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CherryBomb II Organic Hydro Style

Thanx wikid , the funny thing about all this is, she got into a accident 3 days before her 21st B-day , Her mom and I took her out and got her blasted for her 21st,then the next night the same , then 3 days later she went to a big mall with her girlfriends to see " the ring 2" and when she came out of the theatre the car was gone , so between taking her out twice and getting her juiced :biglaugh: and now all this B.S. i'm worn out :eek: i'm not as young as i used to be i guess :rolleyes: .

Hey CC !
thanx for checking in , ya those nugs are nice and dense bro :wink: that top cola is fatter than a baseball bat and as hard as a piece of oak :biglaugh: and looks like it's been diped in sugar.

Hey HOG !
ya they should really swell in the next two weeks , wanna take my place down at the DMV lines bro :wink: i'd trade a fat sack to get outta that :biglaugh:

Thanx fine peoples , talk with ya's soon.
Hi rule :wave:
i've been using PBP for the last few years as my only nutes in my quantum system , while i dont think that it's truely a "stand alone one part" i just mix some bloom juice in with my veg juice during veg , and some grow juice in with my bloom juice in flower, and then it's just right :wink:


Active member
Organic Hydro said:
Hi rule :wave:
i've been using PBP for the last few years as my only nutes in my quantum system , while i dont think that it's truely a "stand alone one part" i just mix some bloom juice in with my veg juice during veg , and some grow juice in with my bloom juice in flower, and then it's just right :wink:

Ahhh, the old "scientific" method... :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

just kidding! whatever you are doing, it's working VERY well!!! :eek:
OK , today is day 54 12/12 , Here's afew shots of some lower nugs on the P1 plant , looking nice and frosty and rippining up nicely , trichs are starting to turn cloudy and their giving off a very fruitish stank :smile: this is their 4th day of flushing and sofar i'm pleased with the looks of things , should be some nice smoke , i tried alittle lower nug from the P2 plant that was only 40 days 12/12 and it was a real nice heady high , alittle green & berry tasting but heady none the less , OK taste testers start getting those taste buds warmed up :biglaugh: :headbange




Active member
Looks awesome OH! :wave: Happy Easter :friends: When do you start feedeing sprouts from seed? peace, bONZO :smile:


They look awesome! I am thinking about trying the same nutes you are using.
Great job bro.
Sleepy - ya looks like winter is gonna be staying late in these parts :biglaugh:

Bonzo - Thanx bro , i use rapid rooters and they dont need any fertz added untill around the 3rd week of veg growth , their the best thing i've ever used to get sprouts up and running.

H.O.G - thanx bro , i'm sure i'll have no trouble enjoying the hell outta these nugs :wink:

rule - thanx buddy , give PBP a try , i'm sure you'll find it to be worth it's weight in buds :biglaugh:

wikid - thanx sweetie , you need a bib ? :wink:

thanx again everyone

Happy Harvests To You All.

Hey wikid , 1 bib coming up :smile:

What's up everyone :confused:

well i've been going through my notes for this grow , and i noticed afew things that i could improve on for the next round , since this was my first grow with this strain it's been kinda a learning experience for me to see what these plants like and how hard i could push them to make sure i got the maximum yield.

first thing i'm gonna change is their flowering PPM's , i fed these plants at about 2000 ppm's for their first 5 weeks flowering, and after looking at my weekly "ppm's used" chart i see that the plants were only using about 1300 - 1400 ppm's through out the week , SO , from now on i'll be mixing my nutes to just above 1400 , and saving my self some cash on nutes :wink:

Next from looking at my notes i noticed that i gave them plenty of nitrogen for the first 6 weeks of flower , this turned out to be abit long for these plants , as their greener than i like for being 57 days 12/12 , as i said before since this is a first round with these i'm learning what they want , with that being said , from now on , i'll be lowering their nitrogen intake starting at about the 4 1/2 week mark next cycle.

next on my notes is flowering hight , i flipped these plants to 12/12 at 3 feet tall , since they doubled in hight in flower , i think i'm going to try flowering their clones at about 3 feet again , and some i'm gonna top at about 2 1/2 feet and see how much of a difference in yield they'll be between untopped and topped.

Well after reading all that , i think you all deserve some pic's :biglaugh:

So i'll end this thread today on a high note , :joint: Here's wishing you all a BIG & healthy harvest :smile:


See Ya L8ter



Awesome OH!

I cruise by your thread every other day... just to sniff the pixels of your CherryBomb! I suppose I should post every now and then.

You've done a masterful job with these girls... holy smokes... they look wonderful.


Those are some absolutely beautiful buds. Im really on a fruity kick lately. Have about 9 days till harvest on some Strawberry cough, then I'll be doing Grapefruit next. Cherry Bomb sounds like a strain I'd like to try, especially after looking at yours.

i use rapid rooters and they dont need any fertz added untill around the 3rd week of veg growth , their the best thing i've ever used to get sprouts up and running.

Big fan of the RR. Great for sprouts or seeds. Great growing OH, Peace.


Active member
Strappin' on that Bib!! :wink:
GEEEEEZZZZ :eek: Those are some Stout lookin nugz! :eek: again! You did an awesome job OH, no bout'a doubt'it! LMAO :biglaugh: Stay down man :headbange ! :smile: ! WOOOHOOO! :jawdrop:
RR's have the benif. ,,,:rolleyes: uhhhh :chin: chit in it right, for the roots??



Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
Wow!! Love those bud shots OH, simply amazing they look great; I know someone who’s a happy camper!!


Active member
:canabis: :canabis: yum yum cotton candy!! :canabis: :canabis:

a true learning experience!!

thank you for sharing your talent!!
Thanx everyone.

Maistre hey bro dont be bashfull , leave a post or 4 it's cool , i dont bite ..... much :biglaugh: thanx for the kind words

mhung420 thanx man , i just love fruity strains myself , i'd say give some CBII's a go their priced right and are some nice plants , and your right RR's are the sh!t with out a doubt !

wikid hey sweets , ya there's some nice stout nugs on those babies , thanx for being such a big supporter for this grow hun :friends: and yes wikid those RR's have benefical microbes in them :biglaugh: . your funny :smile:

BigToke hey bro , nice to see the master of the bio buckets dropping in :wink: , thanx for the kind words , and i wont be the only happy camper on this board enjoying these nugs :joint: .

Sleepy come on bro when are you going to hook that 4 site drip system back up so we can get that thing singing for ya ? thanx for being such a big supporter of this thread my man ! :friends:

soon come ..... harvest shots !

take care good IC people !
