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Your First Plant/s...What was it?


my first experience was with black widow in 1996. my moms old man had a friend come from Florida with the whole hydro setup 1000watt lights etc... i didn't make it to the end because me and the old lady got nerves so we moved and left everything behind with him. man that moment changed my life i was in love.


bag seed in 02' continuing until I got a comp pack from the cannabis college.10 pack of Sam the Skunkmans Skunk#1


Summer 94 our manor was flooded with african import and I started flicking seeds around the garden and before I knew it I had a bunch of weed plants grabbed an ed rosenthal book and forced flowered for some fluffy buds...then a few months later I went to amsterdam after seeing a sensi seed catalogue round my mate's dads house and we bought nl5 x haze, early skunk and a couple other sensi strains.


Well-known member
For some odd reason I tried growing long befor I even smoked the stuff.
The first plant I grew didn't get to big befor it was killed by my dad.I was only 10 years old and the seed I stole from my step bros bag.
This was the beginning of a life long quest to just grow.All the plants I grew were from bag seed up untill just two years ago. Some were very good and some wern't.
The first non bag seeds were gifted to me,(blueapallo)(Thank you again Potfoot) that I grew just last fall and let me tell you this was hit with my friends and I.Tasty and hard hitting. Every one I smoked it with commented on they could fell it on the first hit.



Its been so long, i think 1969-70 maybe. I had been smoking for several years but hadnt even considered growing it. My wifes cousin sent us some seeds from afghanistan. He was in some sort of peace corp or something. We planted them and they grew. Nobody really new anything about cannabis then and I remember a small group of us holding up a baggie of Mexican brick in an attempt to make a determination as to which part of the plant to smoke.

We first concluded that the male, whose "bud" develops first was the part to smoke. (we didn't know it was a male) until the females began to flower and then we became confused. The plants seeded but being a primitive I wasn't aware of the possibilties of the seeds.

There have been many grows since that one.

Stories like this make this young person feel warm and fuzzy inside, thanks :joint:. Must have been a good time to be alive.


Traktor driver
April 2005 - Very Berry Surprise by Orgnkid and Jack Herer by Female Seeds. God has it been that long? :chin: :biglaugh:


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
Been a while, but my first was some shwag bag seed. They actually grew large and produced some (immature) nug outside in the northeast. Wow... its been a long journey.


Unknown bagseed from 1982. It was a sativa dominant hybrid of some kind, I'd guess thinking back. I asked a dealer friend of mine if he had any seeds, and he gave me a bag full of them. Scooped some dirt out of the front yard, put 'em in a pot, and grew a couple out in the front window of the house, heh heh.

At that time you coulda grown it in the front yard, nobody really knew what the heck it was. A friends older brother had one next to his house over 20 feet tall, the police did come and chop it down, told him to knock it off. Boy. Now-a-days they'd have fuckin helicopters overhead and the swat team come in, condemn the place as a tainted drug house, and throw everyone on the block in jail for 20 years, at immense taxpayer loss and immeasurable personal destruction. That's beside the point though.........


Active member
Well my first plant which gave me yummy strong buds was an nlx cutting that i bought in a growshop.

At that time it was still permitted in holland for growshops to sell clones.

Nowadays if u want clones u go to a growshop , order them pay them and then u have to wait on the parking of a giant mall till some weird looking bald dude on a motoscooter passes by and hands u a few bags of clones :s

That gave me the incentive to start growing from seed:D


I started growing just about 1 year ago. I received 2 clones of Northern Lights x Skunk #1 from a friend. I vegged them under 3 fluorescent lamps in rockwool cubes with a drip system using B'Cuzz A+B Nutrients.

It was at this time that those 'made in china' LED Panels started hitting the market and making waves. I got caught up in the hype and bought 4 panels for $225. When it was time to flower i switched to ebb and flow. Needless to say the rockwool remained soaked the entire time, the LEDs were shit, and i didn't know what i was doing. Around week 6 i got a 400w HPS and saw the difference immediately. harvested at 8 weeks out of anticipation and ended up with a 1/2 oz dry from 2 plants. Perhaps it was just excitement of having my first harvest, but the high was amazing.

I still grow NLxS1 today (check out my albums to see how i've progressed over this last year). I've also grown white rhino a few times and have come to love that strain. Recently I've got some mystery seeds from amsterdam and a couple NLxS1xAfghani seeds that i hope will prove themselves and expand my catalog.

I've now got 2 400w HPS in flower, and i found that i love 5 gal buckets DWC using GH 3part. It's amazing how much you can learn in a year. i'm glad to have had these forums to help me along the way.


B. Self Reliant

Summer of 1997 I grew out some bagseed on the edge of my lawn, where the woods started. At the time I never knew how involved the trade was, I didn't know there were cannabis specific products available or any of that. Like many people, I just figured that I could get away with a couple small plants. Pretty funny in retrospect!

I just scraped a little dirt away with my foot and threw 3 or 4 seeds in the hole. I had two different plants come up. I don't remember much about them, except that I was worried about one getting too tall, and the other one just didn't seem to want to grow at all. Now days I would say that I didn't prepare the soil correctly, i didn't plant in a great spot, I was lucky that they were both females, etc, but back then it was much simpler than that. I was ignorant enough to think it was all luck of the draw.

I still remember my ridiculous harvest, but at least it was a start to something bigger.


Wow, it has been 16yrs since that first grow. It was Chocolate Thai and Northern lights. We planted seeds like we were Johnny apple seed. Mostly by waterfalls and creeks that ran down hard to climb hills. We couldn't even remember were we planted some.Didn't even go back for others, we were kids.


Mexican Brick 1970 and 1971. Yes, I still have the leaves. :)



Northern Lights from a local seed shop - I'd grown bagseed before a couple of times, but the NL was the first known strain that went full to harvest.

It was great...


Active member
I'll never forget the first plant I ever grew... I was about 19 years old and knew absolutely NOTHING about growing. I sprouted one bag seed from some crappy commercial I had. I vegged it under a 100 watt condescent bulb in my closet for a few weeks and then transplanted it in my moms back yard. I put it direct under a tree causing it to be shaded most of the day. I remember checking on it once and it was growing almost sideways trying to get some light, being the bone head I was I didn't realize that's what was happening and I tried to make it stand up straight. End the end I yielded 1/2 an ounce of some decent weed that tasted like pure nitrogen because I fed it fish emulsion the entire time. Good memories!!!