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Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
This is BS , go back to yer class room & teach them grammer !!! i've been outa school for over 35 years , & don't need some uppity teacher tellin me my spelling is wrong ! who gives a fat rats ass ? i write the way i talk ... no its not perfect grammer ... but guess what .... nobody's perfect !!! realize it & deal with it !!! If ya don't like it ... thats fine but keep it to yourself ! this isn't your classroom & don't treat it like it is . if i were to see you in person ... & you started telling me that i'm inferior for writing the way i do .... i'd smack ya in the fukin head & tell ya to mind yer own business .
rant off ..... friggin allmighty asshats !!!!


I think we all make mistakes, maybe this is why academically intelligent people get angry when someone who isn't as "intelligent" as them doesn't know the things that they know, and think the concept should be easy to grasp, what ever it may be. Because it may be difficult for you but it's easy to them so they can't understand why you can't get it..

I can understand trying to correct someone like with the words in the thread title because they all sound the same but spelled differently depending on how you're using them, but if you aren't paying attention to the spelling you know you can tell what a person is trying to write.

We all have pet peeves but I NEVER understood how the hell can people really be grammar nazis? And to get angry because someone rather use slang rather than the correct pronunciation? Eh...I guess you can't please everyone.

The only thing I cant stand are people that tYp3 1!k3 7h1$


Not angry (for me, at least), but highly annoyed? Yes. See my first post for one of the very salient reasons why.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
the obvious answer is because for some people they arent easily fixable mistakes, but it doesnt make their opinion any less valid.

Most of the negative responses have made the point that the person simply doesn't care to fix the mistakes. There is a difference between not knowing, and not caring to know.


Most of the negative responses have made the point that the person simply doesn't care to fix the mistakes. There is a difference between not knowing, and not caring to know.
Just as there is a real and true difference between ignorance and stupidity. Ignorance can be helped, stupidity can't.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Just as there is a real and true difference between ignorance and stupidity. Ignorance can be helped, stupidity can't.

I think you have this wrong.


Teacher: "What is the difference between ignorance and apathy?"

Class in unison: "We don't know, and we don't want to know."


Active member
well, if you think like that,i think you are an asshole
good luck in life,you will need it

The internet has many wonderful things for sale cheap. Perhaps you should look into getting a sense of humor.

I hate when people dont have common sense a lot more than poor speling. If speling got me anywhere in life, i would learn. If you cant figure out what people are talking about from reading the sentences, i feel bad for you. You are a walking computer. I wonder how was jesus's spelling. I hope your spelling skills makes you wheel barrols of money. You probably hate money too.

If I cared what you think, I would be more worried about your lack of reading comprehension than your spelling.

This is BS , go back to yer class room & teach them grammer !!! i've been outa school for over 35 years , & don't need some uppity teacher tellin me my spelling is wrong ! who gives a fat rats ass ? i write the way i talk ... no its not perfect grammer ... but guess what .... nobody's perfect !!! realize it & deal with it !!! If ya don't like it ... thats fine but keep it to yourself ! this isn't your classroom & don't treat it like it is . if i were to see you in person ... & you started telling me that i'm inferior for writing the way i do .... i'd smack ya in the fukin head & tell ya to mind yer own business .
rant off ..... friggin allmighty asshats !!!!

If you read and understood my first post, you shouldn't have your underwear in a bind.

I respect your opinion, but would never be so rude as to tell others to not express their opinion.

Now as for you smacking me in the head...

If we did meet in real life (it would be some sort of hell I imagine) and I was subjected to your writing style I might be forced to say something. If it were a business situation, you would be fired or sent to a writing class.

I have had to fire someone because they could not write properly. I can not have someone representing my business and writing with ellipses and capitalization errors.

I doubt you would strike me, much less get the chance, but if that makes you feel tough, sweet for you.


I think you have this wrong.


Teacher: "What is the difference between ignorance and apathy?"

Class in unison: "We don't know, and we don't want to know."

Seriously. I dated a girl who was really stupid. Her problem was she was too ignorant to learn.
You can be stupid and still learn, but an ignorant biatch is never going to learn.




