry Bomb seems like a wonderful problem to have. You've got my mouth watering here.

I've got Reeferman's Blue Thunder vegging away... I just may have to run by the Reeferman Store and grab these beans before truecannabliss buys them out.

Hope you have plans for a smoke report!
thanx for the positive vibe truecannabliss , i wish you luck on any future CBII grows you undertake .

Maistre , rumor has it that RM has a shitload of these beans on the way to Gypsy's new seed site so i dont think you have to worry about a supply shortage , and MR Greengenes original is now being sold at " http://www.treatingyourself.com " so you can grab some of those too !

i already sent in my order for 20 of the original CB's , and i've been eyeing RM's BlueThunder myself , you gonna do a grow thread on the BT's ?

oh yeah almost forgot , YES there will be a smoke report added to the thread , mine will be first :smile: and then i'll be having 3 - 4 ICmag members doing smoke reports of their own for the thread.

New pic's will be posted tomorrow for everyone to check out, it will be their 40th day flower and their looking sweet !

Thanx for the kind words everyone.

Day 40 Flower - Plants Are As Tall As Me

Day 40 Flower - Plants Are As Tall As Me


:biglaugh: just wanted to do a quick update on whats up with my CB's ,
today is day 40 12/12 and the plants are starting to show some signs of ripining , tomorrow will be res change day and i'll be giving them PBP bloom only, @ 1200 PPM's for the next 7 - 10 days and then it's time to start their 2 week flush.

Here's some nice nug shots i took this morning

Here's a shot showing them compared to me , i'm just shy of 6' and they are as tall as me now :smile:

Happy Growing



Active member
i am in awe!!! wow... :eek: :eek:

very nice... two weeks of flush...Mmmmmmm

i'm sniffing my monitor... :biglaugh:

i just re-read the whole thread. MAN THAT'S JUST 2 PLANTS!!!!! :eek: :eek:


Active member
Amazing Grow, OH! I can't believe that I just found your thread!! :bashhead: I am vegging RM's Blue Thunder myself right now and Chery Bomb II has been in my cross hairs since reading about them on RM's website.

You have really got your system fine tuned and those plants are running right at the edge. Beautiful job, my brotha! Looking forward to seeing the final product, yield and smoke report! Like someone said earlier, the Mowie Wowie in it's heritage makes me long for the old days again. :biglaugh: By the looks of those babies, there should be no problem meeting or beating the old Mowie Wowie high!

Best of luck, bro and I'll be watching this one through to the finish for sure!! :yes:


Organic Hydro meet Rellikbuzz, Rellikbuzz meet Organic Hydro.
OH, my neighbor thinks that DE smells like crap too, my nose must suck. LOL.
OH you like them trees I guess, LOL. Hey if ya got the room, right.
I wish I could let mine go that tall, limited height here, I am contemplating scrog though. I am still watching these babies grow, loving it.


Active member
OH,,,,, ohhh my my my!!!
Those look soooo sticky sweet! CB is soon to be on my wish list it looks like!! :wink:
Way to HyGrow!!! :joint:
~Wikid :friends: :smokeweed:
Thanx for the kind words and support everyone :friends:

sleepy , lol yup it just 2 plants in there this round , i only ended up with 2 females so thats why i grew them so big , next round will be 8 of the big yield CBII's and 4 of the smaller background plant , it has such a worderful berry smell that i just have to give it another round or 2 .

zeppelindood , thanx for the kind words and support , i took to hydro like a duck to water all those years ago , glad i gave it a try, as while i'm a good dirt farmer {i also grow veggies & flowers outdoors} , i'm better at hydro when it comes to cannabis.

Rellikbuzz , thanks bro , glad you found my thread , i'll be keeping this thread going to do all my clone runs and more CBII seeds i have yet to work with , so this is not the only grow of these people will get to see , i'm hoping that with the 12 CBII's i still have to find a even better mother .

rule35sub1 , while i'll never grow these plants this big again {next round will be 4 feet max} i needed to see what these plants like and will take , so i over veged them to bump up my yield , and to see how they like the nutes , i'm very happy with how things are going at this point .
talk to ya again soon bro :friends:

Farmer John , thanx bro , hehehe , theirs some big ass nugs on those plants , my 2.1 megapixel cam just cant do the plants the justice they deserve.

wikidcalibudgrl , thanx for the love sweetie , you might get your wish sooner than you think :friends:

thanx again everyone for the love and support , it helps make this all the more worth while :friends:

My best to you all.



OH... just WOW!

Your Cherry Bomb is an AMAZON! Holy smokes... I just KNOW that will be awesome.

Everytime is see this strain name... I'm reminded of John Mellencamp's song by the same name...

That´s when sport was a sport
And groovin´ was groovin´
and dancin´ meant everything
We were young and we were improvin´
laughtin´ laughtin´ with our friends
Holding hands meant somethin´ baby
Outside the club Cherry Bomb
Where our hearts were really thumpin´
say yeah yeah yeah
Say yeah yeah yeah

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