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You can thank Senator Feinstein for attempting to defeat MJ Legalization in CA


July 12, 2010 | 8:24 pm
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California’s senior senator, has lent her support to the campaign to defeat Proposition 19, the marijuana legalization measure on the state’s November ballot.

The prominent Democrat, first elected to the Senate in 1992, signed the ballot argument against the initiative. On Monday, she issued a statement through the opposition campaign calling the measure “a jumbled legal nightmare that will make our highways, our workplaces and our communities less safe.”

Roger Salazar, spokesman for Public Safety First, said the opposition committee sought Feinstein’s support.

“She’s one of the most respected figures in California,” he said. “She has a great history with law enforcement and dealing with this type of issue. We’re looking at a bipartisan effort.”

Proposition 19 would allow adults 21 and older to possess, grow and transport marijuana, and would allow cities and counties to regulate and tax commercial sales. Most of the state’s top elected officials and candidates for statewide office — from both major parties — are against the initiative.

Dale Sky Clare, a spokesman for Tax Cannabis 2010, the committee behind the measure, said it was not surprising that Feinstein and other statewide politicians opposed it.

“I’m just not putting a lot of faith in politicians to lead,” she said. “The voters have always led on this issue.”

Make sure to call her offices and bombard her with your opinion whether you're a constituent of hers or not

Sample Call:
"Hi, I'm calling to express my concern and disappointment in Senator Feinstein's attempt to block Proposition 19 and I hope you can pass it along. I'm from [your state] and will be telling all my family and friends about her views on this subject in order to lose her support because of this. "

-Be polite & courteous and end with a "Thank you & have a good day" or something to that effect
-Offer your zip code if asked, nobody is going to track you down and arrest you.

Here are her offices in CA:

San Francisco
One Post Street, Suite 2450
San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: (415) 393-0707
Fax: (415) 393-0710

The following counties are served by the San Francisco office: Alameda, Butte, Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Glenn, Humboldt, Lake, Lassen, Marin, Mendocino, Modoc, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Benito, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Solano, Sonoma, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Yolo, Yuba.

Los Angeles
11111 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 915
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: (310) 914-7300
Fax: (310) 914-7318

The following counties are served by the Los Angeles office: Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Ventura.

San Diego
750 B Street, Suite 1030
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: (619) 231-9712
Fax: (619) 231-1108

The following counties are served by the San Diego office: Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Imperial, San Diego.

2500 Tulare Street, Suite 4290
Fresno, CA 93721
Phone: (559) 485-7430
Fax: (559) 485-9689

The following counties are served by the Fresno office: Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Fresno, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Mono, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, Stanislaus, Tulare, Tuolumne.

And, DC:
Washington DC
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-3841
Fax: (202) 228-3954
TTY/TDD: (202) 224-2501


Richard Lee's plan. What do you think? wake up people!

Oakland City Council Looking to Close Patient Gardens
This is what happens when you buy city council members, you can convince them to grant you a legal monopoly of the medical and recreational cannabis market by outlawing personal medical gardens under the pretense of public safety and allow 4 giant commercial gardens to come in, set their own prices and force dispensaries city wide to choose from one of these 4 gardens. Im guessing rich lee will own at least 2 of them.

If Oakland city council members are worried about public safety, they might want to consider their own safety first. Destroying the livelihoods of thousands of Oaklands most well connected people will have its consequences. If you want to open a 100,000sqft warehouse in Oakland in an attempt to monopolize the medical or recreational pot market, buy fire insurance.

If your a grower in Cali and support prop 19 read this and let me know how you feel....

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New ordinance in Oakland would legalize big industrial pot farms
July 13, 2010 | Michael Montgomery

Flickr photo by Neeta Lind

The city of Oakland could become home to some of the world’s largest government-licensed marijuana-growing operations, with permits to distribute products around the state, according to a draft ordinance released yesterday.

The city’s public safety committee meets tonight to consider the plan to permit four industrial-scale, “medical cannabis” cultivation facilities.

The ordinance does not limit the size of the indoor operations, but says the council has received proposals ranging from 20,000 to 100,000 square feet.

“The cultivation of medical cannabis in Oakland has not been regulated and occurs entirely in small-scale home operations or larger-scale illicit warehouses,” reads a report submitted to the committee by city council members Rebecca Kaplan and Larry Reid. “These unregulated operations have led to public safety hazards, including fires, burglaries and home invasions, health risks to patients, and related response costs to the city.”

But the plan doesn’t restrict operations to Oakland. “Responsible transfer permits” would allow registered dispensaries anywhere in the state to purchase medical marijuana from the city’s pot farms. “Sales would be subject to the recently approved sales tax on medical cannabis providing additional revenue for the city through sales taxes,” reads the report.

In addition to improving public safety, the report suggests the plan could help revive the city’s anemic finances, raising anywhere from $3 million to $38 million in permit fees and sales taxes.

Experts say licensed marijuana-growing operations of this size and purpose do not exist anywhere in the world. Even the pot-friendly Netherlands only legally permits small-scale marijuana cultivation for distribution to consumers.

“I am not aware of any indoor-growing facility of that size or one whose product is meant to be consumed,” said Jonathan Caulkins, a Carnegie Mellon professor who co-authored a recent RAND Corporation study on marijuana in California.

Dale Gieringer, who heads the California branch of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, said he could think of only a few government-sanctioned, outdoor pot farms that were larger than the indoor facilities being considered for Oakland.

“This is a very big deal,” he said.

