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California Legalization Bill Introduced

Hey Pirate, I didnt want you to be mad, sorry if that happened. Sure you have to see all aspects, but im wondering if you could be a bit more happy about it.
Dont get me wrong, i dont wanna say, that u are false or so. Im just wondering if those things will occur, are they still worse than being criminalized for nothing? Damn, I can only dream of being allowed to have some plants around me :-D


Active member
Well I found out that the money for taxing Cannabis is AB 390 is passed is going to Alcohol and Drug programs instead of the states general fund because it would require a 2/3's vote to pass assembly since it would be a tax to the general fund. Source is a journalist in contact with Ammianos staff. Use drugs to fight drugs I guess makes it more politically acceptable.

Commitee's that are supposed to be hearing the bill include Revenue & Taxation, and Public Safety.

Laws involving minors (including sales to those under 21) will remain on the books. Medical patients under 21 leaves a big question mark. Because medical patients are not affected by ab 390 directly.

Also they don't feel this bill favors the wealthy and rich or corporations because using the alcohol model there are micro brewers, boutique wineries and specialty distillers.

Background Checks will be required for anyone to get any sort of licenses involved with the legalization just like alcohol. So if you have a conviction for anything you are pretty much excluded from growing/selling for profit. Which is where I have a fucking problem. I had a bullshit conviction that I didn't deserve and yet again the government is going to exclude me. While I don't oppose this bill, I won't be walking a few blocks away to the state capitol building courting assembly members to keep this bill alive.

And seriously please, don't move to California thinking you can grow/sell tons of cannabis and get rich unless you have a serious game plan, cause the medical community will be able to undercut by nature of AB390 should it pass. Also this state while is kinda cool has a lot of drawbacks. The air is hardly breathable, and yes we are having severe water shortages, which might ruin our whole agriculture industry (not just cannabis), the water shortages are so bad they are debating reselling treated sewage water, this was in the sacbee this last week, talk about organic grows. The traffic sucks and the drivers are worse. The food sucks and people can be plastic, rude and/or two faced. But yeah we do really have good pot. Like the poster said before here we smoke 2 grams in the morning, you need it just to deal with life here.


Active member
Apparently you guys never shop at home depot.

I tell ya what........I'm from Orange County, but right now I live a a tiny ass mountain town and EVERYDAY there are 20 or so Mexicans standing out on the corner waving down every car looking for work. If I drive 10 miles down the street I'll pass 3 or 4 hitchhikers. If I run to the liquor store...........It's almost guaranteed I'll get hit up for "Change".

I notice that you guys didn't refute the economic or utility problems.......caused by overcrowding. What about water shortages.......In my mind only? Blackouts don't exist?

I just might run out and snap a photo of the local corner for you guys. Then you tell me if Tijuana Central is a figment of my imagination.

why do i need pictures? ive lived in socal since i was born with a short 3 year stint in l.a.

you can talk about watet shortages all you want. as far as im conerned its all talk from the higher ups. let me tell you how our "water shortage" has affected me. it hasnt. ive never had my water shut off on me.

rolling black outs? more talk. i saw it on the back of my bill telling me what they were and that i was in one of the zones that participates. its never affected me. only time ive had black outs was when the shit hit the fan and shit took a dump on the powerline itself or a retard ran into a transformer with thier car.

you are taking an example of what you have experienced in some areas and applying it to all of cali. in my experience, that isnt the case.


all I know that the money is not in cali... Too many growers already if I sold my precious..I could get twice as much on the east coast as the west.... I love cali.... but why why would I ever move there.... cali is full of fruits and nuts.....


Active member
Arnold has already said he will not pass the bill. I would not want to see the precious herb in the hands of our f.u.c.k.e.d up state or federal governments anyway.:fsu::noway:


Lammen Gorthaur
It's a long road and there are bound to be some more potholes along the way. We are talking about the government here. Look on the bright side of things. If they are arguing about dope they at least aren't spending money your state doesn't have to spend. I think the marijuana issue will get lost in the thunder of the herd and then in a few months everyone will kind of run out of gas on this and it will (once again) peter out...


