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you killed the v3? ok....did u even flower it? Did you only have one..lol...U gotta find that killa pheno. Although all mine from seed were stella
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Im outta this thread. This place is getting weak. Im trying to give my Honest opinion about genes that ive tried. But i guess im a troll for it. Go ahead and have your thread about how much breeders and their work suck- and how your the best grower. bitch bitch bitch..whaa whaa whaa. This thread should be called all trolls conglomerate here and complain about how much they suck at growing cuz their plants didnt come out like the good growers do. you know there are other factors in how a bud will come out. Temp,humidity,lighting,nutes,cure, before you go dissing the breeder check yourself.


Game Bred
had a 10 pack 7 females 3 streched and got culled. the other four were ok but not phenominal.
in the garden now stella blue,nycd4,derailed blues,blackberryXthai indica and my own breeding called poison berry(nycd4Xblackberry).

the sdv3 just was not as good as the others. yes i did flower the other four. i kept 2 of the phenos for 3 runs till i got the db(a much better taste,stone,look and smell)


u should have kept the v3's that stretched. It is a stretchy strain being sativa based. My best mama was the tallest one. Potent as all hell. What is derailed blues? neve heard of it. Figuring its a cross between blueberry and the trainwreck.


Game Bred
blue sateliteXtrainwreck only thing i can say is SKUNK SKUNK SKUNK and purple as fuck. and for you some nycd4 42 reversals and a sockflip


Mr. Nevermind

GlAssmasTeR said:
Im outta this thread. This place is getting weak. Im trying to give my Honest opinion about genes that ive tried. But i guess im a troll for it. Go ahead and have your thread about how much breeders and their work suck- and how your the best grower. bitch bitch bitch..whaa whaa whaa. This thread should be called all trolls conglomerate here and complain about how much they suck at growing cuz their plants didnt come out like the good growers do. you know there are other factors in how a bud will come out. Temp,humidity,lighting,nutes,cure, before you go dissing the breeder check yourself.

Calm down there kid. I also named some strains in here that were a disappointment or over rated but that doesnt mean I "suck at growing". Some people just dont like certan strain they have grown for many reason. Some times beans are mislabeled so you get some bs bagseed ( never had problem when ordered from gypsy, but with Emery it happened) instead of what you ordered.

Also I said i was disapointed in DP blueberry. many experiance growers including myself have noticed herms and mutants in them and that is indeed disppointing when you spend $$ on beans. Plus having grown Dabney blueberry the DP versions quality wasnt even close to Dabney. So that was a disappontment.

Glad you like your V3, but others dont. Its a matter of opinion. I adore Sour D and any grower can grow it IMHO. itsw an easy plant to grow, so please stop bragging of your growing abiltiy. Anyone can grow V3 and end up with good smoke. Opinions are like assholes , everyones got one and they stink. So please dont rip others opinions.



sockflips are hard to do! Nice piece bro. Gotta luv the double bub. Those montages look tight.
I make glass for a living. Where u get that piece? Full Tank? Looks like some jason lee work
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Game Bred
now i got the bogbubble when ~s~ was still the man at og like 02 or so he probably has worked out the kinks by now......


I agree DP Blueberry sucks ass. But that was my first grow bout 3yrs ago. Maybe i did somthing wrong "back then" What was your first strain to grow? Was it killa or not so great cuz your were a beginner. Exactly my point. Never said i was greatest grower don't know where that came from "nevermind" But your right I am entitled to an "Opinion" too. and i was called a troll for it.


Game Bred
my buddy since 7th grade made it he has been teacing himself for 10 years. 1 oz of stella bought it. the pics dont do it justice. he mixed blue passion,lapis ans indigo for the blue and im not sure about the orange but there is canary streaks in it. the blue is almost metalic.


Game Bred
i started with bagseed outdoor as a teen in the late 80's. didn't "really" grow till 99' found og in 2000 and began to learn to grow. my first paid for strain was from M.E. haw. sat. it was def. not a sativa but turned out great.


FActors Factors Factors- Is all im saying to get a perfect nug of "your liking" ..Hmmm what part of the plant would you guys consider the "sweet spot" Cuz thats what i smoke and sell the rest to friends...I have read many dj's breeding books and countless others on cultivation. Do you use r/O water? Tell me what is your favorite part of the plant to smoke? Is it the top main cola-middle-side branches,popcorn slighly shaded by light. Does THC break down from light? Where is the sweet spot located usually? How do enzymes and amino acids play a role in in taste,potency,vigor? Does topping stress certain strains? I dunno> i'll just say the strain sucked cause i gave it one shot and it did'nt work out. All i was trying to do is defend a couple breeders rep cuz i luv and appreciate their work. If everyone dogged a certain strain then why would a breeder continue to produce it. Then its unfair to the peeps that like their stuff and have had good luck with it. Palates come in many variations. If you want something you "like" then breed the qualities "you" WANT. Sorry some of you "personally" don't like rez'z v3. But that is "your opinion" that i could give a flying fuck about. So hence the old saying: dont' have nuttin good to say-shut the fuck up! Start your own site about where you can give bad strain reports or something like that. I thought there were cool ppl at this site but i guess its the same whining babies i see on other boards. Peace :moon:
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Game Bred
yeah i hear ya ive always liked earthy hashy piney skunky as opposed to light fruity berry candy. although im still lookin for cotton candy or watermelon that would rock. and if anybody can tell me that choclate chunk tastes like choclate ill buy it tomorrow!


iv'e heard it does taste like choclate. Looks really indica dom. The cappucino has peaked in interest in me. Looks really good.


This thread has the potential to be HUGE!

I've grown out around 60 strains and most fit the title to this thread quite well. However, I'm only looking for ONE special girl from each batch and should I happen to find that ONE seed out of ten... 12... or 15... then I'm a happy camper.

Poly hybrids are all over the map... you never know what will popout of a bean but sometimes you just get lucky and find something special.


Exactly my point. With the thousands of genes to choose from and the countless places to get them. I too have tried many,many,many varieties. But i will not tolerate any bad vibes about v3's or bogglegum. These are special to me in many ways. If you want to give a smoke report then it is understood. But why thread about poor genes without giving the stats in which they were grown. Dont make sense to me. Just ppl chiming in saying ***** sucked..etc....until you have a huge list of strains that supposedly sucked by a bunch of ppl with no info on how they were grown. please tell me what the point of the thread is. please- If i were a noob deciding what genes to get and i read this- i might not get a particular strain because of some lamo's "opinion". I think smoke reports on IC should be done by members with no less than 500 posts. That way no biased opinions are made by noobs who didn't even grow or smoke the "real deal". That way this whole mumble jumble of what strain sucked or not is somewhat accurate and controlled. Peace


Sorry to derail this thread. But ppl like "stoned silly" make the best of what nature has given. Not by tossing rotten apples back at the tree- this type of patience comes with experience. Seriously why bother! Gene pools can very large in a particular strain. Just cause you got your feet wet gives you the right to give neg feedback. Work with it for a few yrs then your opinion would be just and appreciated. Thanks