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California Legalization Bill Introduced



can you imagnine the behind the scenes threats, lies, bribes, persuasions and warnings going on right now from the various groups and corporations that own the politicians who see legal grass as the end of the world...their lobbyists will be working overtime!

They, the drug companies, the religous fanatical right,the prison industry, the police force, right wing politicians etc, will lose profits so will spend millions, play dirty and get wet if they have to ensure this doesn't happen as they know that if Cali goes then the whole world will follow...eventually.

Offering smoker's licences to Cali State residents only might be a good idea too.....this will prevent an influx of wankers from the mid-west and the east coast.

I think plant numbers are not going to be a problem for the average grow your own gardener....cos since cannabis will be legal, who gives a shit if you have ten in flower and ten clones and a few mothers in veg mode? no one...the only problem will be those who practice excess, ego and greed.

any hoo-rays that the decrim of cannabis in Cali will get rid of the state's massive debt is just silly wishfull thinking..in the very short term there will be a modest improvement then reality will set in as other states follow suit and the state is flooded with tons of Mid-West pot.

if this does happen (and I'm extremely doubtful that it ever will) then I wonder if teen pot use in California will resemble Holland that has one of the lowest percentage of teen pot use in Europe?...I doubt it, especially at first, but in a few years Californian teens will feel it's not cool to smoke cannabis then teen use will resemble Holland.


plant pimp
Just like alcohol,there are big corporations that make the cheaper,bulk,shittier alcohol,and move truckloads of the same shit everyday. Then there are those smaller breweries and winemakers that still take their time and time after time put out that really good stuff. Same with this. Sure there will be people buying corporate weed and swearing by it. But I doubt they will have the good genetics and even if they do get them,how will they dry,how will they cure? It will be interesting to see how people who have outlawed this plant and fought all these years to get rid of the plant,handle the plant! This plant we love is a
picky one! So many diff strains,breeders and ways to grow...this will be interesting.


"only ten plants for personal consumption!"

I say fantastic!...I'd veg them for 4 ~ 6 months and grow absolute monsters (instead of force-flowered tiny bonzais I now currently grow)

will this legislation ever pass?.......I hope so, but I ain't holding my breath. Back when Jimmie Carter was Pres, the USA was just weeks away from the official announcement of the decriminalization of cannabis..and the world would be a very different place than it is now..read up on it, they bought, lied, cheated, scared and framed to make sure that pot was kept illegal. read up on it......that was the real day the music died


I never understood why people bitched about plant numbers, unless they are some serious greedy ass motherfuckers. They say plant number has a limit not plant size, with an long or unnatural veg time and proper pruning techniques you can pull a fucking hella lot of weight off only ten plants. Definitely enough for one person to be smoking quite a bit everyday (roughly at LEAST a half ounce per day lmao), for a long ass time. Unless your a shitty ass grower or a greedy ass bitch selling for profits, 10 plants is quite enough.


New member
I can see how many would see this as a positive, as well as those who think this is a negative. However; I am not sure why so many people believe that anyone who would move to cali in the hopes of escaping pursecution from their own local government would some how be a huge problem. dont get me worng I can see how the people looking to come there and make a quik buck would upset the balance, but the people who just want to not worry about losing what little freedom we have left that will either grow their own or pay for it rather than trying to profit from it. I have been thinking about making the pilgramige for awhile, and its not to move in on cali farmers precious market. I simply just dont want to have to worry about losing my family or freedom. If I was lucky enough to have been raised in a state where it was possible to grow and smoke medically I would not even consider the move, but I was not born into a state where this is possible, and it seems like the people that are able to grow legally dont really want anyone else to be able to enjoy the same luxary they enjoy daily out of some fear that they will not be able to profit in much the same way as the businesses they believe to be evil.

Share the love people, and if you are unable to out of your own personal issues, than my advice to those peole would be to make what you can now while you still can since you have almost 2 years before this bill passing is even a possibility


First and For Most I hope we can find a way to grow our plant and pay our dues to society just like every other law abiding citizen.

