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All About PowerPlant on CocoSlabs with 4x600hps



gaiusmarius said:
@ Amd

yeah i agree coco is a fantastic medium all round realy. i'm now uesing my slabs for the third time round. its fast and simple and worthwhile lol.

@ TheSkunkyDemon

the slabs are lieing on a waterproof table covering made of thick hardened pvc. it has one drain at the end which is above my tank. so its a closed system no leaks possible. i have reused the coco slabs up to 4 times.


M8, great,fast, informative grow. Very inspiring. Cupla Q's, What was your feeding schedule for the coco, don't remember reading if you recirced or run to waste. Do you think coco could be constantly recirced. Do you believe that the best results from coco are when it is treated more like hydro than soil.
I am just about sold on coco and will probably change next grow. :wink:

Stay Safe. Peace.


GM your grows rock!

What happened to the White Widow mannn? :]
You should consider AK47 over that power plant, its just... BIGGER! hehehe :p

Awesome grow, congrats dude!


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
Haya GM ~ this is an incredible grow bro……….thanks for sharing is with us.


Left Half of the table...


and the story goes on...

and the story goes on...

@ vhGhost

thanks, glad you enjoyed the show.

@ Green Bastard

cheers mate, its appreciated. are you the one who makes those famous bastard brews?

@ suburbanhomeboy

the canna coco slabs i use are only about 7 cms thick. glad if you found it useful. thanks for the compliment.

@ AussieStix

i did actualy cover these things, but its becomeing a long thread so here goes ; i do recirculate my nutrient solution. i have my pump on a timer which is set to run 4 times in a light phase for 4 minutes each time, which is enough time to make the water start to gush back into the tank. i would not let the pump run all the time. although i must say i have forgotten to turn it back off after a flush and its run for 2 whole days without doing anything bad to the plants, not even a stutter in the growth rate. how long that would go on is another matter though.

to get the full potential from coco slabs you have to use a dripper setup and treat it very much like a hydro grow. even when the slabs are full of water there is still allways enough air present. so you can run the pump even more then 4 times a light phase if you want.

@ Neptune

my ww is still around don't worry, thats not a strain that i'll be loseing out of my sight any time soon, not if i can help it lol. this thread is actualy an old grow from a while back. although for some reason i never finished posting the harvest shots. since this whole OG thing went down i haven't started any new threads on flowering. i did take some pics of my last WW harvest which turned out to be my all time record harvest.

i would like to try the AK47, but for the moment i'm working with some SourDiesel v3 and some Basic Diesel, once they are sexed i'll test grow them to find the keepers.

@ BigToke

hi there, glad you like the show. wish i could do a thread on my present flowering space. i have a much better climate controller than before, its still incredibly quite but now it adjust speeds according to temps which the other one doesn't do.

@ baccas125

if your speechless now, then maybe i should post the harvest pics lol. thanks mate.

@ HellaFella

hope you enjoyed that PowerPlant spliff mate. its damn strong stuff, even if the taste isn't as intense as the WW for example. but the hit will be noticed even ontop of alot of other thc. which is pretty cool really.

dude thats an awsome shot there, i see you know how to grow in coco, lol. but tell me what strain is that? it looks wickid with those huge buds. superb job old chap, thanks for shareing.

@ FreebirdTTu

do you mean the thread or the last pic, or both lol? thanks anyway, hehe.


it is a very cool way to grow, thanks. as far as i remember i pulled just slightly under 500 gs per lamp with this run. it didn't go perfectly.

many thanks for all the comments

peace and all the best :joint:



Nice work Gaius.. Thanks for putting up the thread. Lots of inspiration and good info.

I used to check out the grows you and Supanoob and some other coco heads did on OG... Did any of those dudes make it over here?

The power plant sounds like it's treating you well... good yeilder and good smoke.


Hey HellaFella

dude that bubba dutch SSH looks fucking awsome. does the SSH stand for super silver haze? the PPP look great too. were you uesing one tank for both strains? i can't wait to start makeing my own clones. just today i was finaly able to tell which were the males amongst my new SourDiesel and Basic Diesel mums. should be fun test growing the females.

Yo GroNut

thanks for the nice coments, i try and be informative when it comes to this way of growing.

i have seen supanoob around here, he has a new handle. i saw yoshiscolas around too a while back but not since, MG is on the docs site as far as i saw.

like i said, this PP grow is actualy an old grow from last year. my last run was my favorit WW.


