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Abby's Bud Shack



Grow 8 Flower Day 35

Grow 8 Flower Day 35

sunnyside - Thanks for stopping by my friend!

mosess187 - I'll do just that... the buds are maturing now to the point the pictures are actually worth looking at. :wink:

Amd & 2buds - I'm afraid I'm not quite qualified for the job, I'm just a bit too honest and down to earth. But I would be interested in being president just long enough to free the weed! :chin:

Grow 8 is coming along nicely, and the plants are getting heavy with fragrant, sticky buds. While I'm sure I could regale you all with with a wonderfully descriptive account of their progress, I figured I'd just let the buds do the talking. Here we are at day 35 of flower mode:

And finally... I knew I shouldn't have let the girls watch the Rose Bowl... guess we have a Texas fan in the grow!

Abby :wave:
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That which does not kill me... makes me stronger!

That which does not kill me... makes me stronger!

Greetings Friends!

Thanks for stopping by the Bud Shack, it's always a pleasure to have you drop by! Today, I would like to take a moment and talk about something other than my current grows, or photography, or my upcoming trips. Instead, I would like to speak a little about fellowship, and my personal view of the cannabis community as it stands today.

I started smoking pot in the mid 70's, a time when bags were sold by the finger, headshops were legal, and Cheech & Chong quotes were the rage ("Dave's NOT HERE!"). There were no seed shops, seeds were plentiful, and sinsemilla was just starting to gain popularity. The only real strains you heard about were Acupulco Gold, Panama Red, and Maui Wowee. It was a magical time of Thai Sticks and Nepalese Temple Balls, High Times and Purple Dragons. In those days, if you smoked weed you were part of "the club", and hell, everyone I knew smoked it. I made friends with a couple of local growers who ran a pool supply business, and used to spend my days in their store playing backgammon and smoking weed while listening to the stories they would tell.

For the most part, weed was... well, weed. It was either good weed, or it was mex, which was the general term given to the brown crap you would occasionally run into. Sometimes you would get a "name", like Panama Red, but it wasn't until sinsemilla really became popular in the 80's that the names began to have more meaning. In my area it was Gainseville Green, or Micanopy Moonbeam, and the occasional Puna Butter and Hawaiian Purple. For extra money in college I would sell QP's, and of course that also allowed me to keep a good bit of stash on hand. I stopped smoking weed in the late 80's, and eventually lost touch with all of my friends who did smoke... wives will do that to you! I started back smoking pot about a year and a half ago... oddly enough, just after my divorce was final! The first weed I smoked after all those years was my own, and I documented that first grow in an Internet thread named, aptly enough, "The Old Man and the Seeds" over at the OverGrow site.

Okay, so now you're asking yourself... What is this? The Abby Normal Story? No, it's not. What I'm trying to say is that I am no stranger to cannabis, even though I am a relative newcomer to the industry it has become today. In my time, the Internet didn't exist, and the marketplace was much different, with just head shops, dealers and growers making the money. Almost noone grew their own, and seeds were freely shared to those that did. Almost everything was grown outdoors, and the known strains you could count on two hands. It was a far cry from today's world of websites, forums and auctions, seed vendors and elite clones, a place where new crosses and so-called strains are seemingly born daily, and it's now a time when more people than ever are growing their own, and doing it indoors. There is money to be had in today's world, and where there is money, there is strife. There is a certain truth to the old adage, "money is the root of all evil". It can pit brother against brother, lover against lover, and friend against friend... money may be evil, but it's a necessary evil.

Let's face it, a man's got to make a living, to provide for himself and his family. The Cannabis industry as it is today, makes a lot of money for alot of people, in alot of different ways. One of the most striking things to me was the availability and prices of seeds in the marketplace... you have to remember, in my day seeds meant nothing, and were freely distributed. Now you can get seeds from the Internet, with exotic sounding names, and equally exotic prices. I was amazed, and remember thinking DAMN... this is legal? Well of course it's not legal for most people, and for the majority of us neither is growing, or posession of weed or seed, or for that matter the accessories to smoke it. Archaic and oppressive laws are also part of the problem, and security is always an issue, and cannot be taken lightly!

