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You can thank Senator Feinstein for attempting to defeat MJ Legalization in CA


Active member
You can thank Senator Feinstein for ....

You can thank Senator Feinstein for ....

ok, thank you senator feinstein !! see ya in temple on yom kippur !!


....and personally, if this Prop 19 keeps thousands of growers/cannabis users from going to jail or being victimized for a victimless crime then I am all for it.....since I can't vote in Cali......it's all up to you guys and girls that can....

Come on Gypsy, you of all people should know that this isn't gonna keep people out of jail. SB 420 and Prop 215 haven't done anything to keep people out of jail. There were 60,000 "arrests" for cannabis related offenses last year. Of those, 1,400 are serving time. Most of those people are in there for felony convictions. Anything a felony now will still be felony if prop 19 passes. This bill is not being brought into legislation for you rights. Even in mainstream media it has been clearly expressed many times that it is for revenue production. Get real. What's worse is that there will be even more laws because the legal status will bring upon new laws and convictions. Cannabis Intoxication in Public is one that comes to mind right away. That's just on the low end of the spectrum. Collateral repercussions is what you guys aren't seeing here. If you read the damn thing you'll realize that it's not even legalization. IT'S LIMITED DECRIMINALIZATION. Everybody just hears legal and goes crazy. OMG, nobody going to jail, OMG, legal weed, OMG, I'm gonna walk around smoking blunts in the streets. WRONG. People will still go to jail, it's not gonna be fully legal, and it'll still be illegal to smoke in public, around kids, and a multitude of other thngs.

It's all about the money, what doesn't make sense about that? The state is broke and looking for any way to make money. Think about this. The state makes money having people in it's jails. They will not only be making money off of cannabis, but will also still be arresting people for cannabis. It's a win win situation for them.

Is everybody so conditioned now to just accept whatever is thrown at them. Jeez. How about we get these corrupt officials out of office that are trying to make money off this, vote some good people in and then bring up a true legalization bill. That's the real problem, is the people running the legislature. The people who keep it illegal now will still be in office if it becomes legal. Doesn't that say something to you? Money, money,money. Nothing else.


Active member
Come on Gypsy, you of all people should know that this isn't gonna keep people out of jail. SB 420 and Prop 215 haven't done anything to keep people out of jail. There were 60,000 "arrests" for cannabis related offenses last year. Of those, 1,400 are serving time. Most of those people are in there for felony convictions. Anything a felony now will still be felony if prop 19 passes. This bill is not being brought into legislation for you rights. Even in mainstream media it has been clearly expressed many times that it is for revenue production. Get real. What's worse is that there will be even more laws because the legal status will bring upon new laws and convictions. Cannabis Intoxication in Public is one that comes to mind right away. That's just on the low end of the spectrum. Collateral repercussions is what you guys aren't seeing here. If you read the damn thing you'll realize that it's not even legalization. IT'S LIMITED DECRIMINALIZATION. Everybody just hears legal and goes crazy. OMG, nobody going to jail, OMG, legal weed, OMG, I'm gonna walk around smoking blunts in the streets. WRONG. People will still go to jail, it's not gonna be fully legal, and it'll still be illegal to smoke in public, around kids, and a multitude of other thngs.

It's all about the money, what doesn't make sense about that? The state is broke and looking for any way to make money. Think about this. The state makes money having people in it's jails. They will not only be making money off of cannabis, but will also still be arresting people for cannabis. It's a win win situation for them.

Is everybody so conditioned now to just accept whatever is thrown at them. Jeez. How about we get these corrupt officials out of office that are trying to make money off this, vote some good people in and then bring up a true legalization bill. That's the real problem, is the people running the legislature. The people who keep it illegal now will still be in office if it becomes legal. Doesn't that say something to you? Money, money,money. Nothing else.

Laughing My Ass Off

Of all the BS posts in this thread, this one takes the cake!

Um...I'm not in jail thanks to 215. If I didn't have my rec, you think the cops would of just left me with 50 plants...LOL

Anything a felony now will still be felony if prop 19 passes.

currently growing 1 plant is a felony...with 19 you can grow as much as you want within the space limits imposed either by the law or by your local city.

Sure some people will go to jail for giving or selling to kids. But the 10's of thousands that won't have to deal with the law overwhelms that number.

