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Your First Plant/s...What was it?


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ICMag Donor
Hello fellow Cannabis lover's. I thought I'd start a thread so people can tell us`about the first plant they ever grew successfully from seed or clone. It can be indoor or outdoor,Organic or Hydro,a month ago or 50 years ago it doesn't matter! I don't know if there was already such a thread previously but I'm sure someone wil let me know.
Anyhoo the first plant I grew successfully to gorgeous buddage was Skunk#1 in 1990 when I was 18 years young.Although I had unsuccessfully tried to grow some Lemon Thai outdoors in the UK the year before but it hardly flowered(smelt gorgeous though like lemon zest,wish I still had the seeds now). The Sk1 beans were f2's of SamSkunk from the first batch Neville sold that I received from an older friend I'll call 'G' from the opposite side of London,who had made the F2 cross to get a more colombian pheno from the Sk1 years before.
I read Mel and Ed's Book from cover to cover 3 times then germinated 18 pips I had received(as an 18th birtday present).They all sprouted bar 2 and I got 9 girls and 7 boys.I had limited space at the time so had to cull some before flowering.I got rid of the 4 worst(?) girls 2 of which were a little stunted and 2 just didn't reek like the others and 3 boys for similar reasons,so was left with 10 total for flowering annd so made a clone of all of the keepers for poss ma & pa's. They were grown in a closet in perlite/verm and soil with seaweed for grow,superthrive and can't remember which bloom nutes,under a 400w hps.
After 2 & 1/2 weeks I put the males in another room in a small cupboard with 80w of cool/warm flourescents on 12/12 and no fan.They carried on flowering very well considering and I narrowed it down to a fave male with good crystal and a v.pungent smell 3 weeks later. I put some pollen in an envelope and put in fridge,in case the male died.He did'n't so I used fresh pollen on my finger to pollinate the best lady on one branch only at 4 weeks of 12/12.
The six females were pretty much all similar but with 2 taller and sweeter and 3 a little squatter and more cheesy smelling. That left a medium plant with quickest flowering,sweet yet skunky smell and best crystal productin by far,so for a noobie like me she was ovious Mum material(and what a mum she was!). I flowered them all for 65 days on advice from G and dried them in big cardboard boxes for 10 days til stalks snapped easily.
They all turned out to be A1 smoke and although they could all have been keepers...Beginners luck prevailed and I had meself a superb Skunk#1 mother and as I would find out latrer a damn fine breeding stud in the Father I kept as well.
One thing I loved most about this lady,was the reason I named her "Skelter#1". She would bud around the stem in a spiral before the buds filled out and would still have a corkscrew effect in the bottom 1/3rd of the bigger buds when cured!Anyone had that trait in their skunk b4?Sam,anyone?.It was quite beautiful with thick pistils and a magnitude of small talked trichomes and a delicious sweet but herby flavour.As for the high I can only say it was the most perfect of buzzes.A nice giggly high followed by a really creative but slightly medicinal stone,the ideal weed for appreciating music IMHO.
I no longer have the Skelter Ma and Pa to my constant regret,but they were used in a few crosses in the 90's before I had a break from growing(aaaarggh! why did I stop).Seeds of which I am methodically trying to germinate along with some other past faves like some Purple Pinapple crosses I miss dearly. Skelter and some crosses were shared among a number of growers but these were more paranoid,pre-internet forum times and I don't have contact with any that still practice the mother buisness unfortunately.
I'd just like to send props to Sam S and all the other true breeders out there,I owe you big time.So thankyou!
20 years since first blaze and still loving the one true original,arguably 'The only truly stable hybrid in the world....For me anyway....
.....The story of Skunk#1 lives on.....



Ive found the numerous skunk lines on the market to be good yielders, and uniform but thats where the buck stops really for my experiences. Others seem to have different opinions, but I wouldnt be heart broken to NEVER see a Skunk line again personally.

They arent the most resinated varietys Ive grown, they certainly do not taste better then a majority of the lines out there either. And Ive yet to see a skunk #1 line that was remotely skunky in odor. Im aware the older skunk lines have a much different reputation then what Ive experienced through the years. But I can only speak from my personal experiences.

A good yielder, quite stable in that respect as well. But Ive found the skunk to be avg in potency, and in the great many hybrids Ive grown throughout the years Ive seen skunk come up a majority of the time in the numerous crosses its been used with. That generally is a bad thing for folks like me, who are after good lines of cannabis to smoke. If I want to buy Skunk seeds, Ill buy skunk seeds. But if I want a White Shark for example, that last thing I want is 11 skunk dominant varietys out of my 15-17 seeds.


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ICMag Donor
AnatomiclySound said:
Ive found the numerous skunk lines on the market to be good yielders, and uniform but thats where the buck stops really for my experiences. Others seem to have different opinions, but I wouldnt be heart broken to NEVER see a Skunk line again personally.

They arent the most resinated varietys Ive grown, they certainly do not taste better then a majority of the lines out there either. And Ive yet to see a skunk #1 line that was remotely skunky in odor. Im aware the older skunk lines have a much different reputation then what Ive experienced through the years. But I can only speak from my personal experiences.

