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Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Past vs. Passed is one I notice occasionally..
When it comes down to it I don't mind people's spelling and grammar mistakes. English isn't everyone's first language here. Being a first generation American, English wasn't my first language as a child.


Well-known member
I do not think spelling and grammar are reasons to look down on people or for people to take offense. Some of the most notable growers here on IC are very intelligent yet they don't have perfect grammar. We have to remember this is a stoner forum, and while some of us may be OCD about spelling and grammar, some people are not bothered by these issues so much in an informal setting like this. It's not like they're being graded on their posts.

That being said, I do think that in extreme cases where the grammar is exceptionally bad a poster can effectively convey themselves as uneducated which can lead to other people not taking them seriously.


I actually don't MIND it necessarily. It's when I see a debate going on with people who are against us, and someone chimes in with "weed never killet anybody!! if your going to say we belong in jail than you should try it and see first before your gonna say that, leglize it don't criticize it!!!~~"


Active member
It doesn't bother me if you use the above words incorrectly, but I will judge you and feel inherently superior to you.

well, if you think like that,i think you are an asshole
good luck in life,you will need it

Al Botross

Active member
ICMag Donor
what everyone is hearing IS charlie brown's teacher," Wa wha whan wha whan wa whan wa wha."

mad librettist

Active member
here are some I misuse all the time:

using "that" instead of "who" or "whom" when referring to a subject or object that is a person.

not understanding the subjunctive mood (americans use it, british dance around it), despite using it all the time

adding an incorrect "m" to the end of the subject pronoun "who".

but perhaps the worst language mistake of all is failing to understand the organic nature of language. old mistakes become new standards all the time. for instance this post contains no uppercase letters. does anyone give a shit? on the internet, uppercase letters ARE MOSTLY USED TO INDICATE A TONE OF VOICE.


Active member
Could care less about spelling, more concerned with our governments and the state of the world. I always cheated on my spelling tests anyway.


Lol well I use UR, and don't care about spelling as long as u know what I mean. Lol calm down not everyone is worried about spelling everything wright.lol

bench warmer

Your You're Their There They're

Hear are some other words a fifth grader wood likely youze more appropriately than a lot of they're elders these daze ;)

Might vs mite
High vs Stoned
Weed vs Wii'd
Justice vs Law

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
who cares what noam chomsky thinks though?

the guy is a proven idiot.

good spelling skills should be totally independent of that idiot's opinion.

You may not agree with his conclusions, but that doesn't make him an idiot.

Grammar really isn't that big a deal, the main reason pedants give for being uptight about it, is understanding. Funny how the pedant can always understand what a person is saying enough to correct them.
If you are writing "Formally" ,ie for a book or journalism then the Grammar is important to be taken seriously, but in general it matters not one jot.
There are much bigger things to get your knickers in a twist about


I'm not a native speaker, so there will allways be minor (or major) errors in my posts, but nonetheless i feel the same way about the downfall of language nowadays...
Problem for me is, that there is a progression that can be seen in language use.
In my city, the youth starts using a kind of language, that is so far away from it's origin, it sometimes makes it hard to get the meaning without having to think about it.
So everybody, try your best to keep your mothertongue alive :tiphat:




Full ON grammar and spelling Nazi here. I have always been and will always be this way, because it absolutely denotes a level of knowledge, or lack thereof.

I spent several years working with a (free) website focused on information, photography and expanding the knowledge base of all types of fishkeepers. The site is a Googlewhack, begun and maintained by a fellow who's published and used to teach. Many of the photos found on, for instance, fishbase.org, are the only known photos of the animals in question and those photos were taken by this man.

As such, the site is a resource for people of all levels of education from around the world. It's used by researchers and hobbyists and professionals. To that end, EVERYTHING must not only be spelled correctly, but must make grammatical sense. Otherwise those who are *not* native English-speakers will have an inherently difficult time finding and understanding the information proffered.

No matter what someone thinks of Mr. Chomsky (I personally think he borders on whack-a-doodle, but an idiot he is not), I have always taken to heart my grandmother's words--The limits of my language define the limits of my world.

Think of language as a palette of symbols with which one is able to paint a picture of ideas. If you only have red, green, blue and yellow, you're not going to be able to paint a very interesting picture, nor will it have much detail.

Another one that no one here's mentioned that really gets me is a sentence like this, "I wish I would OF __________...." What? No you don't. You wish you would HAVE! You can't use prepositions and conjunctions in place of verbs, adverbs, adjectives, or nouns, for Chrissakes! Would HAVE would HAVE would HAVE!!
<insert facepalm here>


Active member
Don't sweat the small stuff.

Other things in life to worry about other than how another person spells.

It's amazing.....the petty things some let bother them.


Cautiously Optimistic
I just read an article where it has been determined that kids (though I think it's all people, in general) have lost 200 words in the last 25 years. I'm a word guy. I love words and painting pictures with them so this kind of saddens me but also gives me an ability that most people don't have.

lost in a sea

someone recently corrected my spelling of the word bigot,, in a really bitchy way imo

did i mean to misspell the word ??

well obviously not,,

was it my lack of education ?

um no,, just have some respect for how caned some people are around here lol

if someone corrects my spelling they really can go fuck themeselves,, my lexicon shits on most peoples but i dont go around telling them that,,

we all have an equal right to express our thoughts without ridicule of our english,, and for many lucky people it isnt their first language,,,


Active member
grammar is lame

i studied for translator but i really could care less about all those stupid rules, as long as i understand what someone wants to say

In dutch for example there is a verb worden, so first person is ik word , second person hij wordt

so i mean they just ad a T at the en , it is just a pointless rule

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Interesting comments.

For those who weren't aware, Chomsky is best known for his political commentary but the guy is renowned in academia for his work as a linguist.

I think the OP made it pretty clear that he isn't getting his knickers in a twist about it. He just commented on something that he notices. A lot of people notice it. And guess what? When people notice someone making repeated grammatical errors, it is inevitable to wonder why that person couldn't get it right. Just like I brush my hair and tuck in my shirt before presenting myself to the world, I also make it a point to clean up my written communications before doing the same with them. If you're trying to get a point across, why distract from your message with noticeable and easily fixable mistakes?


If you intend to say what you mean, how is that done when others cannot understand you? I can't say how often I've simply backed out of a thread that begins with some sort of text-speak that I cannot grasp, for which there IS no translator.

Do you mean what you say? Can you say what you mean?

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