Chamba is hitting a point most of us are overlooking...The people who will want to move here or come here if this bill does pass.

Will we have our CHP doing roadblocks on our borders with AZ, OR and NV to make sure NON-California Residents (and residents) dont come in and out just for the pot smuggling purposes?If im correct California already has a shortage of CHP's.
I feel the issue of our open borders with our neighboring sates as more of issue with this bill than anything else.

and a message to all who want to come here if it all it does pass. DONT. I would wait because if anything I bet will have the FED's and the DEA back on our asses busting AB 390 (name of legalization bill) grows and dispensaries.


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
I can see how many would see this as a positive, as well as those who think this is a negative. However; I am not sure why so many people believe that anyone who would move to cali in the hopes of escaping pursecution from their own local government would some how be a huge problem. dont get me worng I can see how the people looking to come there and make a quik buck would upset the balance, but the people who just want to not worry about losing what little freedom we have left that will either grow their own or pay for it rather than trying to profit from it. I have been thinking about making the pilgramige for awhile, and its not to move in on cali farmers precious market. I simply just dont want to have to worry about losing my family or freedom. If I was lucky enough to have been raised in a state where it was possible to grow and smoke medically I would not even consider the move, but I was not born into a state where this is possible, and it seems like the people that are able to grow legally don't really want anyone else to be able to enjoy the same luxury they enjoy daily out of some fear that they will not be able to profit in much the same way as the businesses they believe to be evil.

Share the love people, and if you are unable to out of your own personal issues, than my advice to those people would be to make what you can now while you still can since you have almost 2 years before this bill passing is even a possibility
Well my comments about people flooding the state really had nothing to do with growing or profits lost. It has to do with the fact that California is packed like sardines. We already experience major smog, Higher fuel prices, electricity shortages (so bad they actually shut off whole city's called "rolling blackouts") TRAFFIC up yur ass, High home prices, WAY TO MANY HOMELESS, Panhandlers everywhere and on every corner. I hate getting out of my car because ya get swarmed by beggars at every store, TRAFFIC !!, Extreme Water shortages (major problem), Hard to find rentals (housing), ILLEGAL ALIENS standing on just about every corner looking for work that will rush your car if you happen to stop at a light. Did I mention bumper to bumper TRAFFIC??

An influx will compound all the problems above to even higher extremes. We are already on the verge of bust and they claim that this law will bring in 1 billion. UUMMMM..........we are 40 billion in the hole. So they'll make 1 billion and then cause all other state problems to magnify and cost more than they take in. Dumb !!:wallbash:..:mad:
Hell, u all are pessimists. You try to find bad things arising with the legalization while we all fight to just reach this goal. And now that you come close you get frightened or what? I really cant understand that. If u'd be thinking of how to make things work better, that'd be nice and kind of an advantage. But the way some talk one has to get the opinion, that you want to be criminalized and hunted forever. Be happy, enjoy and fight for your rights.

@Pirate, I can't get the essence of what ur talking. Many of the problems u mention are not caused by the crowded space, but by the way we all behave.
Smog, Traffic and so on are not problems that only californians observe. It is in fact a world-wide problem and it has more to do with mankinds disability to look further than presence instead of a maybe-to-come-legalization.


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
If your from Germany............You have no clue what I'm talking about and I wouldn't expect ya to.

If your from California. YOU"LL GET IT !! If you don't.......I suggest a drive through Los Angeles.

I can find plenty of good from a law like this and I am one of the most optimistic people you'll ever meet.

But Optimism means your smart enough and willing enough to look at the possible bad as well as the good and not pretending they don't exist.

Pirate sees all sides:

If you start with a full glass of water and pour out half........Your glass is half empty.
If you start with an empty glass of water and fill it half way.......Your glass is half full.

Mt Toaker

can you imagnine the behind the scenes threats, lies, bribes, persuasions and warnings going on right now from the various groups and corporations that own the politicians who see legal grass as the end of the world...their lobbyists will be working overtime!

