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Zamal, GN03


Hi everyone.

I have been given a bunch of zamal seeds from gipsys 03 collection, but I cant find much information on these.

Have anyone here grown them or know something about them?
Then please enlight me.

Bless and best vibes

Laugan Gaucher

zamal come from Isle of la Réunion in indian ocean near south africa under madagascar

Ace seed and DUBI have working with it and share the same genetic than Gypsi

zamal mango carrotte can be uncomfortable and totally psychedelic but it needs selective work

I have kept a line of those mango carrotte ( another source than GN03 for mine ) for it unicity and power


Hi everyone.

I have been given a bunch of zamal seeds from gipsys 03 collection, but I cant find much information on these.

Have anyone here grown them or know something about them?
Then please enlight me.

Bless and best vibes

More info please mate......

are you inside or out?

mango zamal in pure form is great if you live in the tropics. ok by pure form i mean the seed that most get off seedbanks.

If you live too far north this will mean they won't finish out, and will take a considerable time in.

If in, try a long veg period from seed to select keepers.

MH work better than HPS etc for tropicals such as this, even in flowering.

Zamal is excellent for cloning, and will last for years as a mother, as it does in the wild.

Hope all your endeavours are fruitful, and the info is of assistance.



Im at 58N so wont be running them outdoor, dont even know if ill be running them at all.
Im too restless for 20 weekers.


Well-known member
Hello Keat

You have your hands on a wonderful landrace strain. One of the most trippy sativas, very psychedelic. You are very lucky.

I got a few seeds from BSC freebies stock but they didn't sprout. A pity.

You have a bit of info here.


I think that you have the mangue carrotte line, the finest.

Please keep and reproduce (make seeds) them they are now very uncommon in their pure and non hybridized form. And you will be rewarded by a very special and highly psychedelic strain.

I think that SCROG could be the best way to grow them indoors.

More research from the neighbour island of Mauritius.


Two pics of Zamal growing outdoors.




Ras Pablo

Well-known member
I would +60 % hermies..... hard to find males, harder pure males.

But they have some amazing trippy Sativa genes inside, you have to look for them!!

Best of luck and try to reproduce this marvellous line!

Laugan Gaucher

no hermies for me but 8/10 are female and that's a good new.

clone very rapidly and very very mold resistance even in francia