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man are you guys ever dumb, going on and on! F1 means FIRST GENERATION SEEDS of a new strain and your gonna have 3 pheno's from 2 stable strains, if one is a hybrid; you can get 6 pheno's.

noobian; that aint white widow! not with purple bud.

nirvana gives the pick of the pheno's - YOU get to choose the best one to grow or breed.

its when you buy a supposed F5 stable strain and then get unstable/ numerous pheno's is when i bitch and sensi and sag, plus greenhouse are getting famous for this.

another thing is NIRVANA gives a small price for your pick while sensi charges hundreds for thiers.




dont waste your money on alaskan ice; a knock off, when you can get the real thing: jamaican ice, probably an F1000 by now


Active member
man are you guys ever dumb, going on and on! F1 means FIRST GENERATION SEEDS of a new strain and your gonna have 3 pheno's from 2 stable strains, if one is a hybrid; you can get 6 pheno's.

noobian; that aint white widow! not with purple bud.

nirvana gives the pick of the pheno's - YOU get to choose the best one to grow or breed.

its when you buy a supposed F5 stable strain and then get unstable/ numerous pheno's is when i bitch and sensi and sag, plus greenhouse are getting famous for this.

another thing is NIRVANA gives a small price for your pick while sensi charges hundreds for thiers.

This is excatly right . The law of the land is you get what you pay for . And an f5 strain can take many years to prefect many plants sometimes in the 1000's and a skilled eye for detail and traits .. These f5 seeds should be more then the f1 crosses alot more liek 10x more . f1 strains are over priced now but paying 300+ for a stable breed is a sound investment if you get what your promised . How much did you pay the breeder for your pure breed dog? And how much you pay for your "Mutt".... sometimes you get lucky and find that perfect dog in the Mutt litter


ruger 500
i did the tahoe thing big money auto flowering mom ,what a waste of time and money not just the seed price but nutes and power consumption with 3400 k that really sucked ,seems to happen to me when i really want a hyped up bean,


Active member
I grew Nirvana AK48 and Bubblelicious alongside strawberry bubba kush ($100) for a pack of seeds. Much more expensive than Nirvana's fems. The Nirvana plants were just as good as the higher priced spread. You can get some bad phenos from cheap seeds and also very expensive seeds. Hell that's nature fucking with you, it always does. I'm running some Nirvana AK and bubblelicious again, but I added some sensi star for giggles.


Green is Gold
Not to talk crap, but honestly that plant really isn't any more impressive than lots of mexi brick weed I've grown.

I have to say is this plant may not appear that impressive to you because of the craptastic nature of my camera. If I was using a nice and fancy SLR that takes great macros you would not be so quick to say "it doesn't look that great". It looks awesome in person, as a matter of fact it's covered in trichs (so much so that it makes the bud look purple! lol) and if you say you can grow bagseed that looks like this then I'd like to get some seeds from that bag for sure! I could easily lie and say this is some fancy "elite" strain and post the same pics and I guarantee you people would be all on my dick about it. If I was like "this is a sour diesel IBL or some other elite type strain and if people didn't know it was from Nirvana, they would be like "oh yeah nice job, rez sure makes great weed!" LOL. I'm not angry either by the way just sticking up for what I perceive as unfair bashing of a company and their wares.

"The reason they are, or at least used to be so cheap is because they are a genetic crap shoot. You can find some good weed in the packs. But that is the problem. You can find not just good weed, but all sorts of weed in the pack. And not necessarily what you were paying to get."

And I'm saying that in my experience this has not been true. Maybe I was lucky but I don't think so. Again from the one pack of WW I purchased from them the plants lived up to their descriptions, there was no "genetic crap shoot" as you put it. I did not find "all sorts of weed" I found buds that grew as they were described on the package. Maybe you had a couple bad packs or something and the rest of us are getting the "good stuff"?

noobian; that aint white widow! not with purple bud.

Oh it's White Widow alright lol! Like I was just explaining to Motaco the pics don't really do this plant justice. I use a crappy Nikon point and shoot that costs about $50, if I was using a nice SLR like some other members on here you would be able to see the buds in much better detail. The buds are not purple, there is no purple on there, what you are seeing is the flash reflect on the WHITE TRICHS that are completely covering the bud. It appears as a purple color in the pics because of bad lighting and a crappy lens, but trust me when I say there is no purple on any of those buds, just white, green, and orange. The last picture if you look hard, you can tell there is no purple there, it's just the fuzziness of the trichs that make it appear off color.

Bottom line of all this is I'm just sticking up for the Nirvana reputation and trying to get it out there that they do make some quality stuff. Too many people just like to say "oh yeah Nirvana sucks" because they are a cheaper brand, and I just haven't found that to be the case in my experience.


