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Youth today have got so good.........


thekingofNY said:
what the hell is wrong with you man? Do you ever go camping or hiking?? Just the past weekend I just got the tent set up fucking miles from civilization, and my fucking phone rang, i was sooooo fucking angry i didnt turn it off right when I got there and leave it in the car like i normally do... definitely need it with my shitty car, or rather its great to have, but not when i am camping. I can't imagine how many people cringed in the fucking camp ground when they heard that annoying ring, i still feel guilty about having it on and it ringing at nearly 9pm.

Seriously, are you female or something? Either that or you just turned 18... that has got to be it, cause i actually went with a chic a few years younger than me, but still old enough to drink and she left her phone in the car the whole time.

I actually live a pretty deprived childhood where I have NEVER. been camping or hiking. Maybe attributed to the fact that my cultural background is differnet than yours... just because you can have fun doing something doesn't mean everyone can, so don't be an asshat about it. I don't believe camping something that you can just "pick up" as i've never been camping before. What do you do when you go on camps? just sit there around a fire and set up a tent? Whats so good about being so far from civilization i gotta ask?

To be with nature? man.... I can be with nature any time i damn please by stepping out into the sun...into a forest... What is wrong with me? maybe something is... but where i'm from. you spend money = have fun... no i'm not 18... more like in the lower twenties.. old enough to drink. I like goin to the bars and clubs and NEAR OTHER PEOPLE.

Maybe its because i'm a CITY kid.... I didn't grow up in the burbs or the country.. straight urban


Active member
T-type said:
And now that you old farts fucked up the economy us young whipper snappers cant get a job....
No factory is going to hire me in at 20+ an hour...
kids got it easy hahaha...

edit: And you guys all did that on you high school diplomas...
Now we got to go get Bachelors degrees just to be able to get more than minimum wage

Hello all,

And be quick about it too...I am going to retire at 62 and I need the money.


PS. to all those brilliaint young minds with strong young backs...find an alternative to fossel fuels please...we invented the technology to achivie this..use it.

The Uncola

Damn you kids- Get off my Lawn!! Seriously though I am in the over 40 crowd and have yet to buy a cell phone. I find them obnoxious and intrusive. I have been on the net for about 10 years, but I still balk at cell phones. The youth of today face a very mixed bag of good and bad. The stagnating and declining wages is one of the worst of it. NAFTA and other "free trade" agreements have been the death knell of Made In The USA.

The obesity crisis is nothing new. It began taking off as early as 1980 or so, but is now worse than ever. I started doing back packing trips in the early '80's and even then was amazed at how few people ever get out of their cars and take a walk of any kind. We called them the windshield tourists. Their photo show consists of: Here's me in front of X and here's me in front of Y and here's me in front of Z..................
It's all about ME.

What I get out of outdoor trips is peace and quiet that simply can not be had where roads are always a stone's throw away. One can also See things and places that are different in quality than any place that has been urbanized by instant auto access.
When the gas engines whine their last- which may be soon- perhaps some of the places now ruined by easy access will begin to revert to their more natural character.
I am old twenty myself but I agree with both sides, my generation has it very easy. We have cell phones, great cars, a lot more technology. The main problem with our economy is the fact that no one will ride a bike anymore unless they have too it seems. I know I know you people who like in a city are saying that it is safer to drive. And I do agree with that but spend some time in the gym something. Spend time with your plants just sitting breathing in the fresh air they make. Come on people we are on a grow site you know you have a way to get fresh air even indoors. And I am not just picking on the people who are not so physically fit, what about all of you people who do nothing with your minds. Find some creative outlet, really now people build a fort, paint a picture, just think. Reading books I do believe is important beyond the knowledge of anyone in the world. Because think about it, when you read you learn more words that way increasing your vocab, you can learn random facts that the author has included in his or her book. And it stimulates the creative part of your brain, you are always wonder what are the characters going to do next, who is the bad guy, what is the connection between everyone. What people need the most is stop watching t.v, and get off their lazy butts and learn all they can so we can complain about the next generation too on how well they have it. The way it is going now we are dieing, the economy is stagnate because we don't do anything to help it jump!!!