They, the drug companies, the religous fanatical right,the prison industry, the police force, right wing politicians etc, will lose profits so will spend millions, play dirty and get wet if they have to ensure this doesn't happen as they know that if Cali goes then the whole world will follow...eventually.

Offering smoker's licences to Cali State residents only might be a good idea too.....this will prevent an influx of wankers from the mid-west and the east coast.

I think plant numbers are not going to be a problem for the average grow your own gardener....cos since cannabis will be legal, who gives a shit if you have ten in flower and ten clones and a few mothers in veg mode? no one...the only problem will be those who practice excess, ego and greed.

any hoo-rays that the decrim of cannabis in Cali will get rid of the state's massive debt is just silly wishfull thinking..in the very short term there will be a modest improvement then reality will set in as other states follow suit and the state is flooded with tons of Mid-West pot.

if this does happen (and I'm extremely doubtful that it ever will) then I wonder if teen pot use in California will resemble Holland that has one of the lowest percentage of teen pot use in Europe?...I doubt it, especially at first, but in a few years Californian teens will feel it's not cool to smoke cannabis then teen use will resemble Holland.

Please don't call me a wanker because even if this doesn't pass I plan on moving out there. :joint:


An f'ing state official introduced a bill to legalize MJ...this fact alone is a major step in the legalization movement. If Cali legalizes it will just be a matter of time before others do as well and the scenarios Pirate envisions will be moot. I lived in San Diego for a few years so I know all about the probs that Pirate is talking about. Cali would be a great place to live if there weren't so many freaking people....I would never move there again and I'm sure more than the majority of tokers wouldn't either.

I think that we as a community should be f*cking over f*cking joyed that we are even having this discussion...

Chomp :joint:


New member
Although I am not from California, not even from the US, you have my full hope that this bill passes.

I promise if the legalisation bill passes I will visit. I've always wanted to visit Cali, and this just may be the incentive to plan that trip.




Active member
unless youre talking about l.a. exclusivly, pirate is greatly exagerating the problems in so cal...

sd aint shit for traffic, anywhere. homeles jumping at you when you get out anywhere in the city? wtf.

l.a. traffic does suck dick though, regardless of time of day.


New member
I used to live in San diego and was way too young to have been concerned with traffic, and when I go to cali this spring im goin to san fran so i shouldnt even have to see LA but im sure city traffic around san fran and oakland will also suck pretty hard, but it should make a nice vacation either way.

I can only hope this bill will pass in 2010 so the rest of the country can slowly catch up and begin to do the same, much like what is currently happening with many states from a medical standpoint.....

take care all.....and stay safe...

High Jinks

unless youre talking about l.a. exclusivly, pirate is greatly exagerating the problems in so cal...

sd aint shit for traffic, anywhere. homeles jumping at you when you get out anywhere in the city? wtf.

l.a. traffic does suck dick though, regardless of time of day.

Seriously, Pirate describes cali like a crowded rock concert attended exclusively by homeless and job hungry Mexicans -only accessible during rush hour.

California is great if you can afford to live there...except Fresno, I guess. What a shithole. LA blows pretty hard too.


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
Seriously, Pirate describes cali like a crowded rock concert attended exclusively by homeless and job hungry Mexicans -only accessible during rush hour.

California is great if you can afford to live there...except Fresno, I guess. What a shithole. LA blows pretty hard too.

Apparently you guys never shop at home depot.

I tell ya what........I'm from Orange County, but right now I live a a tiny ass mountain town and EVERYDAY there are 20 or so Mexicans standing out on the corner waving down every car looking for work. If I drive 10 miles down the street I'll pass 3 or 4 hitchhikers. If I run to the liquor store...........It's almost guaranteed I'll get hit up for "Change".

I notice that you guys didn't refute the economic or utility problems.......caused by overcrowding. What about water shortages.......In my mind only? Blackouts don't exist?

I just might run out and snap a photo of the local corner for you guys. Then you tell me if Tijuana Central is a figment of my imagination.