In truth, most of us are breaking the law, whether it is fair or just is not the issue, the point is we all face consequences for our actions if caught. I think at times people forget this simple truth, and no matter how pretty the picture, or how nice the latest cannabis book is... it's still about something that is illegal in most of the world. Despite this fact, here we are on the Internet, describing in glowing details our grows and discoveries, our growrooms and setups, our pretty pictures! It's not exactly private, but the owners of this site, and others like it, do their utmost to ensure our safety. I think this is something most people take for granted, and I for one would like to personally thank Gypsy, Dutchgrown, and all the staff here for making this site safe and secure for all of us. I consider ICMAG to be my "home" site, but saying that does not mean I will not have a presence in other forums on other sites. While I personally think ICMAG is one of the best cannabis sites on the entire Internet, it is not the only one, and I find the whole bit about "leaving" one site for another to be ludicrous.

In the old days, if you smoked weed, you were part of the club, the "Fellowship of the Weed", and I don't really see how that has changed. We are all in this together, we share a common love, we are, in essence, family. As members of this fellowship we talk about high ideals, that our moral character is somehow purer due to the kharma we receive being growers and smokers of God's Gift to Man. Buddhist sayings are common place, but talk is often cheap and for most, actions speak louder than words. But the ideal is sound, and we should all remember that we are a family, not just an ICMAG family, or a CW family, or a High Times family, we are a fellowship of people who have come together to share our common love for cannabis. Business and pleasure rarely mix well, and all families have their squabbles, but that does not mean we are still not family, and not still in this together!

Call me a dreamer, but I consider all of you my friends, and my family. I both admire and respect BOG, and I am still proud to call him friend. As his friend I will not judge him for his decisions, but instead will offer my help in any way that I can. Likewise, I respect, admire, and most importantly TRUST both Gypsy and Dutchgrown, and will give them any support they require or need. In the future you will probably see the Bud Shack hosting some Plan B strains, along with many more. It's not about egos or who's side your on, or money, or power... not in the grand scheme of things. What really matters is fellowship, love and respect, honor and integrity... those are the things that matter. As smokers of the fine herb we should be rejoicing in our love of the plant, not bickering back and forth like a bunch of children. I love you all!

Your Friend,
Abby :wave:
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Plant Manager
Abby... ... ... speachless. Your words are as beautiful as your pictures. I admire your character and your convictions. I am PROUD to call you my friend.:respect::respect::respect::respect:


Active member
Your words and actions shine on like a hopeful ray of sunshine around here!!!

Enough with the :dueling: and on with the :canabis: !!!

:yes::yes: -kind regards from yer pal guineapig :friends:


Active member

That was a great read. I'm also an ex-70's toker. I remember as a kid my bro-in-law (who had been in Nam) unravelling the string on his Thai sticks. As a teen, I read High Times and smoked my bong in my room, watched TV, read a book, listened to the stereo. I tried growing a plant in my closet (my mom didn't care) but didn't know shit about growing. Ah! If only I had the Internet! A totally different time than now. A simpler time. A happier time. If I could go back I would.

The recent 'episodes' have been on my mind, too, as of late. At first it all kinda upset me, but then I figured everyone has their own path to take. All I know is I'm staying right here.

Anyway, I've been meaning to drop in and say "Hi!". Check out my grow if you're interested. You take much better pictures than me. I'm impressed.

Take care, bro...

~Abbie :joint:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Growing together......and not apart.

Growing together......and not apart.

.....Yeah Abby.........the sentiments within your post are truely beautifull......I just had to quivver with a certain mix of emotions whilst reading it......not least because I can relate to the Californian scene in the late 70's early 80's for I was a small part of it....

....We all take many risks in doing what we do for this plant for it to be able to be grown worldwide and it does develop a definate comraderie amongst us........many times when money comes into the equasion it tends to spoil what were friendships.........but since we live in a capitalistic orientated world and so much is controlled by market forces often this is hard to avoid......

......Times change and people change with it......Here we will all strive to carry on regardless of these little hiccoughs along the way that we might have to circumnavigate or assimilate......

......All we need to do it Carry On Growing!.......together.......and not Apart!

*and Wow! man......those pics are simply gorgeous!!

...see ya in April!


Fine words Abby, I agree with you 100%. And will only support you in your future grows no matter who's strains you grow. I like you don't believe in cutting ourselves into camps. Divide and conquer is how 'they' keep us apart.