Now move people get this shit going or let the world keep calling all of us stoners the lazy asses that we are slowly all becoming.


You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
Stoner4Life said:
I'm over 50 and just pleased I could make it this far, this has
made me a member of the 'quit yer bitchin', pass the fuckin'
joint, & be happy for where you are in life'

Close enough to that age, to say truer words were never spoken.:joint:

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
you old guys have no idea how good you have it.
when i was your age....................maybe one day :D


I think we need to start force feeding these kids some nice sativa hits. I know if I smoke some good sativa I can't sit still. Maybe that would get their lazy asses outside.

I don't think anyone should be blaming middle aged americans for fucking up the economy. If the government would put half the money in aid they give to other countries( who would never in a million years help us out), into lowering our taxes, our economy would be fine. How about the war on drugs? That's billions a year that is wasted. If we are going to blame anyone for our shitty economy it should be our wonderful government.


Well-known member
That was soooo hilarious ! You've got screwed in the 80's, like this guy, well, not quite..


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Active member
I'm under 30, still the only console I ever used was a atari(not for long, broke it by unplugging in the wrong order once), I only watched tv right before dinner(mostly dukes of hazzard, knightrider, alf, married with children etc), and I started listening to music when I was 11 or so, and at first only casette's, later also vinyl.
guess I've always been a bit behind on some technology, by now everyone around me has a smartphone but I still hang onto my old phone wich major functions are calling and texting, and it even has a decent camera, and is small
baby boomer parents have a lot of issues they pass on to their kids. also mental illness as being hereditary is much more common nowadays. and violent crime, gangs, designer/cut drugs..


p.s. who was born with crack cocaine in their system in the 1960's???


Active member
There are some similarities, many differences. Same bitching about older generations though, and how THEY are screwed by the older ones. My personal fave is the (MAD) mutually assured destruction (our nukes pointed at USSR, theirs pointed at us), everyday, all-day, 24/7, and just accepting doom as inevitability and getting on with your life.


Enormous Member
This thread made me think of Coolio's "I remember when..."

When I was a kid I rode crates on a skate
And I ate everything momma put on my plate
Niggaz walked around packin B B guns
Knock on yo' door and run just for fun
We went to the sto' and sold bottles fo' a nickel
to feast upon a big bag of Cheetos and a pickle
You could get a soda foe less than quarter and
people used to speak even if they didn't know ya
We fought in the streets like little black soldiers
Shake hands, and still be friends when it was over
We used to play tag and, hide and go seek, or
hide and go get it if we had a few freaks, but
now thangs changed, kids ain't the same
They bang, and slang, and blow out brains
I wish I could go back but, wishin is for suckers
Life was so simple then
Chorus One: ?
I remember (I remember) ohhhhhhh
when we used to hang
On the porch, drinkin brew
and now they drive-by (bay-bee)
I remember (I remember) ohhhhhhh
when we used to play
shoot-em-up, up and down
but now they gang-bang (bay-bee)
Verse Two: Billy Boy
Well I remember yesteryear like it was yesterday
Runnin through the streets of Onessa P-A
I take you through my childhood step by step
Daddy always told me to maintain my rep though
Daddy was a dawg he ain't raise no punks
In the midst of the trees we learned how to thump
At the tender age of nine momma put us on a plane
Next stop -- the land of the insane
Compton California where the killers grow
Forced to live a life that I didn't know
Wore the wrong colors cause I didn't know the facts
Call her bitch, caught a case, caught a slug in my back
But I adapted quickly, suckers tried to get me
Now the fools better run cause this just driveby Billy
Little black boy from the East
forced to be a killer, but I can still remember
Chorus Two: ?
I remember (I remember) ohhhhhhh
when we used to play
Domino, on the porch
but now they drive-by (bay-bee)
I remember (I remember) ohhhhhhh
when we used to have
Army fights, in the smog
but now they gang-bang (bay-bee)
[Coolio] Back when I was a kid nigga
We used to have this game called paperball
(Paperball? What the fuck is that?)
Get a piece of paper, ball that motherfucker up
and play with it! Hahahaha
Verse Three: J-Ro
I got Tha Alkaholik juice to wake ya up like a rooster
Back when I was young, I used to be a booster
Stealin candy from the sto', go to school, come up
I had the whole playground, chewin all my gum up
You know what I'm sayin? Playin still to the chest
And I was the best, playin kickball at recess
I play Pop Warner, golden pairs for the losers
We used to hop corners on the fresh deuce cruisers
Playin Galaga, Space Invaders, eatin Reese's
I had all the women cause my tough skins had creases
And it's been that way since day one
Girls of the world ain't nothin but fun
I used to watch Dr. J, come through in the clutch
Remember New Zoo Review, and Starsky and Hutch
I remember lunchtime, we used to rhyme out loud
Peace to the Wop and the hip-hop crowd, I remember
Chorus One
Outro: ?
Ohhh, my life, no no
I do remember ohhhhhhhh
I know you do
I remember yesterday
I remember when we played
I remember yesterday, aoowwwwwww!
I remember, hell, when we used to play
in ghetto blocks through the dark
I rememmmmmberrrrrr
Yeahhh yeahhh yeahh
We used to play dominoes all night long
dominoes all night long
Yesterday, yesterday
Do you remember yesterday? I remember yesterday
You remember remember remember remember...


