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zeds-ak47-O)haze auto--fon


Active member
A pic of the F2`s


F1 10 days ago .


looking very green minime .

Stay green .


zeds fon 6 days later

zeds fon 6 days later

thanks all for the kind coments-
there starting to pack it on ---getting sticky and fruity smell





nice one mrbadger---they certainly do better in the ground than in pots---or they just grow bigger--culled all the small ones--quich dryed they got a nice hit--lots of seed----





not sure how long they hawe to go but-100 days maybe but definatly all auto--one plant is hitting 5ft but the buds are takeing a lot longer to form--starting to bud up now---no light change put in ground in late april starting to flower this week--strange

allmost there stay safe all


Active member
one plant is hitting 5ft but the buds are takeing a lot longer to form--starting to bud up now---no light change put in ground in late april starting to flower this week--strange

If it finishes ok i would`nt be suprised if it turns out to be one hell of a sweet bud .

Stay green .


how did i miss this one, i like your direct planting method, did you sow straight into the ground? or pots for a couple weeks first.


started in pots for a week then in the ground---some i just put a load of seeds on the ground put some earth on top an waterd them --when the hot weather cum they popt up---i did loose a few and had a high male ratio---but there the biggest autos i grown so far----i did managde to label them from small to big plants and only grew the seeds with big plants on but it seems to hawe paid off---i thought i had lost them when i found a load of seeds from 3 year ago i think----this is a seed run so i dont run out of seed---stay safe


the fon has great potential to be a pioneering strain for this country (& northern lat folks) :)

thanks zed and minime for the show!


Active member


Here`s a pic of the F1 shown in my post above , the growth rate of flower is worth looking at daily as they are banging it on .



It`s all looking good in the garden .

Stay green .


zeds fon

zeds fon

one of my dogs decided to grab a fon and pull it from the ground ---ouch---this is one of the smaller ones --i call them the dinky looking ones-----thesare f2s back crossed with the f4is----i chose only the bigger plants this year ----the dinky ones hit 2 to 3ft---the others are 4ft---one at 6ft whispery buds----zeds fon are oringanaly

My autoHaze was bred from a fully auto female AK47/LR hybrid (bred by Mdanzig), which I pollinated with an OriginalHaze male (SkunkmanSam's stock


i hawe been growing these since 2006---i did not grow them last year as i thought i had lost the seeds but found them in an ice cream container---well happy----i allso grew zeds ak-oh none auto which is huge late noerber i chopt it--but hears an early plant 2 to 3 weeks from finish--

stay safe


zeds fon

zeds fon

they are starting to become uniform in structure---not so many diffrent phenos--there are one main cola ones the multi top cola ones and the dinky smaller ones---and one big one 6ft plus now---it is starting to flower but this came from a few f2s i had---the males wear all f4s


2 weeks on some 3 weeks on the others all seeded


no not realy--i just take what seeds zed gave me and just bread them 2008 i done two runs planted march chopt june planted june chopt early october---but i started culling the small males---but theres still a lot of variation---iv done a few crosses my self but nothing big ---as long as they auto im happy----i do right on the seed packets weather there strong in potency or not---i ditch the weak ones and keep the best ones as well as the big ones---im still getting the dinky ones but going realy for size---i have afew of esbens seeds that autoed and they been pollinated with the fon---allso got xrd auto indica as well as fon and indica been messing with them 3 year now---thats all it is a learning curve ----staysafe

rocket high

Active member
Hi mini me ...dont know how i missed this thread .... love the photo's by the way :biggrin:
they do look like they would do well in scotland ...its been crap weather up here for the last month and it doesnt look like it's going to get better anytime soon ..just our luck i suppose
Up here we only get 4 month's of summer (may-aug) so it has to be auto's you grow or your risking mold other wise ...it suck's

is the fon finnished in 4 month's ? if it is that's the ones for this climate ....;)