A good yielder, quite stable in that respect as well. But Ive found the skunk to be avg in potency, and in the great many hybrids Ive grown throughout the years Ive seen skunk come up a majority of the time in the numerous crosses its been used with. That generally is a bad thing for folks like me, who are after good lines of cannabis to smoke. If I want to buy Skunk seeds, Ill buy skunk seeds. But if I want a White Shark for example, that last thing I want is 11 skunk dominant varietys out of my 15-17 seeds.

Hi Anatomically sound. I trust you are well? You seem quite a knowledge on cannabis so I won't dream of disputing your tastes,opinions or experience regarding Sk1. I would agree that Sk1 being in most hybrids is a pain for breeders and growers,I'm sure we would all like 'pure' genetics to work from thats a given.I also would share an opinion that most skunk I have smoked wasn't the most resinous or strongest weed.But the good skunk I have grown,smoked and crossed with is still one of my favourite weeds and does tick all the boxes 4 me personally. It also makes stable crosses hence everyone has used it as breeding material but that isn't the only reason to like it,IMHO.
Regarding Skunky smell I think u r unlucky not to have smelt Skunky Sk1 as I know hundreds of people personally who have,not to mention a load of people all over various forums etc that say they have smelt it as well. I prefer the the sweeter more Sat skunk that I had,to all the other Sk1 i've smoked,but then I am probably Biased. Anyhoo each to their own.
What I really wanted to know was 'what your first plant was' not another debate about one strain. I thought I made that clear with the title.Your opinion is totally valid to me but not what I asked for..Did you read the post or just saw Skunk#1 and had to tell me I'm wrong?Share your Noobie experiences with me if you have the chance,maybe your first plant was better than Skunk1? You could at least hide the SkunkBashing behind a 'first grow' story for me! JBo


Londinium said:
What I really wanted to know was 'what your first plant was' not another debate about one strain. I thought I made that clear with the title.Your opinion is totally valid to me but not what I asked for..Did you read the post or just saw Skunk#1 and had to tell me I'm wrong?Share your Noobie experiences with me if you have the chance,maybe your first plant was better than Skunk1? You could at least hide the SkunkBashing behind a 'first grow' story for me! JBo
Hey londinum, yes I did noticed the ultimate subject of your thread however in my stoned state went on another route in relation to the Skunk#1 you mentioned a few times. My apologies.

As for my first experience growing marijuana, its not much different then many on the forums. You acquire seeds from bagseed that was good, and grow the seeds out. Later in life I found the online forums, an avenue to acquire the more famous dutch lines and the rest is history so to speak.


Anatomicly Sound,

After five years of growing bagseed, unknown origin, in the early 80's, I got the catalog from HT known as the Seedbank.
I ordered Mex/Pak. What a outdoor plant. Reddish brown buds. Huge yielder. Mold resistent. Cheap too!
But, the money plant that year was the NL5/SK1. Beautiful plant, heavy resin. Almost looked like coated in sugar. When cured, the nugs were light green, yellow. Had a great smoke and was couch lock.
I was hooked at that point.

I'm going for a retro grow next year. Sensi Seeds has NL5/SK1. (Shiva) One of the best memories for me. Still reasonablly priced. $77.


NL5/SK1 said:
Anatomicly Sound,

After five years of growing bagseed, unknown origin, in the early 80's, I got the catalog from HT known as the Seedbank.
I ordered Mex/Pak. What a outdoor plant. Reddish brown buds. Huge yielder. Mold resistent. Cheap too!
But, the money plant that year was the NL5/SK1. Beautiful plant, heavy resin. Almost looked like coated in sugar. When cured, the nugs were light green, yellow. Had a great smoke and was couch lock.
I was hooked at that point.

I'm going for a retro grow next year. Sensi Seeds has NL5/SK1. (Shiva) One of the best memories for me. Still reasonablly priced. $77.

Hey man, I hope it works out for you! Northern Lights is some of the finest marijuana Ive ever had the chance to smoke, but now I feel its quite elusive compared to what I remember. Sensi Seeds stock is said to have slipped in later years since the departure of Neville, even rumors of them outsourcing their breeding to private growers. But I dont think the origins of Sensi Stock are indispute, and they should give you something nice. I just hope its like you remember, if you dont mind be sure to remind me once you get hoppin with these. I would love to see your thoughts and grow on this variety in the future compared to your memories of the past. Ive hunted for legitimate Northern Lights for years, but when I research the individual variety of NL I am looking for I always seem to get detoured based on the overall findings from my research.

A good Northern Lights wont leave anybodys garden!


Its been so long, i think 1969-70 maybe. I had been smoking for several years but hadnt even considered growing it. My wifes cousin sent us some seeds from afghanistan. He was in some sort of peace corp or something. We planted them and they grew. Nobody really new anything about cannabis then and I remember a small group of us holding up a baggie of Mexican brick in an attempt to make a determination as to which part of the plant to smoke.

