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CherryBomb II Organic Hydro Style

Thanx Maistre ,
if i remember right he was " johhny cougar mellencamp " :biglaugh:
when he wrote that song .

thanx again bro.

Here's some shots of some lower nugs , their looking frosty !



Hey bro. They are looking good. Very nice! Reminds me of frosted flakes, lol.
how are they smelling now?


Sick bro

Love shootin the shit with ya
love seein another good farmer doin their thing man

got nothing besides WOW to say... so



Active member
Damn OH, even the little nuggies looks scrumptous!! Can't wait to see the finished product. You got that system rockin' now, bro! Keep those pics coming. :yes:


Active member
Uhhhh,,, did someone trip in your flower area wit a bag of sugar??? lmao,, looking SWEET man! any close ups of the tops of those babes!!?

~The Wikid One
Rule ! right now i'd say the smell is like a exotic fruit in the air , touching a bud produces a kind of "cotton candy'ish" smell , and if you rub a stem , it's like a sweet cotton candy pez , not a hint of "skunk" anywhere to be found :smile:

dan , thanx bro , it's cool shooting the sh!t in chat with you too :biglaugh:
i think we could both talk about plants & strains untill the cows come home :biglaugh: thanx again buddy :friends:

Rellikbuzz , thanx man , they are frosty little nuggies , i'm having a hard time not picking afew for " taste testing " purpose's :biglaugh:

wikid :friends: Shhhhhhhh , your letting out my secret on how i make them look so frosty :biglaugh: , really though , they are coming along nicely if i do say so myself .
i'll have some shots of the top colas in a day or two for ya , they are bigger that my fore arms already and have a ways to go yet , the one is gonna yield 2 - 3 OZ's easy :wink:

thanx again every one, it's nice to make new friends & i hope we all grow together in more ways than one !

all my best to you & yours

Hey Everyone :wave:

Well today i thought i would do alittle time laps photography so everyone could see how much these plants have changed from week to week.

Lets start with the first pic i posted :biglaugh: this is day 13 12/12

this is day 19 12 / 12

Here they are on day 22 12/12

Now we jump to day 30 12/12

This last pic is the most current and is day 40 12/12

I'll have more new photo's up later today , hope you enjoyed seeing them "growup" in a timeline like this , it's hard to believe how fast plants change , when you see them everyday you just dont notice it as much.

Grow On Everyone !


Dank bro!!

That looks so nice in there, original maui waui is killer by itself, its not tough to imagine what the cherrybomb is like!!! KILLER WITH A SIDE OF CHERRY!~!! Hope you enjoy the hell out of it!

Talk to ya Soon



i tried flipping through my pc screen, to watch your buds grow, it didn't work. i think it only works flipping through a paper book. LOL
Pretty cool OH. The one i don't like, is the one with your head in the way!!! LOL
Just kidding bro.


Active member
Definately a great way to see a grow throughout,, so impressive how they grow, I Luv It!!!!

& Rule:
I like your sig :biglaugh: ! it so true too :rolleyes: :wink:


New member
MMMMh, I've always thought tall girls were sexy. Can't wait to get my cuttings (asleep in the fridge) back in action. My next growroom will be able to handle tall ladies like yours. Nice grow OH, keep the updates comming.
thanx dan , your a standup guy :wink: , i plan on enjoying the hell outta these buds 4sure , my spare room smells like a berry farm right now ! it's just sooooooo sweet !

rule , :moon: , what's the matter my pumpkin sized head in the way of scoping those nugs :biglaugh: , their smelling so sweet bro ! :biglaugh:

wikid , thanx luv , it's nice to see the plants going through their changes , i wish i could have taken photo's of all my grows , but untill digital cams came along , it was just too risky !

artdeco , thanx for dropping back in bro , get them cuts outta the fridge and get them running , i'm starting to lean to running another batch of plants almost this size for the next round , i'm starting to like looking up to them :biglaugh:



Hey there friend nice show..The ladies are in picture perfect health..nothing makes me happier then healthy ladies with there petioles raised high..nice skills brother

take care
Thanx GreenFriend .
they've got about 17 days to go yet, give or take 3 - 4 days.

Well today i thought i'd shoot some shots of their clones , i took more than i needed as i didn't know how well these plants would take to cloning , but i'm glad to say that they rooted up real easy & are not fussy in the least bit.

Here's a shot of just the P1 pheno , i'll be running 8 of them next cycle , this is the big yielder of the two , and has more of the candy smell { still dont know if i would call it cherry yet , cotten candy yes , cherry i'm not so sure about.

This is a mix of 2 P1's{ on the left } and four of the P2's , this plant smells like grapejam ,berry funkish , and is the way lower yielder of the two , i'll be running all four of these next cycle as i decide if either of these plants get more than 2 - 3 grows.

Well thats about it for today , i'll have fresh shot's of the "monsters" up in 3 days for their 50th night 12/12 , wait untill you see how much they've changed :wink:

Hey Peeps,
Well i'm late on my update & afew other things{someone stole my G/F's daughter's car} as i've been dealing with stupid donut scarffing pigs and dim whitted insurance people , i cant wait to go to the DMV on monday to report the plates stolen , that should be a whole day in it's self :rolleyes:

Here's 2 shots of them @ day 50 12/12 , while not my best work they'll have to do untill saturday when i have more time to shoot close up's and and try to get better shots of them with something for scale.

Today is day 2 of flush{day 52 12/12} and their running through their nitrogen pretty fast so i might be able to harvest around day 60 - 63 from the looks.

I hope your all having a better week sofar than me :rolleyes:



Active member
Hey OH,

Dam! :( sorry to hear bout the piggy times you've had this week, least it wasn't for the "girls" though RIGHT!!:chin: ! , that's too bad for the G/f's daugter though, hope it all turns out in the end.
The plants are looking Killer man! It's no wonder why you called um Monsters :biglaugh: Those colas :eek: are something for you to be proud of, and me to aspire to :rolleyes: :wink: Way to HyGrow OH!!