The plan is raising a few eyebrows, even among legalization advocates like Gieringer. He said the ordinance envisions a “monopoly” for marijuana growers while also maintaining a virtual stranglehold on distribution (the plan would increase the number of legal dispensaries in Oakland from four to six).

“There are certainly more than four brands of wine and beer in Oakland and there are certainly more than four brands of cannabis,” Gieringer said.

But the supporters predict the plan would lead to lower prices and help wipe out illegal growing operations.

“Permitting larger-scale cultivation will allow for lower production costs per pound by creating economies of scale,” reads the committee report. “Lower production costs will allow regulated cultivation facilities to undercut wholesale prices of cannabis grown in unregulated operations.” Still, the report estimates dispensaries will continue to purchase at least 20 percent of their product from boutique growers who cultivate within a 96-square-foot legal limit.

Berkeley’s City Council is also considering industrial-scale marijuana cultivation and Mendocino recently passed regulations allowing outdoor pot farms to expand capacity to 99 plants per land parcel.

It’s leading some observers to wonder whether the battle for the statewide medical marijuana market – and accompanying tax dollars – is intensifying among local governments, well in advance of the vote this fall to legalize marijuana use in California.

Of course, much depends on the actions (or inactions) of the federal government. The feds still classify pot as a schedule one narcotic and DEA agents continue to raid some farms that claim to be operating within the state’s medical marijuana laws.

KQED's Forum program devoted an hour today to the Oakland ordinance.
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Active member
She is a **** but name a senator that isn't lol... This won't pass regardless. It doesn't have the support now and the anti-campaign hasn't even started yet.


Active member
Richard Lee's plan. What do you think? wake up people!
blah blah blah

Dude how many times you gonna post that???

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Because as a dem one would think she should be on board in an ideal world, she's the Senator (federal-level representative) of that state, and because I happen to come across that article, basically


New member
Nice Vote No on Prop 19 anyways Fck Richard Lee and his group of hoarders. They are just trying to take an even bigger share for themselves and not the little guy. VOTE NO ON 19
Because as a dem one would think she should be on board in an ideal world, she's the Senator (federal-level representative) of that state, and because I happen to come across that article, basically

Well, the article clearly says that top elected officials from both parties oppose this proposition. This article would be exactly the same if you switched out Feinstein's name for someone else's, either Democrat or Republican.

It's easy to attack a politician, especially to focus one's anger on one politician alone. But, you also have to consider all of the lobbying groups that advocate and convince politicians of both parties not to support propositions and bills like this.

If one really wants to make a difference to change the way people think about cannabis and how they vote for their politicians, then the anger must be changed into a positive political movement and focused on the anti-cannabis lobbying groups.
Yeah but this is irrelevant to me, because Feinstein is the federal leader of the state, it falls on her shoulders, not a nonexistent republican Senator.
She represents CA to the fed gov, and she has failed her state. Period!

There are multiple House [state-level] representatives, and 1 state Senator.
If one has time they can express their views to every other Californian representative in the House, that's not what this thread was about though.

Guest 88950

...If one really wants to make a difference to change the way people think about cannabis and how they vote for their politicians, then the anger must be changed into a positive political movement and focused on the anti-cannabis lobbying groups.

good point.
For one thing, there is no 1 way to achieve what we want, and secondly, it certainly does not help, at all, to let politicians slide in opposing the progression of MJ in our society. Hold em to the heat and pursue multiple ways of securing pro MJ law is what I say!

Every single one of her offices got an earful today, and hopefully other concerned members will do the same..


Senator Feinstein is no liberal Democrat.

Senator Feinstein is no liberal Democrat.

She is from that same class of corporatists that have infected both the Democratic Party (Neo-Liberals) and the Republican Party (Neo-Conservatives).

She repeatedly votes for war, pro-militant Zionist Israel policies, and is going to get the USA into a bloody shooting war with IRAN. Her husband's company is a defense contractor that makes its many millions of dollars from the wars she supports legislatively.

Why haven't California voters seen fit to replace this blood-sucking war-monger already?


Active member
Thank you Senator Feinstein's for your attempt to block Proposition 19. Keep up the good work and make sure to keep trees illegal so you can keep the east coast with high prices! Please vote NO!

According to the Rand Drug Policy Research Center, the price of marijuana could fall by as much as 80 percent if the drug were made legal for individual use.
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Thank you Senator Feinstein's for your attempt to block Proposition 19. Keep up the good work and make sure to keep trees illegal so you can keep the east coast with high prices! Please vote NO!

You may as well be locking people up and slapping cuffs on em yourself, taking their children, and destroying their future if you support that.
That's literally what is being done by asking for MJ to stay illegal. Absolutely horrendous and unbelievable, I feel.

In my opinion it's the epitome of selfishness to ask for MJ to stay illegal, it destroys families, it's wrong, it's unjust, etc.
And all so you can sell weed for money. Disingenuous at the very least, I say. Very sad that people hold that view, very sad indeed.


Come on guys, really??? Are you guys really having the RepublicanDemocrap talk? Anybody as high up as the Senate or Congress is corrupted by the system and no longer stands for anyhting. They are all the same scumfucks. If you align yourself with party lines you are part of the problem. Don't think that Dems are more "reasonable" people. There is one guy holding up both puppets at this show. Done
Don't forget, it's the Obama admin who at least took pressure off the states in demoting a priority for feds to put pressure on em.
Yes, there is clearly a difference. But you're right in that no, that difference is not very big.