Thanks gaiusmarius...you mean to tell me the slab is 7cm deep? So the roots just grow horozontally? Thats about 2" deep. That really gets my brain spinnin. I mighjt need to change the containers I am currently in. I'm usin 10" deep containers, but a longer veg period.

I may have to try and experimint a bit with this.



Self Proclaimed Hash Whore
ICMag Donor

I have been looking over new system and was wanting to try work on a table. Your setup is exactly what I have been looking for and has inspired me to head in this direction.

If you have time would you impart a tiny bit of wisdom on an aspiring coco grower. I would ask you this: "In short what lesons learned would you pass on to someone looking to trying an very simlar setup?"



Thanks gaiusmarius...you mean to tell me the slab is 7cm deep? So the roots just grow horozontally? Thats about 2" deep. That really gets my brain spinnin. I mighjt need to change the containers I am currently in. I'm usin 10" deep containers, but a longer veg period.

I may have to try and experimint a bit with this.


yes indeed suburbanhomeboy the canna coco slabs which i've been uesing for ever are only 6 or 7 cms deep. each slab is 1 meter long and i put 4 plants in 1 slab. but i only veg my well prerooted clones for 3 or 4 days on the coco slabs, then i bang them into 12/12. this way i don't waste my room time with veging for long. and the plants seem to produce just as well and are that much faster to cut because all the buds are good size, because they were not too far from the lights. the roots grow horizontaly, i know this goes against conventional wisdom but its true never the less, i've been doing it long enough to know bejond a shadow of a doubt lol.


I have been looking over new system and was wanting to try work on a table. Your setup is exactly what I have been looking for and has inspired me to head in this direction.

If you have time would you impart a tiny bit of wisdom on an aspiring coco grower. I would ask you this: "In short what lesons learned would you pass on to someone looking to trying an very simlar setup?"


hello purcellville, what can i say, lol? in my opinion coco slab growing is one of the best ways to grow indoors. with coco you get the best of both worlds, you get a fully biodegradeble product, which you can use for easy 3 or 4 harvests. it grows like hydro but tastes like a well grown earth grow when done right. furthermore its very forgiving and easy to use. you just got to forget some of the rules of conventional growing. if you really want to grow with coco you should read this thread through. you'll find every detail in there to do it yourself. any questions you have after that don't hesitate to ask.

peace and all the best:wave:



Self Proclaimed Hash Whore
ICMag Donor

I do have one question. I undestand the slabs remain usable for a few grows. WHen you pull the cubes off do you have a lot of work cleaing up the remaing roots on the slab?

Is Coco usable with a E&F or is strictly drip and what might your opinion on either be? Granted I know you used drip and I am leaning towards drip more and more as well.
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a drip setup has a few practicle advantages to a E&F setup. its simpler to setup and it needs no air stones nor chillers just a tank pump filter and the lines. i think ebb and flow would work with coco, but it probably isn't ideal for coco. its a great pity OG went down as i had a great thread on building my setup from the ground up posted, includeing all the details on the dripper setup and thepump etc. even the water temps can vary much more with a dripper setup then E&F. a drip of slightly cold water will not overwhelm and freez up the medium. but if you flood with too cold nutrient solution you will shock an plant. maybe you can tell i'm a dripper fan lol.

i have tried it both ways, when reuesing the coco slabs. ie i've pulled the cube off with as much root mass as i could which i then shook free of coco over a tray and then add the coco back to the hole it came from. this worked well, but was alot of work. in the big places they just use a carpet knife to cut the RW cube away from the coco slab, then the new plant gets placed on to and thats it. also works well, this is with this system, if you veg for months then the slabs will fill with roots and you'll not do more then 2 runs. but with my way of veging only 3 to 4 days on the coco i can keep reuesing the slabs in the same holes. i have also tried it by placeing the plants in new holes cut inbetween the old holes, this also works well. coco is very easy going in that way.


Ebb & Flow is IDEAL for coco....! I dont know what is more nicely suited for E&F then coco?

Why are airstones not necessary for drip? AERATE AERATE AERATE!


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
................hay HellaFella, that is an awesome pic……way to go dude…… :yes:

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