Why our you getting petty with the spelling.
Are reason four bean hear is too bee an community of we'd users.

Wee should of gottened passed all this, their two many other things too talk about. In the passed wee would just all get along. You here me.

Our they're any othe's whom agree with me.


I have had to fire someone because they could not write properly. I can not have someone representing my business and writing with ellipses and capitalization errors.
No ellipses...?? Are you saying there is no place for the well-placed ellipses?

What about em- and en-dashes...(she muses to herself)?



Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
If we did meet in real life (it would be some sort of hell I imagine) and I was subjected to your writing style I might be forced to say something. If it were a business situation, you would be fired or sent to a writing class.

This isn't a business situation ... its a stoner forum & your being anal about something that just doesn't matter as much as your making it out to be !!! I don't need some uppity teacher telling me the way i write is wrong ... especially when it is NOT a business or professional situation at ALL !! As you can see .. I can write & spell & be as professional as I need to be . this forum is NONE of those places . but the fact that you come in here bitching about peoples grammer ... pisses me off !!! now if this were a professional forum or a business form being filled out ... i would have said nothing . but it is in fact a public forum about marijuana , where my grammer skills are NOT IMPORTANT & i write the way i normally speak so that people here can get an idea of WHO I AM without having to meet me . i'm not looking to impress anybody & don't need someone telling me the way i speak or write is wrong . so take your holier than thou attitude & stick it where the sun don't shine !
Have a nice day teach .... & class ended in 1979 ... thank you very much !

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
This isn't a business situation ... its a stoner forum & your being anal about something that just doesn't matter as much as your making it out to be !!! I don't need some uppity teacher telling me the way i write is wrong ... especially when it is NOT a business or professional situation at ALL !! As you can see .. I can write & spell & be as professional as I need to be . this forum is NONE of those places . but the fact that you come in here bitching about peoples grammer ... pisses me off !!! now if this were a professional forum or a business form being filled out ... i would have said nothing . but it is in fact a public forum about marijuana , where my grammer skills are NOT IMPORTANT & i write the way i normally speak so that people here can get an idea of WHO I AM without having to meet me . i'm not looking to impress anybody & don't need someone telling me the way i speak or write is wrong . so take your holier than thou attitude & stick it where the sun don't shine !
Have a nice day teach .... & class ended in 1979 ... thank you very much !

Maybe take a minute to reflect on why this has you so upset.

Here's a quote from the original post for reference.

... grammar is etiquette and meaning/communication is much more important.


Active member
This isn't a business situation ... its a stoner forum & your being anal about something that just doesn't matter as much as your making it out to be !!! I don't need some uppity teacher telling me the way i write is wrong ... especially when it is NOT a business or professional situation at ALL !! As you can see .. I can write & spell & be as professional as I need to be . this forum is NONE of those places . but the fact that you come in here bitching about peoples grammer ... pisses me off !!! now if this were a professional forum or a business form being filled out ... i would have said nothing . but it is in fact a public forum about marijuana , where my grammer skills are NOT IMPORTANT & i write the way i normally speak so that people here can get an idea of WHO I AM without having to meet me . i'm not looking to impress anybody & don't need someone telling me the way i speak or write is wrong . so take your holier than thou attitude & stick it where the sun don't shine !
Have a nice day teach .... & class ended in 1979 ... thank you very much !

I am sorry you were unable to understand my posts. If you go back and read , maybe you will understand what I was saying. You are the one bitching and getting pissed off.

You seem to be the one with the "holier than thou attitude." Are you crusading for bad spelling and grammar against the grammar elitists? Taking up for the people that choose to represent themselves in such a way?

I was just making an observation, you are the one who got butt hurt and responded like I shot your puppy.

Have a smoke and calm down, you are making this into a bigger deal than anyone thinks it is.

I thought this thread was going the direction of posting funny pictures but the butt hurt folks don't want funny stuff?


The owner should fire himself.

lost in a sea

look both you, and we all now, know you are on the top level of the grammar elites pyramid ok

and im not going to one of your fema spelling camps !!!

lol j/k