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
Hey Pirate, I didnt want you to be mad, sorry if that happened. Sure you have to see all aspects, but im wondering if you could be a bit more happy about it.
Dont get me wrong, i dont wanna say, that u are false or so. Im just wondering if those things will occur, are they still worse than being criminalized for nothing? Damn, I can only dream of being allowed to have some plants around me :-D
I wasn't mad man. :Smiles:

Thanks for caring !!


Isn't it funny how the need for money makes it ok to be legal?
Money is the reason marijuana was made illegal and it is money that will make it become legal.

heavy dank nugg

Sorry I dont have a link maybe try google. I seen it on TV they were talking about this new bill and he said it is highly unlikely that he would pass the bill.
never said anything even remotely like that.Why are you lying?


Active member
And seriously please, don't move to California thinking you can grow/sell tons of cannabis and get rich unless you have a serious game plan, cause the medical community will be able to undercut by nature of AB390 should it pass. Also this state while is kinda cool has a lot of drawbacks. The air is hardly breathable, and yes we are having severe water shortages, which might ruin our whole agriculture industry (not just cannabis), the water shortages are so bad they are debating reselling treated sewage water, this was in the sacbee this last week, talk about organic grows. The traffic sucks and the drivers are worse. The food sucks and people can be plastic, rude and/or two faced. But yeah we do really have good pot. Like the poster said before here we smoke 2 grams in the morning, you need it just to deal with life here.

Dude you're crazy. California is a much bigger state than you make it out to be. We have more beauty and nature here than a lot of states combined. It sucks for you that you live in shit hole Sacramento where the air sucks, but there are PLENTY of places in this state with wonderful air and ABUNDANT water. Come on, the food sucks? I'm not sure where else you're going to find a more diverse culture with more options for cuisine. People in northern California are some of the most down to earth people I've ever known. It sucks if you live in Sacramento, LA, Fresno, Bakersfield, Modesto, and while they contain a decent population of people here, they are only a tiny tiny percentage of the options for living here. It truly is a marvelous state with amazing natural beauty, marred by a shitty government. I should know, I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world, at the base of a magical mountain just a few hours north of you, you should check it out sometime.

If you don't like then you can just gggggggggggget out.
The way i understand it, the federal law over rides the state. In many ways the europeans really have their shit together. But remember we still live in a capitalist state. And as my daddy always said, Remember the golden rule...whoever has the gold makes the rules.


Whatever dickhead the guy who is proposing the stupid bill even said he probably would not pass it so F.U.C.K.O.F.F troll...

Man someone doesn't want the bill to pass. If you don't want it to pass well shit, why does it matter to you then? Read up more and tell me now if it will pass.


money and power corrupt .power just wants more power so juxtapose the interests of the state police,prisons unions whom are only interested in locking people up 1 in 100 of americans now.
against the state with an ongoing budget deficit and our dollar heading towards what happened to the argentinan economy in the 1980s.
Its logical to think that some legislators and senators would tap into the revenue stream of californias largest cash crop.so knowing this i ask myself and everyone else in california do you really want to support the state public unions and everything else in the garden state or maybe let the people who arrest and imprison others in the name of our supposed welfare?so they can
retire with fully benefits,earn over 100,000,and retire when their 50?apply that same logic to any other public union ?whos standard of living is obscene compared to the unemployed,homeless?
I say no to feeding the leviathan of state bureaucracy.:kissass:

Dr Psycho

This is Cool the best way to ensure it passing is to get the Fast Food lobby behind it for the obvious spin offs. An ounce of Mendo Purps will only be 15 buts but Doritos will be $!00 a Bab LOL


Registered Non-Conformist
In one of the Emerald Triangle Counties, High Times promotes all sorts of "Come and Get it" Ideas.,...

Here's one.... In the aforementioned County, 7 plants = Felony.....

Still excited...? Nothing has changed in NorCal. In fact it is worse than ever, politically.