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350 clones are out!


Get two birds stoned at once
Got any recent pics? I love seeing so many plants, wish I could start that many and have a place to put them!


one in the chamber
That's just nuts! Props for having the balls to attempt a grow like that. I hope you don't have a dry spell. Hand watering all of those girls would be a major pain :D


Active member
hopefullly not,,, rains often in the mountains,but i do i use polymer crystalls, so that willl help in the event of drought.... i also have the ability to pump water to each patch but prefer not to do that..



Yah boy go go go.............
Good luck,ill be back!
Very very nice, Inspiration for everyone, i wish i started earlier, now im kicking myself in ass everytime i view someones outdoor grow log.

nice job tho man i will be staying tune for sure!


lookin purty. does that finger mean shes gonna get a sack o sperm dumped on her or what ;)


Active member
no its for the satallites that are always watching me watching me. you can't see it but i have the inside of my cap lined with tin foil to block then from reading my mind :abduct:


Active member
here a few pics of some of the girls in bags, did a bit of topping and staked them up..i drive the stake into the soil and right thru the bottom of the bag into the ground below to anchor the bags agains wind

U really think that about sattelites? Me and my buddies think like that too.
I figure they can see our shoe manufacturers on our feet since anyone can see craters on the moon thru the telescope.
Its a sick world
Excelence with the grow man, and the steak thru the bottom of the bag sounds awsome. What is it like less than a dollar for a bag?


wow, so seriously nice guerilla hard work! looking forward to this!


Active member
"I dont see any fishing line" niether do the deer when they walk into it..lol

dont worry its there...i use 40pound test gurilla line, and wolf urine. some of my patches iare even completely surrounded by chicken wire fence..and game trails near my patches are set with rat traps to scare off approaching animals before they get to my plots
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