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You know the weed is good when......


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
you know the weed is good when... your on the phone with your best friend who just blazed and he says fock i cant find my cell phone.... when he is talking to me on it.. LMFAO.... peace.



This thread is a good one to get a good laugh at, considering we almost all carry over the same or very similar symptoms which are the result of smoking good weed.

For me the first symptoms of great weed are;

1. If smoking a joint or a dutch, on your first pull, it goes down smooth, but on the way back up and out you find yourself coughing up a storm. (I seldomly ever ever cough!)Then you pass to your buddy and the same thing happens to him, then you pass to the next dude and he's coughing as well. After that everyone is scared to take a good pull and it turns into baby sips. lol...now thats when u know its good shit! Got you scared to take a good deep pull cuz you don't want to cough. Now the spliff probably lasts really long, cuz everyone is passing it around so fast. It never gets finished either, and when its done and I am ready to light up another one. Everyone is like I am good! That is how I know it is some bomb. The kind of stuff you can't be greedy with, otherwise your lungs get a beating! lol...

2. If its ridiculously potent, I can tell when breaking up only .4g and I got a bunch of finger hash from just that.

3. I attempt to respond to txt msgs on my phone, write up the txt but never press the send button. lol only to realize a half hour later when I get a txt asking me what am I so busy doing that I can't respond? lol..

4. I go take a shower cuz I swear I am so toasted, so I try taking an extra long shower, and I swear I was in there for at least 20mins trying to sober up. When I come out I realize its only been 5 mins. Lol, talk about slow motion time movements.

5. I take a hit off the bong, and have to just look at the rest, and shake my head cuz I am fucked up and there is no way I could take another hit just to clear the damn thing! lol...


donut engineer
When you sit on the back porch for 2 hours with your buddy saying "wow... wow..." repeatedly in a dopey stupor.

(it was OG Kush, btw)


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
you know the weed is good when...

you know the weed is good when...

you have to enter things to remember 30 minutes from now into my iphone... And habe your pone remind you 15 minutes before...


May your race always be in your favor
You know the weed is good, when your driving down the road and not only forget where your going, but you don't know where you are. Don't seem to recognise anything, true story LOL!! YIKES where am I?:smoke out:


You know the HASH is good when you loose your damn vision, and all you can do is crumple potato chips up in your fist and throw them on the floor in a panic like your feeding ducks.... Scary shit, havent smoked hash since.....funny story, my buddei that gave me the hash is laughing ungodly hard while im trying to expleain my heart attack situation, loss of vision. My other buddie is laughing so hard he looks like hes gonna piss his pants. then a white ghost look draws over his face and he looks to my other buddie in panic and says " dude, is that gonna happen to me?, seriously am I gonna freak out too man.....he fucking scared himself into submisson seeing me freak out and now my friend who gave us the hash is like ROlling on the floor gasping for air hes laughing so hard, Im so stoned all I can do is throw potato chips on the floor as its liek the only stress releaving thing at the moment. Dont ask why but you know when your too stoned you jsut have to do something to make yourself feel better no matter how weird it is lol.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
You know the weed is good when.......

You know the weed is good when.......

you actually petitioned, lobbied and voted to keep Yummybud from being banned.......


Ganja D

You know the weed is good when your trying to leave and spend 20 minutes looking for your keys before you realize you were holding them in your other hand the whole time.
If this has happened more then once the weed is really really good.

Awesome thread, I'll be back.

Ganja D

When your 15 and you light a cigarette, then forget you lit it and put it behind your ear causing your hair to catch fire.

This is my new favorite thread.

Ganja D

You know the weed is good when you take a deep breath and feel peace, and feel like everything is gonna be alright.


you search around for 10 minutes looking for your lighter while holding it in your hand......

You know your high when you planned to do something right after smoking then spend 5 minutes just sitting there thinking of something random
:laughing:happens alot with indicas


Active member
Or when you drive yourself home on Auto-pilot.

You drove like 20 miles, you open your garage and you realize you just opened your garage. You didn't take in the streets, the turns, the cars, you just KNEW, and you opened your garage and your home. You just made it there.

Tell me you guys have done this?

This is why I ALWAYS stop for stop signs. That way I know my auto-pilot is programmed to stop for them. :D

Stay Safe! :tree:

p.s. this doesn't happen to me when I'm toking... it happens when I'm deep in thought.


Active member
you take two hits and then have to run to do something quick, so you put it out.

Then you go to do that thing and realize you're hungry so you eat a little something and then sit down and smoke some more.

wait.....am I forgetting something.


Youre mom and dad walk in pissed as hell, smoke everywhThen they ask WTF IS THAT!?!?! (the bong)....you say "A THC decarboxylation unit and consumtumator."

They are mad, but instead of DDDDDDF on your report card it's all A's (of course after they call a few teachers).....and they ask you if the weed calms you down and mention that adderall is bad mmmk. Nevertheless, I had never cared about school or intellectual pursuits before use of marijuana.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
you know when you go to do something and after you made it upstairs you have no idea why you're there. All you're left with is an errrie feeling you know you had something to do. So you go back down stairs and you sit down, suddenly you remember and you spring up, heading to the stairs, upon getting to the top you're like "F#$k, what am i doing up here again".
on really really good weed this process may repeat a few times.


love machine
ICMag Donor
you pack a bowl,
take a hit and completely forgot about it
found out later you've only burn 1/4 of it.


Active member
Did I hit this? I thought you hit it....


If you come to the conclusion: "dude, what if the sun was the god and we're not even living. We're machines, it's god, it controls us!"


Active member
its all good . i dont grow bad weed. fwiw the last 4 times when filling my res i smoked a j and totally forgot about it . causing res to overflow. i really need to automate my res filling

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