There is no way that the general public would go for all out legalization without taxation or restrictions. They didn't do it with booze and that's used by many more people and more accepted for use by the masses.


Laughing My Ass Off

Of all the BS posts in this thread, this one takes the cake!

Um...I'm not in jail thanks to 215. If I didn't have my rec, you think the cops would of just left me with 50 plants...LOL

currently growing 1 plant is a felony...with 19 you can grow as much as you want within the space limits imposed either by the law or by your local city.

Sure some people will go to jail for giving or selling to kids. But the 10's of thousands that won't have to deal with the law overwhelms that number.

There is no way that the general public would go for all out legalization without taxation or restrictions. They didn't do it with booze and that's used by many more people and more accepted for use by the masses.

Keep on laughing. You are entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine, I just happen to go off market analysis. Alcohol prohibition was instated and repealed within the same generation of people. Most people alive now haven't lived through a time of when cannabis was legal. Of course more people are gonna be receptive of alcohol. They knew of a time when alcohol was legal. These last 80 years have been full of propaganda and conditioning to make people dislike cannabis. You can't compare the two in that sense. Cannabis will be even more tightly regulated because of this.

Yea, you can grow in a 5x5 space, if your city decides to have recreational marijuana. What if you don't know how to grow, don't have the time, your city doesn't want it, just don't want to. Then you are forced to go buy some. Somebody's gotta grow it. My real issue besides people going to jail is the heavy regulation and taxation which will lead to corporatization. It will happen. If you haven't looked at every other market and seen it you're blind. Mom and pop, see ya.

I'm glad the cops left you alone but you are lucky. Not everyone has your luck. Dispensaries are still getting raided and other people's homes. More laws will be enacted to charge people with if legalized. Everything from behavior laws to commercial laws. People will be going to jail that way. I don't think there will be much of a difference, it might even result in more arrests. What do you think the cops are out here doing? They collect revenue, just go look at what the police are saying up in Oakland.


Active member
Yea, you can grow in a 5x5 space, if your city decides to have recreational marijuana.

Sorry but that is where I stopped reading your post. I am not going to wast my time with people that don't even read or can't comprehend the proposal.

here you go..... :ying:


Sorry but that is where I stopped reading your post. I am not going to wast my time with people that don't even read or can't comprehend the proposal.

here you go..... :ying:

What are you gonna tell me I'm wrong about that, or have you not read the initiative? It will be regulated by the cities and counties and the cities can choose to not have recreational cannabis.

7. Ensure that if a city decides not to tax and regulate the sale of cannabis, that buying and selling cannabis within that city’s limits remain illegal, but that the city’s citizens still have the right to possess and consume small amounts, except as permitted under Health and Safety Sections 11362.5 and 11362.7 through 11362.9.
8. Ensure that if a city decides it does want to tax and regulate the buying and selling of cannabis (to and from adults only), that a strictly controlled legal system is implemented to oversee and regulate cultivation, distribution, and sales, and that the city will have control over how and how much cannabis can be bought and sold, except as permitted under Health and Safety Sections 11362.5 and 11362.7 through 11362.9.

At least if you're gonna try to say I'm wrong and can't read or comprehend, you should make sure you can read and comprehend yourself. What make's you think you're so smart?


Active member
Well you said citys that did not allow sales/commercial would also be able to ban growing. I am not sure that is the case, but its interesting that section of the law says citizens have the right to possess and consume, but mentions nothing of growing... It would not surprise me at all if hostile counties (which is most of cali lol) tried to also ban growing, as well as sales...


Active member
What are you gonna tell me I'm wrong about that, or have you not read the initiative? It will be regulated by the cities and counties and the cities can choose to not have recreational cannabis.

7. Ensure that if a city decides not to tax and regulate the sale of cannabis, that buying and selling cannabis within that city’s limits remain illegal, but that the city’s citizens still have the right to possess and consume small amounts, except as permitted under Health and Safety Sections 11362.5 and 11362.7 through 11362.9.
8. Ensure that if a city decides it does want to tax and regulate the buying and selling of cannabis (to and from adults only), that a strictly controlled legal system is implemented to oversee and regulate cultivation, distribution, and sales, and that the city will have control over how and how much cannabis can be bought and sold, except as permitted under Health and Safety Sections 11362.5 and 11362.7 through 11362.9.