As members of this fellowship we talk about high ideals, that our moral character is somehow purer due to the kharma we receive being growers and smokers of God's Gift to Man. Buddhist sayings are common place, but talk is often cheap and for most, actions speak louder than words. But the ideal is sound, and we should all remember that we are a family, not just an ICMAG family, or a CW family, or a High Times family, we are a fellowship of people who have come together to share our common love for cannabis. Business and pleasure rarely mix well, and all families have their squabbles, but that does not mean we are still not family, and not still in this together!

That will preach.........in any language

All my blessings Abby - I hope we meet someday - it was your photo skills that got me wanting to buy a camera and your thread that I mimic in the" Sugar Shack" / I am a rookie yet with it / but improving.

All my best


My last post for a bit...

My last post for a bit...

Greetings Friends & Fellow Cannabis Enthusiasts!

This will be my last post for a little while as I prepare for and then embark upon my Australian photo safari. It promises to be an exciting adventure, and I would like to thank Wally Duck for his above and beyond help in hosting me for my stay, and finding lots of fantastic spots for us to explore. Thank you my friend, we are going to have a fabulous time. Even Father Time is going to make a trip over to the homestead, can't wait to meet you all!

Grow 8 will be finishing flower while I am away, and will be ready for harvest upon my return. The picture above was taken a few days ago on day 41 of flower mode. It's a jungle in there! Grow 9 is currently in veg, and will be moved into flower as soon as the room is cleared. It looks like it's going to be another big grow, partly due to the fact that all of the Head Seeds turned out to be female. That's right, every single one, of two different crosses (Head's Deez and G13xEcsd). Nice job Gratefulh3ad! We also have some female Pine Orange and c99xblueberry from Wally Duck Seeds, only the Sour Bubble 3 has yet to show sex. The pic below is of the Head Seeds gals, a couple of Wally's, as well as a few moms on the fringes, under one of my two T5 lamps.

I really like the T5 lamp, my units are the 8 bulb variety with an equal mix of warm and cool bulbs, and they put out a LOT of light. I am seriously thinking of replacing both 1k lights in the flower area with T5's, they are that good. Low heat, low power requirements, no noise, excellent light output and penetration... what more do you want? I figure I can replace the 2 1K lights with 4 eight bulb T5's and save a bunch of money on my car insurance, as well as my power bill! :wink: I also have a new watering system setup that should hopefully take care of everyone while I am away, we'll get into the details of that upon my return.

Before I go, I would like to take a moment and say what a wonderful thing it is to see that some of you took the time to read my previous post. I have always tried to be non-political, and have never had an unkind word to say about anyone. While I wanted to remain silent on the whole issue, my heart would not allow me to keep quiet. I truly do love all of you as family!

sunnyside - Thank you my friend, the feeling is mutual!

guineapig - Hey GP... let the sunshine in!

AbbieDoobie - Thank you for stopping by and saying HI, it's always a pleasure to have a fellow old fart visit. :wink:

Gypsy Nirvana - Growing together and not apart... that's what it is all about! I look forward to meeting you in April!

SmokeyPufmaster - Thanks for the support Smokey!

No Where-Man - Thanks for stopping by, I'm so glad to see my pictures have inspired you, if there is any help I can give you please let me know!

Budgrinder & Grat3fulH3ad - Awe shucks... just saying what needed to be said :D

ilcstoning - 3 Cheers for MJ indeed! -=Puff Puff Puff Pass=-

See Y'all In a Few Weeks!
Abby :wave:
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Have a safe trip Abbie and i look forward to you photo essay on your return, OH YEAH, and smoke some of that nice aussie outdoor for me bro!



It's a Wally Waterfall!

It's a Wally Waterfall!

Hey Gang!

Having a GREAT time on the road with Wallyduck... we have seen so many incredible things during the past few days, and this adventure is just getting started! Lots of excitement still to be had, but it appears that there has been quite a bit of excitement around here as well! My thoughts and prayers go out to all those caught up in the recent maelstrom, it seems my earlier post was quite prophetic, and perhaps now everyone will understand that we truly are a family! It is how we handle the challenges life presents us that defines us all... all for one, and one for all!!!

Here's a little pic from the trip, I'll post up a few more later.

Abby :wave: