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Indoor / Greenhouse Growshow 08


Registered Pothead
Sammet- Dude i barely had enough dirt for the last pot to be filled. Thats with five fat cupfuls of perlite too for each bag. I told myself this year i gotta go big or go home. I am sure next year i wont run as many plants though.
D- That is one clever idea you got there. Hmm i think i will actually do that. One that two people could hit off of. Would make a nice center piece for a table.
BR- Dude the afwreck tears you up man. It was grown in NorCal.
Alright more pics.
Seriously the best seat in the house.

That piney indica pheno

Some of the tops on the HxPK

Random shots of the other plants. I will get back there and take pics. Just kinda hard to move around in there.

The underside of the HxPK

The plant i tied down with the trellis. Took it off last week. Lots of toppers.

Oh and the veg plants inside are loving the MH.


Active member
YeeHa!! :jump: :headbange :woohoo: It's so lush in there I can't stand it.
You Cali guys...Good weather, good weed. I mean you just don't find shit like Afwreck here. That's why I grow.
Dude, you got a bad ass workbench too. Nice :canabis:


Registered Pothead
Hazy- Hey bro what up! I am pretty damn stoked on the way things are going right now too! Yeah cali is a fun place to live just so god damn expensive. Im in a three bedroom house and it runs me 1890 a month. Gotta stay growing and working just to live comfortable. I think i will post more glass blowing pics too so everyone can see some fun stuff. Who wouldnt like molten hot glass pics?


Chubby--i know about that cutting torch 0xgen at 35 and gas 8-10 psi

Working with one of them on a hot day is no joke


Registered Pothead
Hey silver. Yeah i run my torch psi at 35 sometimes more when i can get a liquid tank. Just dont wanna make a scene at the house getting one dropped off. You a glass blower also or work glass?


Registered Pothead
Hey hazy come over and smoke a bowl! Ill send you home with some afwreck. Had to stock up on some bomb till my next harvest is done.

Some pieces i slapped together the other day.



Chubbs.. looks like the new place is treating you good
i wanna see how those papayas turn out. got some beans in the fridge
i might have to get my hands on a few of those afwreck clones
my amigo that is sold on it. 45 day flower and 1-1.5#/kw
and excellent


Hey chubbs! howzit hangin?
Is it tough to make glass pieces?, I mean to say did it take a long time to learn?


wattup yo,nice glass pimp.
do all you guys keep ur beans in the fridge?
i dont have mine in the fridge should i put them there?
theyre only a couple months old.peace -Y-


Registered Pothead
Ogenko- Hey man whats going down? Dont got a cut of the afwreck but i think i can maybe get one. I got some other cuts laying around. Tell T if you are interested he can call me up.
Cellardweller- Its not too tough for me to make regular pipes and basic bubblers anymore. I was blessed to work and be friends with some of the sicker glass blowers out there. Go to glasspipes.org and look up phatassglass, dale sommers. Those peeps showed me whats up. It is kinda hard to pick up though without having other more experienced blowers to watch and teach you. As long as you understand the distribution of heatbases in glass you should ok to go. You just cant heat up cold glass and expect it not to crack. Maybe one of these days i will have my girl take pics off me for all the steps in making a pipe. Should give a good visual of what goes down in making a basic inside out pipe.


Registered Pothead
YwouldntI said:
wattup yo,nice glass pimp.
do all you guys keep ur beans in the fridge?
i dont have mine in the fridge should i put them there?
theyre only a couple months old.peace -Y-
My beans are sitting in a envelope from seedbay in the drawer right next to me. I dont think you need to fridge them unless you plan on saving them for a long time.


Chubb Im starting to think you might be my long lost brother from another mother, lol. We keep buying the same seeds, you been on Masterlow for awhile, I bought a pack, I just bought some Nirvana Bubblicious and I was also thinking about getting Mikado before you got them, now I think Im gonna get Romulan from Fed instead. =)

I do the same with storing my seeds too man, all the packs are in a drawer in a ziplock bag, Im starting to think I should put all the thunks seeds I got in the fridge, Im not able to grow them right now, my friend who grows doesnt want them, but I feel the need to keep them cuz I know its some good genetics, and in case I ever get the space.

I didnt know you made glass man, do you sell them?


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Hey Chubby - are those your own work? if so they are very impressive. Catch you around man


wassup chubb,i been wonderin the same thing as what luciano asked.in case you didnt know i always buy new glass.if you have a few pics of somethings you have pm them to me,if they cool i'd prolly like a custom piece.maybe we can link up and make somethin happen.-Y-


Registered Pothead
Hey hey everyone ill respond to everyone shortly just got home from the grandmas house with a funny story to tell everyone with pics even LOL.


Registered Pothead
Luciano- Get that romulan and post it up man. I have been interested in that strain for a while too.
Sammet- Yup all me man. My favorite hobby since growing weed seems more like a hob now LOL.
Y- If you are looking for some super heady shit man and from the looks of your garden you do! I can lead you in the right direction of some very close friends of mine. Ill pm you the names of the peeps i can get pieces from on glasspipes.org.

Ok let me give you all a lil bio on grandma. She turned 74 today it is also my sisters birthday. My grandma is crazy old lady like most typical grandmas are. She is all about feeding you like ten times a day until you wanna puke and eat more just because she is smiling at you handing you more food. She has known i have smoked weed since 11 and never has judged me on it. She actually handed me a bag of bongs and pipes she confiscated from me when i was a kid when i turned 20 LOL. Anyway on to the story. Last year i go over there for christmas. There being SoCal mountains outside of bakersfield. She pulls me into her room (she dont sleep in the same room as the grandpa cause he snores loud as fuck) and hands me a box. I open it and there are three shopping bags in it. It was over a pound or some super dank ass weed!! I always knew grandma was cool but this topped the cake. Well i guess she found a plant on one of her loony old lady walks picking up cans and whatnot. Well i go up there yesterday and when i get there she leads me outside to the side of house and digs through some plants and then pulls out a fucking pot plant!! It was a male but she doesnt know anything about how herb grows. It really made my year. Too bad i couldnt collect pollen off of it cause it started spitting it off a while ago.

Sorry for the long rant just wanted to tell and show a fun memory that will always be part of my life.


classic chubb,thats a cool ass memory to have with grandma or should i say G ma ;)
verry cool story man tell grandma i said happy birthday and ur sis .peace -Y-


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
aww granny grower. that brought a tear to my eye chub. lol what a saint to save your weed pipes for who knows how long.