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1000w 4x4 flood/drain SOG


Active member


"good point potroast , i forgot to mention that i only use about 2-3 inches of hydroton because i don't feel you need much more than that for short vegged plants"

does depth of hydroton for no-vegged plants depend on how many and in what size of tray?

i have 20 in a 2'x2' tray...?

i'm using 7" of hydroton, and am wondering if i can use less than this.

and neptune, yes i'm thinking of cutting those trays down for my next grow.

good info guys. :joint:


420 - thnx for stoping by :D , i don't use much hydroton because i've noticed that most of the roots that you get in f/d you'll find at the bottum of the tray, (like a mat * about 3" max) thats why in a 4x8 f/d table i can use maybe 3-5 inchaes of hydroton and only use 60liter res.

in a 2x2 tray i bet u'd get away with just having 3-4 inches of hydroton.
20 plants for a 2x2 tray seems a bit tight but if you trigered them right away you should have a problem.

Edit : just on a side note - remember hydroton is just another medium thats used to retain moisture for the roots while your in between floods. so if you want to use more hydroton go ahead its not going to harm your plants, and your flood times can be spaced out more. ( * just on a side note - flood times are determined by your environment -=to much heat in the room will dry out the hydroton faster than a cold room=-)
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vhGhost and others,

Do you find that Hydroton causes your PH to gradually raise?

I have data from 2 systems right now, E&F and DWC. The DWC is 8" netbaskets with drippers, the drippers drip over the hydroton into the buckets. The E&F uses rockwool blocks as medium.

The total water used in both systems is very similar, each is about 60 gallons.

The DWC PH is constantly raising, about .1-.15 per day.
Whereas the E&F PH does not move at all, it's locked...
(gh 3 part only, no additives)

damn vhGhost, those are some fast finishers... I might be interested in that strain :]

Here's my SOG!

(some more on my thread)
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neptune thats a sweet e/f. about you ph problem - i've had my 4x8 table as high as 6.2 for 2 weeks ( bad ph pen ) and it never effected my plants. other than that in dwc i noticed deficiencies as soon as the ph would reach around 6.0+ ( i think the ph in e/f is alot more forgiving than any other hydro method )

I really like your setup there looks clean. just a couple quesions for ya. - 1 - how many plants you got in there. 2 - hope you started flowering :D ? 3 - how many times do you have to flood a day. ooh ooh and wheres your thread @ ? :D


65 plants, maximum i can fit is 72.
that pic is day 4 flower.... check! :)
At this stage I am flooding once every 4 days. the cubes are very moist, and have a small standing water within the grooves of the tray until the 4th day... they will drink more as they grow... we'll see.

hmm, good to know about DWC.. i am having all sorts of problems with it :/ E&F n rockwool seems to be pretty easy. hehehe
thread is in this forum someplace, should be current


Active member


here's my homemade tray of cuttings of all sizes under 175MH, unfortunately, still new to the entire process, trying to get everything timed out right and dialed in....

was just curious to see how many would fit in a small space...
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l0l 420 dude thats awsome, packed in but looks like they still have their own area .. very nicely done !


that is a pretty crafty box, you do need a drain though :p
Looking good you both ^_^


Active member


drain? i use 1 drain/fill line connected to the rubbermaid tote, i use this for a pump

if fills it,then gravity drains it. no overfill, that's the timer's job:)
you guys are so professional like....lol, i'm more in the DIY'er category :chin:


420 i agree with you on that no overfill drain line. i won't be using 1 from now on. i've always thought it was kind useless. ( unless you really don't trust your timer. ) & btw you really shouldn't have to worry about overfilling if you using the right amount of Gal'of'water for your table.



all you have to do to look professional is spend the 100 bucks and buy a nice 3x3 american agritech e&f tray.. it will change your life brother!!! So easy to use, perfect dimensions, and plants just grow amazingly on them :]


i should start another thread of the 4x8 with juicyfruit.
my last run i pulled just over 2.50 of 2000watts, all scroged( screen was 6 inches above the medium ) and ended up stretching ( because of heat issues ) , had to tie up every branch almost :D. i love 4x8's


Active member


i know about the trays, but i can't even fit a 3x3 in the closet, not deep enough, and all the other trays are like 2x3's and that's is basically size of tote. am going to use a better tote come soon, something flatter and bigger.


420 i gotto give it to ya !, its better than what i had :D when i first started


hey check out this macro shot i got of my new seedlings. :D like it ! .. this shot is of the seedlings center between the leaves.


Hi vhGhost

thats a fine grow you have on the go there. i wonder if you didn't overfeed them just a tad though? some plants will make better yields with a bit less then full stregnth nutes. but i'm just guessing when it comes to this strain. as i never grew it out till now. just the look of them gives me that feeling though.

anyway i just wanted to add my 2 cents on coco. its an awsome medium, i can only recomend it. wouldn't grow on anything else anymore personaly. like was said above it can be reused up to 4 or 5 times. its organic, but grows like hydro with a taste like earth when done and finished right.its also very easy to use, you just have to forget alot of the rules of growing that apply to earth or hydro for that mater. coco growing at its full potential has its own rules. anyway i better stop, lol. if you want to see coco slabs in action check the PP thread in my sig.

once again great job enjoy the fruits of your labour man.

peace and good growings



hi marius thanks for stoping in! ... excelent thread you got there. I think if i would try coco clabs it would have to be with a small system first... just to get into the swing of things with it. ( new systems scare me unless i've done my home work really well ).

i think i will try and do a 600w with a little coco to see how it goes.

oh and about the overfeeding... i might have because the person that gave me this strain asked me to push it so he knows what he can push them to! .. might have a small amount of stress because of it :D but its cool