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you know U are a real grower when:

Lucky 7

Active member
the surgery nurse asks what u use for pain...........and u say cannabis works for me

you get out on work release only to get caught again for tending another grow op . . . .


when you have to make some excuse up,
why you are passing by a smoke in a party that smells like cr--.


Active member
when you constantly think of ways you could improve your harvests

when you sketch grow room setups when you are bored

when the only intrest you see in a camera is to take pics of your plants

when you are proud over yourself around nongrowers who dont know shit, thinking 'if they only knew'

lol i need a life...

when you wonder what kinds of phenos will come out of your wife

hahaha just kidding

Cookie monster

when half the fridge is stuffed with nutes.

People could set their watch by the time of day you pull your curtains/blinds.

Your beer fridge is full of brown paper envelopes.

You pay your electricity bill on time and never question them about over charging you.


...your wife will go for ever because you do not stop with growing and you let her go:wave:


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
When your plants get the master bedroom because it has a bathroom attached with bathtub.

When you have to manually look at everything carefully before you throw it out in the trash.

When you have enough shake laying around in various places to catch a felony charge.

When you have actually eaten a Cannabis leaf salad and picked them yourself minutes before.

When you promise yourself that your next house must have a fireplace and basement no matter what the cost!



when your exersize routine consists of

20min jog... to your grow spot
half dozen deadlifts...with 2 40lb bags of soil
40 curls... with 1 gallon jugs of water

when you walk into the woods and you know that theres no dead skunks around but your friends think there are.

you know every differnt species of bug in your area and their diets

friends call you over when they have issues with their grows and you can walk in and before telling them whats wrong you rearrange their plants so they get better light coverage and remove dead leaves


Active member
-your basement is hotter than your upstairs

-your power bill is higher than your rent

-every curled leave you see screams 'over fert!'.. even if it's a hibiscus

-you have to do a mirror spin-check to ensure that you don't have leaves stuck to your back before you leave your place


Game Bred
a couple more..

you've gotten stitches from a cloning "accident"

you google your name and up pops several news articles with twenty-seven 8 x 10 colored glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explainin' what each one was.


a couple more..

you've gotten stitches from a cloning "accident"

you google your name and up pops several news articles with twenty-seven 8 x 10 colored glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explainin' what each one was.

Too funny.

When the veggy plants you help your niece grow for her school project exceed 5GPW.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
When you kids science fair project is a hydroponic system for school :canabis:


When you are stuffed up flying through the Kleenex, But don't even have a cold.

When you buy 2 pairs of the exact same stay sharp scissors every year.

When you regularly show up to your buddies house and tell him to smell your fingers.(and he actually does cause he knows you aren't just trying to trick him into smelling something nasty)

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