At least if you're gonna try to say I'm wrong and can't read or comprehend, you should make sure you can read and comprehend yourself. What make's you think you're so smart?

Yea, you can grow in a 5x5 space, if your city decides to have recreational marijuana.

That is wrong.

Yea, you can grow in a 5x5 space, if your city decides to have recreational marijuana.

This prop gives EVERYONE above the age of 21 the RIGHT to grow cannabis in a minimum space of 5'x5'. Cities CAN increase the size restriction and CANNOT decrease it. Your statement is wrong so I figured you either didn't read it or may needed to reread it so you would stop spreading misinformation. As you know, misinformation is one of the most powerful tools the prohibitionists have.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I am a very outspoken critic and have posted several very positive things about it here, only to have the mods remove it and censor it.
When did IC chop off your head? When did we cut off your arms or smash your press? When did we break into YOUR server and remove information? No one has ever been censored at IC because we don't have that ability!

You are demanding that IC live in a state of slavery, subject to your tyrannical will. The only advocate for censorship here is you and you should be ashamed.
The very fact that she and the thankfully deceased Robt. Byrd are referred to as "most respected" senators pretty much tells it all. The two of them are probably responsible for 10% of our national debt all by themselves.

As fer her and ethics, as in voting to match her substantial mouth and self righteous bullshit...just look how she reacts every time someone tries to trim the trillion (and yes it is at least that if you add up all of the fragmented labels of spending that feed that monster) fed to the military industrial complex every year and shut down a military base in Cali. How many are there like 30+? In case of what...an invasion from Figi? For such a dove she sure does grow a beak and talons pretty effin' fast. Same crap everywhere. Watch how fast every political fellatio artist lines up for a suck when they hear that the base realignment malarkey is thinkin' of moving personnel to their State. Better yet, check out who their biggest contributors are and how they vote...not what cums out of their mouth.

Moldy, the advise to call is right on, and not only appropriate to Cali residents. The supercilious bitch unfortunately has a fist in every Amerikan's anus. They do track all calls. They usually ignore the sentiments...but the Dems in Congress are just beginning to wake up to the fact that following Yobama off of the cliff is not going to keep them livin' the high life in D.C. much longer.

As fer being polite...don't waste your time. I make it a habit to warn them that the next time they hear or see me will be when they hear the hammering of me building a Guillotine in front of their office. Wanna see some change? Lets start public canings of "public servants" who abuse our trust for personal gain...and make it a new Fox reality show on prime time. Then we bring back what the French fondly recall as "The Terror". Start draggin' some of these odious prigs into the street and loppin' off heads. Trust me after the first two - three dozen they'd all be leavin' office. Maybe then we'll begin to attract the best from among us instead of the most syphilitic from the pustule. Lets start with term limits and have a little Tea Party of our own.

As fer people not readin' bills that they choose to bloviate on...just check out the Arizona I.D. Bill for yourself. You won't recognize it compared to the bullshit that Yobama et al have been spewin' over it. Of course he did manage to give his illegal aunt amnesty in the midst of the uproar.

Let the canings begin!

Not that I feel passionate about it or anything...
Call and or email daily. They don't particularly like it, but that's the most gratifying part. And again...although they love the sound of referring to each other as "the honorable", don't ever extend that courtesy unless they've earned it, and extended it to their constituents as well.

One thing that continually amazes me is that if you call any one of these scum bags and inquire as to how they intend to vote or where they stand on a specific bill they and their staff always feed you the same pablum, either "the congressman hasn't yet read the bill", which is always a joke 'cuz they still give you that crap even as they're voting, or as is the Queen in questions habit...they outright refuse to tell you how they intend to vote. Boxer is another that's famous for that most unapologetically. They seem to forget who they work for and whose money it is that they love to receive and spend so freely.

The funny/disgusting part is that they full well know how they're going to vote before they even see the bill, unless there is an overwhelming outpouring of public discontent, because their puppeteers have already given them their marching orders. Who do you think they're more inclined to listen to, a disorganized rabble of weed smokers or the defense contractor that dumps hundreds of thousands into their election campaign and sends them on 5 star junkets to Dubai?

