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Abby's Bud Shack


New member
hi all =)
im new to this site, i found it after OG went down, anyways i wanted to say what a great thread... such a friendly bunch that i thought i'd say hello.. and thanks to abby for sharing such great pics, im so impressed by your grow skills and photography...wow

will try and get some pics of my grow up soon and any feedback / advice would be welcomed... i'm sure i could learn a lot from you guys.....

hope to chat to you all soon..
PEACE :joint:


Active member
Hey Abby,
Man what an awesome trip. Abby the shutterbug, man you got a way with the camera bro. Thanks for sharing the awesome picks.
You know Abby, I was reading your post from back with the Bog Gypsy thing, that post is sure fitting to the current state of affairs around here now.
So um, how'd the automated watering setup work out? Just curious, I know you had a plan. Is it something you may continue to use to make life easier?


Grow 8 Harvest Time

Grow 8 Harvest Time

Boy I hate it when that happens! I just finished typing out a long response with all the latest news and responding to all visitors and I accidently hit the side "back" button on my mouse and **POOF**. Gone! So my apologies to all of the visitors, I'm just too tired to do it all over again. Thanks everyone for stopping by, including our newest member Kreenfinger - Welcome to ICMAG! It was truly a superb trip, and I have so many pictures and stories to show and tell, but right now I'm trying to get through harvest time as Grow 8 is being chopped. Unfortunately, I took ill immediately after my return here, and haven't been able to do much of anything except sleep, so harvest is taking a long time to finish. I did manage to take a few pics tonight, as well as doing my very first bubble run with some fresh trim I froze the day before. Many thanks to my good friend Wallyduck for the gift of the BubbleBags, and for teaching me the fine art of bubbling in the outback! It's drying now, I'll have some pics of it tomorrow. For now, here's a few budshots from Grow 8's harvest.

Abby :wave:


Active member
sorry to hear you fell ill, abby... :badday:

can't wait to see more of your tavelogue!

beautiful pictures, as always! :woohoo:


The Hashman Cometh!

The Hashman Cometh!

Behold the Hashman, totem of the mysterious "little people of the mountains" from the land down under, Australia. During my travels I heard many tales about an unseen race of people that inhabit the mountains of Queensland, known by the Aborigines as "the little people". Apparently they come out at night, and make small totems out of whatever objects they find! :D

Australia is certainly a colorful and vibrant place, even the common birds are beautiful such as this rainbow lorikeet having breakfast in Wally's yard:

New Zealand on the other hand was more artic than tropical, at least in the South Island areas that we visited. Even though it was summertime, there were places that were cold enough to require a jacket, or even a blanket at dinner! :wink:

Here's a few more scenes from New Zealand:

Sleepy - Thanks, it sucks being sick after having such a great time! The doctor has scheduled me for more tests, apparently they saw something they didn't like in the old kidneys. For now, I'm on some wonderful little pills and am feeling no pain, of course I can't work or drive.. but hey, who needs to pay bills? :D

HashAssasin - That last macro was taken with a Nikon 60mm 2.8 Macro lens.

BluEBLaZeS - Thanks for stopping by and being inspired! :)

Abby :wave:


When I look at your pics..I want to go hiking right away...but it is winter now and it's out of question...well, I can do it with snowshoes but it's not the same :D

Get well soon Abby :wave:



Abby Makes a Bubble Run!

Abby Makes a Bubble Run!

Greeting Friends!

It's so great to have all of you drop by the Bud Shack, there is no politics here, just a down home comfy place to kick back and smoke a bowl while looking at some pics! Greetings to all, it's great to see old faces and new ones, please don't be a stranger and stop by anytime! :wave:

I'd like to thank my good friend Wallyduck for teaching me the fine art of bubble hash making, as well as for the most bodacious gift of a set of bubblebags. I just finished a run of some of the trim and buds I have been saving in the freezer, still have quite a bit to finish, at least two more runs to go! here's some pics from tonights batch:

Thanks for the tutoring Wally!
Abby :wave:


oh yea thats the stuff mate ,, u can see the difference between the indoor and the outdoor herb ,, i think the indoor makes the better quality , and boy that stuff there is no exception abby ,, good form mate ....


Hi Abby,
Your photography skills are inspirational, and so is this thread for that matter.
I'm glad you had a great time while you were down here, you have certainly shown the world what a wonderful place it is in Oz, with the shots you took.
Looks like your gonna have some killer bubble there bro, what a generous duck our Wally is. Hope to see you at the Madi Grass wally!


Somewhere Over the Rainbow...

Somewhere Over the Rainbow...

G'day Mates!

So nice to have our Aussie friends Wallyduck and timtim visiting the Bud Shack. Thanks Wally for your tutoring, that bubble turned out very well indeed, although it did darken up a bit when it dried. :confused:

timtim - Our Wallyduck is indeed a generous person, as is almost everyone I met during my trip down under. Oz is indeed a magical place, and I only regret that I did not have enough time to explore it further. There are so many things to see, I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to visit, and hope to return one day!

It's Oz night at the Bud Shack, and here are a few more pictures from the trip...

The rare Australian Hash Beetle:

A scenic view of central Queensland:

Aboriginal Rock Paintings:

The Undara Lava Tubes:

What a magical place!
Abby :wave:
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