We first concluded that the male, whose "bud" develops first was the part to smoke. (we didn't know it was a male) until the females began to flower and then we became confused. The plants seeded but being a primitive I wasn't aware of the possibilties of the seeds.

There have been many grows since that one.
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It's name was "The Hulk" It was a bagseed from some random mexican brick weed. I grew it alone in a 5 gallon bucket under 150HPS in a cabinet. It was flowered at one foot tall and just didn't stop growing and budding. My vertical space was 3 feet. The hulk quickly grew into that and the top was bent over to stop it from touching the light. This didn't work and the top was almost broken 4 more times in a vain attempt to keep it in control.

It was harvested at 70 days, it needed more but it wouldn't stop growing! I got about 3 ounces of fluffy tasty buds. It was a so so smoke at first and then after a few month cure the real power and taste came through.

BTW it was called the hulk because it was this massive green monster and if you disturbed it it "became angry" and fumigated the house with a massive cloud of cannabis smell.

Verger OG

silverback said:
Its been so long, i think 1969-70 maybe. I had been smoking for several years but hadnt even considered growing it. My wifes cousin sent us some seeds from afghanistan. He was in some sort of peace corp or something. We planted them and they grew. Nobody really new anything about cannabis then and I remember a small group of us holding up a baggie of Mexican brick in an attempt to make a determination as to which part of the plant to smoke.

We first concluded that the male, whose "bud" develops first was the part to smoke. (we didn't know it was a male) until the females began to flower and then we became confused. The plants seeded but being a primitive I wasn't aware of the possibilties of the seeds.

There have been many grows since that one.

That is incredible. You can't imagine these days that people would not know or recognize what part to smoke.

That reminds me of a Dutch song by a very popular 80's band. They were so popular they quit because they couldn't sing as the audience did it for them. They had a song about growing weed. And what to smoke. This was the first 5 years or so of the 80's.

My first grow-op was California Orange, late 90's. It was not a complete diaster so I got some smoke from it. Nothing tasted so good afterwards, the first yields are always the finest don't you think.

Ah. Memories. Almost 10 years of growing now.
Grow on!


it was one spring and i had just gotten over a bad fall on the job which left me disabled.
i can walk but live with pain every day.a plant came up outdoors we knew what it was
we use to smoke when we wher young i have not smoked in 18-19 years too much
work to do .had a son .well one spring this plant came up in a pot my mother had transplanted out doors.this plant did not evane look like weed but we knew it was .
well that summer i transplanted it to a big ass planter and grew it out doors.
it was some wispy airy bud that turnd hermie becuas we light poisend her .
we keep it out by the pool.and the light from night swiming messed it up .
but i took her to the end seeds and all .i was on og back then learning the in and out of this plant by bog and a few others.well i cut this plant and hung it up and forgot about it for like 3-4 weeks .one night for kicks we striped the plant and noticed a strong pine smell and not many crystals but what it had was big crystals heads and long. so we put it in a plastic bag . and smushed it and was tacking hits of the fumes.
and getting head rushes just off the smell.so we rolled one and dam i have not found any thing that evane comes close to the rush it was like meth or something.we could not stay still the 2 of us we wher like we disovered something new.and from then on and one 400 watt rigged light .i began on a quest of good meds for myself.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Spring of 1978,
32 plants from nigerian seeds brought from Lagos by a sailor friend of mine.I planted in my grandparents orchard :D
late 2006,
My first harvest was not a long time ago.very successfull thanks to the advices of fellow growers on the net and irl.the strain was white satin from mandala seeds.got more fine weed that me & my friends could smoke.been growing ever since.found a job in the telegraphic industry.no link,though.


Active member
Female seeds white widow and female seeds grapefruit. '06 - '07

Plants were very easy to grow and I couldn't have had a better grow for my first time.
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mid 80's as a kid was mexi bag seed, then stepped up to some great thai and hawaian and the real roadkill skunk at my grandparents backyard. Man if I only new.

yts farmer

Well-known member
my first ever grow was some ss white russian done in nft about 6 yrs ago.

i still rate it as the strongest pot ive ever grown.

the Rock

Active member
big sur holyweed crossed with a local santa cruz strain called uzi
about ten years later first seeds bought were called stargazer


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ICMag Donor
So long ago...4 Thais in early 90s. Not the easiest strain for a firstimer at my latitude. I harvested the 3 females in December 'cause they were freezing.


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ICMag Donor
Great stuff thanks!

Great stuff thanks!

Thanks for all the posts people,made some very interesting reading for me.I always find grow storys fascinating and first grows especially.Shows the Bio-diversity in the cultivators as well as their favourite plant! JBo :jump:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
"Hey londinum, yes I did noticed the ultimate subject of your thread however in my stoned state went on another route in relation to the Skunk#1 you mentioned a few times. My apologies".
No problemo Anatomically Sound, I think I may have been a little cheeky in my reply too. I was already familiar with some of your other posts and value your wisdom as a fellow Canna Lover so glad to be aqquainted with you (and your views). JBo