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1000w 4x4 flood/drain SOG



Day 40 Flower Day 5 Flush

Day 40 Flower Day 5 Flush

ok well its not what i was expecting for 5 days flush, soooo that mean i might flush a little-bit longer. ( it can't hurt, can it ? ) BUT i can tell that the leaves are starting to show defficiencies. and the res went from 200ppm(day1 Ro water)( Finall Phase AN ) to 800ppm in those quick 5 days, and now we're back down to 0 ppm with a fresh batch of nothing but water. Yup yup should be fun ! might push it to 10-14 days if i can stand it :D what do you guys think i should do ? help me out here

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Active member


so you run your last few days just plain RO water? thought you weren't supposed to do that, just drop the EC way down to almost nothing. i feel like running straight RO water through these that i screwed up....
nice grow by the way...


420 thats right i run nuthing but RO water for the last 4-5 days. and since i started Flushing these girls are drinking 15-20 liters a day, thats alot for a 60liter res :D
Well you know they are only going to keep getting fatter, more time can't hurt. The strain sounds like it would be a really knock you down stone anyway so it might be optimal really.

So at this point what do you think is better, scrog or SOG? Gonna have to wait for the weigh in, but you probably have a decent idea which is better by now.


i would say they look very white still, a week more will do them good for sure, as it will give the calyxes a chance to swell up and become nice and fluffy inside. do you have a magnifier to judge the ripness of the trichome heads? i normaly like to cut once my fan leaves have started to yellow from the flush.


GAb - oh yes ! i've already noticed that they are getting fatter and fatter, and your right it can't hurt. This strain is one of my most fav. stones from all the weed i've tried.
SOG i think is my way from now on, but i do trim bottum sucker branches and i do top PLUS the tops i get of topping i keep bending them down so that the bottum branches can catch up( worked awsome i'll try to do a pictorial of what i do in the first 2 weeks of flower).

420 - sog is much easier ( but i've never done a 4x4 in a scrog with 16 plants so i can't say for sure )

Marius - right now there is about 30% Amber and all cloudy, - plus i do agree i like to cut when you can see a noticable yellow to green ratio( i'll see how it works out ) This strain doesn't flush very well, i was told by the mother owner that if pushed to far it will go hermie on me SO i'm keeping a close eye on them. :D

NEptune - hold your horses dude, its coming :D hehe i can't wait ether. Then calyx'es are getting so huge its amazing !


New member
Nice...nice work:)

IMHO...I think you really should wait before chopping. If you have the time...just try it.

You have 4ft wide on the table...but what is it to the walls there, at least 6ft across? Do you drop "curtains" that aren't pictured? IMHO, you might consider having your reflective "walls" right at the edge of the table.

If I don't go full Aero...I'm leaning towards E&F myself.


whoru i'm planing on adding another table in there 2x4? ( maybe or biger ) on each side of the table i have just enough room to move around and be able to inspect the girls for what ever. But they will be down very soon, it has to no time. :D
vhGhost said:
GAb - oh yes ! i've already noticed that they are getting fatter and fatter, and your right it can't hurt. This strain is one of my most fav. stones from all the weed i've tried.
SOG i think is my way from now on, but i do trim bottum sucker branches and i do top PLUS the tops i get of topping i keep bending them down so that the bottum branches can catch up( worked awsome i'll try to do a pictorial of what i do in the first 2 weeks of flower).

Gotcha. Not your traditional SOG by any means, more of a high plant number SCROG with no screen. Seems to be working nicely for ya :D


took 20 man hours to trim 3 lights .... tiiired !!! :yoinks:
all pics are of the hempstar.

More pics later tooo tired .. GOG - yeah i kinda screwed around a bit :D worked out .. good i hope. looks to be more than a pound tho ! .. :D
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New member
Real, REAL nice buds Dude! :)
I may hit you up for some E&F help in the future should I need it, if that's cool? You rocked that table to the max!
I'm a peatmoss mix guy...but may switch over to The-Hydro. The tables are already handy actually, as they are used to contain the runoff from the pots.

Cheers :beer:


whoru - i'm always willing to help don't forget that ! and i did not know that there where 4x6 tables might have to try 1 ... with a couple 600's


1 more pic and then the cured bud pics :D ... oh i was going to ask the opinion of those that are lurking on this thread .... drying fresh bud bud is better done (A) with lots of heat and a dehumidifier or (B) just a dehumidifier but cranked as strong as it can go OR (C) lots of air movement and the dehumidifier on %60 so that it slowly draws the moisture out of the buds..

* I believe it should be C .. cause you don't want to dry the buds up right away ( some say it should only take 4 days max .. sounds like a load of bull )

Thanks for the help guys



Active member
vh:another good method I use is using screen doors with a box fan on the low setting on each end of the screens,...usually done in about 5-7 days depending on outside rh.
each screen door can hold about 2-3 pounds of bud....then I use a clean dust pan to scoop them all up when dry...:2cents: :wave:


yeah i used to do it that way but i noticed that one side of my buds always ended up being flat, other than that its a great way to dry :D

Thanx for the input


New member
I've only seen it done one way.
At that plant size, the whole thing would be hung up for 5days in the dark at about 68-72* and the RH set to about 50-60%. Then the buds are snipped from the stalks and closed into a garbage bag or boxes, being careful to not have them too deep. Open and mix/turn over the pile a couple times a day for 2-3days. Then determine if they'll need to be layed out for a while to dry further or not.