Worst I tried was a Nirvana Jock Horror - 0 for 10 germination. Other beans, same and different companies, same time and circumstances almost 100% germ and growth...

I like Nirvana beans - their White Rhino grows, clones and smoke 10/10, and I have 12+ different strains...

Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
World of Seeds Landraces Pakistan Valley

Fast flowering done in ~8 weeks. Fairly frosty dense buds. Taste was not good at all nor was smell. High was very narcotic as was described though. I wouldnt recommend it.

World of Seeds Legends Strawberry Blue

~10 week strain. Purple calyxes later in flower. Smelled horrible and tasted horrible. Super musty but not in a good way. High wasnt anything special at all. I wouldnt recommend it.

Those are the two most disappointing that stand out to me.




for me the worst was STRAWBERRY PURE from an UK company and the BLACKBERRY SATIVA from a canadian seedbank.

one of the best and i also used her for breeding was JOCK HORROR from..........yup: NIRVANA! bred the pack to produce blue jock, inca horror and more jock horror seeds. 2 males and 8 females; all germed but 3 pheno's. the blueberry sativa x jock horror will knock you on your butt, but (hehehe) lets you get up and party too.

sorry about the purple bud remark and i agree with your point on stable. i can also tell you that white widow and blueberry sativa are famous for "throwbacks" and can grow really weird.

John Deere

Active member
BOG Sour Bubble has been a major letdown so far.

I only got 3/10 to germ and grow past seedling and the lone female has hermied like a mofo. A few other folks are reporting similar results in BOG's forum. Lots of breeders are active in their forums but no word from BOG on any of the threads or pictures. I guess I expected more for my $100 seeds.

I haven't had a chance to smoke any yet so can't comment on that. I'm still hoping she'll be top notch based on other reports and I'm breeding her just in case but overall I'm disappointed. I won't be ordering any of his genetics again--too many other great breeders out there.


your breeding a female hermie? smoke much? or do you do other drugs too. just curious

John Deere

Active member

Yeah, I know. No other drugs except for some beers. Just making a few seeds with some pollen I had on hand. Nothing major.

edit to add--And if the smoke is good I'll just deal with it. If not I'll probably toss 'em in the woods and see if anything happens.


Old School Cottonmouth
I could easily lie and say this is some fancy "elite" strain and post the same pics and I guarantee you people would be all on my dick about it.

Maybe you had a couple bad packs or something and the rest of us are getting the "good stuff"?

Well I'm going to leave it alone because I think we've both made our points. But frankly I flat out disagree. First I don't think you could fool anyone but a noob that the plant pictured is some fantastic elite. Blame it on the camera if you want but I'm not buying it.

And second. If its only me who has gotten a few bad packs and everyone else is getting "the good stuff" then where are all these negative reviews coming from? You're blaming it on people hating on them because they are cheap seeds. They are hating on them because they are unstable and many many people besides myself have had less then stellar results from them.

You and several others have been happy with the results from them. And I'm happy for you. But myself as well as many others have found their wares a crap shoot that is not much better than bag seed. Hundreds of reviews stating such over the course of a decade can hardly be attributed to a few bad packs, and is clearly an issue with the stability of their offered products as a whole.


motaco? that is the point! you ARE buying unstable F1 beans from NIRVANA. its up to the buyer to then choose what pheno s/he wishes to continue with and is a great place for beginner breeders to get better strains.

RACO?what did you edit? i have memory issues and cant remember, i dont save copies, please PM.
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Old School Cottonmouth
I'm not arguing with you. But you are not stating what other people are stating. I agree with you, except on that with many strains they offer you'd be lucky to get an F1. Much more likely f2's.

But my point isn't that they are bad seeds, but as you said you need to sort through them to find a good pheno. I'm saying the same thing you are. You are arguing with the wrong person. There are people saying they are as stable and resinous as worked strains, and I disagree.

Some folks seem to think the only difference is the price, and take offense to people saying that nirvana is not of the same quality as higher end brands.

They may not like to hear it, but its simply true. If you're looking for breeding stock, or stable performing plants, then yes... most serious growers know to stay away from nirvana.
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Red Swan

Sour Diesel IBL: Got 9 males and the one female was weak. Made seeds with the male and the results were mediocre too.
Williams Wonder: Smelled great in flower, citrus. Grew it 4 x trying to pull the flavor out, but always cured to a tasteless smoke. Bland
Gonzo no.1 : Super fun to grow, massive buds... flavorless.

Purple Pheno Aurora Indica Nirvana: Looked amazing , did not get me high.

Bog Lifesaver: large yielding , tasteless plants although I tried some recently that was very good. Crapshoot like Nirvana.


red swan depends where you got the strain; chemdog was accused of false genetics on this one

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