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Abby's Bud Shack


another perfection creation of mother nature!!!!!
awesome !!!!
hope you can show us more pics!! have fun and good smoke!!!
JAH bless!!


Abby's Back!

Abby's Back!

Hey Gang!

Just got back from the adventure of a lifetime, and all I can say is WOW! I had such an awesome time... many, many thanks to my travelling partner and host Wallyduck. I still can't believe all the things we saw and did in the space of 12 days!!! We literally drove all around the South Island of New Zealand, almost 2,000 kilometers we travelled seeing sights like these:

And then back to Australia for a trek through the rainforest and a visit to Wally's "patch" complete with friendly wild animals like this oppossum:

Here I am in just a small section of "the patch":

More pics to come when I have some time to go through them all, it's great to be back!!!

Abby :wave:


lovely pics Abby, makes me want to take a trip out there.
That oppossum is cute :)


Wow...awesome shots and landscapes! Looks like a trip you never forget! Nature is good....



Welcome back Abby. Is that sea or a lake in the third picture? The color of the water is amazing.


wow abby great pics mate , was a pleasure to have you visit ,, drop in again anytime mate ...


Beautiful Buds & Heavenly Hash

Beautiful Buds & Heavenly Hash

Howdy Folks!
One of the high points of the trip was a chance to sample some of Wallyduck's awesome bud and bubble hash. I had not smoked hash for about 15 years, and needless to say got totally ripped from just one hit of Wally's "bush bubble". Here's a good look at some of his tasty hash treats:

It's no surprise Wally's hash is so good, being made from some of his tasty pineapple c99 crosses such as this c99xgrapefruit bud:

It's no secret that good buds are essential for making great hash, and Wally certainly has both! MMMMMMMMMMMMM Good!

Sleepy - Paradise indeed... it was an eye opener for sure! Thanks Sleepy, it's good to be back :)

Zilaniz - Glad you like the pics! Ma Possum is indeed a real cutey, much nicer than the possums we have here in the States.

Budgrinder - Nature is indeed good, and this was one trip I will never forget! Glad you like the landscape shots, it was my first try at landscapes with a new Nikon 12-24 lens I bought just for the trip.

Salakavala - That lake you see is part of an ancient volcanic crater, and is being fed by a glacier in an area close to Mt. Cook in New Zealand.

wallyduck - Thank you my friend for having me, it was a trip well beyond my expectations... and it was such a pleasure to meet you and your family. Can't wait for our next adventure... Wally and Abby in Thailand! :D

HOT CARGO - Sweet indeed... and there are more pics yet to come!

Abby :wave:


those hash pics came out excellent , a real joy for me to see some of the pics that were being taken while i was present , makes me realise how many i missed .. lol ..
hope you dont mind me adding 2 of the pics i took while we were travelling , boy we got some good shots didnt we ..
thailand , yes i cant wait , ive always wanted to go there since i was a kid , might get a new camera for the occasion i think ,, better get it soon , will take me a while to work out how to use the darn thing .. lol ,....



welcome back Abby
Looks like you had a great time in your travels and the pics are beautiful as allways Good to have ya home :wave:


Sounds like a great trip!

Going to Australia is the closest to visiting another planet. Everything is different, the people are friendly and such fabulous scenery!

Can't wait to see your pics.


Hey Gang!
I haven't had much time here to go through pictures, as I took ill upon my arrival back in the states. I guess it's withdrawl from all of those wide open spaces and fresh air, but I did manage to upload a few more pictures this evening. Here's some shots from our scenic flight over the Southern Alps of New Zealand:

cheeba - It was a great time indeed! Glad you're enjoying the pics... Lord knows we have a few to show :wink:

wallyduck - Of course my friend, post any photos you wish, we did indeed get some killer shots! And a new camera for Thailand? Wow... we are getting serious! :D

southernsmoker - Thanks Southern, it's good to be back!

HashAssasin - Another planet for sure! Australia is a land of many different landscapes, all built on red soil! Got some Australia pics coming up next just for you tonight.

Oreganic - I agree, Wally takes a great pic!

Australia is a wide open country with varied landscapes, from the tropical rainforest and farmland of the Tablelands to the rough and ready outback of Undara.

The wildlife can be cute and cuddly:

Or ready to eat you alive:

Oh... and watch out for those semi's when you are out taking a drive!

Abby :wave:


Looks like you had an awesome time abby! great photos... thats one mean looking reptile...


hey abby , i got alittle wallet just the shape of those things hanging down on that wallaby ,, lol ,, darn ...
man what great s hots ...


Great pics Abby, Looks like you had a terrific time. Down under certainly has a lot to offer. I'll be looking foward to more pics.