I feel terrible for kids today. I think they have it bad. I grew up in the 60's/70's. Graduated HS in 76, the year "Dazed and Confused" depicts, which portrayed my senior year spot on. It was just before Crack, Aids, Ecstasy hit. Our parents knew nothing. We smoked pot in school. It was the end of the innocence.
I walked to school every day because I wanted to. 3 miles. It was fun. We met people on the way. Smoked a bit, talked. I was a good student so life was easy. As long as you didn't embarrass your parents or piss off a teacher you could run wild. The gang I ran with we walked everywhere, no cars, because it was less risky to drink and do drugs, and it was more fun. We were aware of the way cars isolated you from the world and we wanted connection. There were parks and creeks and forests that we had spots in to gather. We had to engage each other because we had no devices to distract us from interacting with the things that touched us.
I can't help but feel that today's younger crowd is increasingly isolated in the information bubble that completely engulfs them. No real need to go anywhere or do anything because its all right there on your little device commanding all your attention and consuming your soul. And while being distracted, my generation, the Boomers, have sold you into debt slavery in order to further the notion that "The Man", (who the boomers claim they fought against but really they just wanted to be "The Man"), will be the force that takes us into darkness and despair if all do not awaken from our electronic stupor.

lost in a sea

i think kids today have it much worse personally,,

just look at all the sin pervading their lives,, they are far more brainwashed than ever,, little apathetic hitlers that have no idea of their own history or culture even though they have the internet which isnt worth shit anyway because they spend all day on facebook emptying their heads :wallbash:

the human race is on its knees imo, at least in the west...


it's all about being cool and having fun but end up with nothing in the long run, or have it handed to you from parents. There are still hustlers and people who work hard to be able to live in this expensive and demanding society. A lot depends on how you were raised and what environment we were in. The public schools are awful.


sorry folks but things are not better. technological advancements always occur, since we went from ape to man (and will continue unless we start doing some very evil things mankind has done, like the burning of the library of Alexandria...) the whole credit a generation for something is moot unless everything is destroyed and some cavemen reinvent everything from scratch in one generation.

aside from that, if there is anything to say about what we have inherited from the early 1900s generations, is that it has become very difficult to obtain wealth nowadays, such as property, precious metals etc. average wages/cost of fuel and general costs of living compared to income ratios are only getting worse. in fact, it would take a decade to save up to own a house. it takes a months labor to save up for an ounce of gold. what we have inherited is the possibility to have property prices so high, that taking loans is the only option, making us pay at least 30% more than the initial price in interest (and that is if you do a good job paying it off). couldnt have made it any easier for banksters ey :p

sorry old guys but i had to say this. this thread was just full of fallacies.

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