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Think Green

Active member
Happy to hear that the crop was up to par! :yes: Was happy to be along for the grow. Can't wait to see whats on the plate next run! :bigeye:


zombie clone :)


i havent done the smoke report thing before, but here it goes i will do my best :)
the numbers are a score, 1 being crappy, 10 being amazing

smell - 9.0 - while growing it puts off kind of a blueberry/flower smell. which carries over into the cure and taste.

taste - 9.0 - even buds i pulled early and quick dried tasted good, i love the flavor of Zombie virus smoke. smoke it and you will fall in love :) mine had kind of a flower/fuel/earth taste. some amazing smoke.

buzz/high - 10 - i gave the "high" a 10, because its very hard for me to find a strain that will melt my face off, yet i can still function(for the most part:). zombie virus is some of my favorite smoke! smoke it and you will love it. i find myself killin a few bowls with my friends the taking magical trips to tacobell then to walmart to buy pointless shit :) i l love it!

bag appeal - 9.0 - some colorful stuff!! all three plants were turning purple, one way more than the other 2. the trichs on this strain are truly impressive. i had leaves with trichs all the way to the tips. so if you make hash like me this is a big plus :) all my grows are for personal use so bag appeal isnt all that important to me. but this is some pretty weed :)


if i am forgetting anything please let me know. feel free to ask questions :)

and props to OGA, i wanna thank them for their hard work and amazing prices on kick ass strains :) thanks bro's!!!!

nice avatar bionic lol!!

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Glad you liked it man, some of my favorite smoke too and I'm not being bias cause we made it lol.


new aero setup i have been working on. should be up and running next week :)



YAY! Crackers back at it! :yes:

what up think green?!! this is my new veg setup. i havent decided what kinda hydro im gonna run in flower. prolly some sort of mad scientist aero setup :) im stoked to see this thing in action. i like the fact that i can just stick cuttings in it and go.

Fat J

Clean lookin veg tubes ^.^

If you're doin aero - look into the micro spray systems that NASA uses - impressive yields. I think they mist at like 10 microns. (stay away from the foggers - only use true aero misters, the "dry foggers" are useless)


Clean lookin veg tubes ^.^

If you're doin aero - look into the micro spray systems that NASA uses - impressive yields. I think they mist at like 10 microns. (stay away from the foggers - only use true aero misters, the "dry foggers" are useless)

im just usin the EZ clone sprayers. they were cheap and they dont plug up like the super cheap ones got 12 sprayers in each tube.

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