Here's a great site for keeping tabs on the scoundrels:


Also go to your congressmen's websites and review who the contributors are to their campaigns. Then back to look at how they vote. It'll make ya wanna join me on top of the water tower with a high powered rifle.

Ever wonder who's likely pulling the strings? Check these out when you get a chance,





and if they strike a cord with you try to pass them on to at least two people a day, every day, and tell them to do the same. The only way sort of outright insurrection that we're ever going to affect any real change, (obviously Yobama has not been that), is to help educate our fellow citizenry. State your case and share the knowledge but give everyone credit for being able to make up their own minds once they have the facts. No body ever changed their thinking because of name calling and being out-shouted.

Want to better understand how they control and manipulate us? Check this out and tell me it doesn't feel like it's all happening to all of us today:


Lastly, if you want a preview of the next giant supository that they're going to jam home watch this girls bit on understanding Cap & Trade:


Come together...right now...

It's all of us against them, not each other!

We need to dismantle the Fed, cease empire building and screwing with other sovereign countries, stop imprisoning our populace and start to act like we have some sense. Hemp replacing trees, stop the nanny state prohibitions...the list goes on and on.

Actually there are two more things. First...read about how Goldman Sachs started dumping BP stock just weeks before the well blew in the Gulf, and second check out the documentary Who Killed the Electric Car? so you can wretch the next time one of these a-holes says that electric vehicles are a decade away. Total and complete guano!


That is wrong.

This prop gives EVERYONE above the age of 21 the RIGHT to grow cannabis in a minimum space of 5'x5'. Cities CAN increase the size restriction and CANNOT decrease it. Your statement is wrong so I figured you either didn't read it or may needed to reread it so you would stop spreading misinformation. As you know, misinformation is one of the most powerful tools the prohibitionists have.

Section 3: Lawful Activities
Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, commencing with section 11300 is added to read:
Section 11300: Personal Regulation and Controls
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it is lawful and shall not be a public offense under California law for any person 21 years of age or older to:

(ii) Cultivate, on private property by the owner, lawful occupant, or other lawful resident or guest of the private property owner or lawful occupant, cannabis plants for personal consumption only, in an area of not more than twenty-five square feet per private residence or, in the absence of any residence, the parcel. Cultivation on leased or rented property may be subject to approval from the owner of the property. Provided that, nothing in this section shall permit unlawful or unlicensed cultivation of cannabis on any public lands.

Keyword's here being NOT WITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF LAW. There's the choice right there. The cities can choose whether or not you can grow too. Do you know how to read law? I'm not spreading any misinformation. You just happen to be misinformed. I know you keep hearing the words legal being thrown around but that's not what it is at all and you know it.

How can you guys be so naive? Do you really think they won't have complete control? Get real. You all know the only reason this was written and has any chance of passing is because it will create revenue for the gov't.

It's not called the Get your rights back that have been violated for 80 years act. It's called the REGULATE, CONTROL, AND TAX CANNABIS ACT. There is a design and purpose to this and you don't even see it because you choose not to. Ignorance is bliss. If this thing gets passed, which I don't see happening, you will soon see what I am talking about. This is how the world works. Politicians get paid off, laws get passed for corporate and government gain, and the masses are left out to dry. It happens over and over. I used to live in DC, I've seen more legislation in a few years than California has in a decade. Things don't get passed for our benefit, there's always underlying schemes. Just look at obamacare and see how much shit got passed on the way side with that. I'm not saying there a bunch of extra crap written in this one like that, but it does give complete control to the state, plain and simple. If you read this thing and come out thinking it's for the people you are delusional.
Apparently the only thing that you gleamed from the post.

The socialist empty suit that was elected as a result of white guilt, black racism and an overdose of Bush stupidity, and I'm not suggesting that McCain was any kind of viable alternative. Ron Paul or Ralph Nader probably were, but the media marginalized their messages and wrote them off as a kooks straight away.

Pardon the Freudian slip misspell. Perhaps the colloquial 'bama would have been more to your sensitivities liking. Regardless, the man has exemplified ignorance of the public will from the get go.

People wanted Health Care reform, but yet for the trillions that will be wasted, the profit motive driven insurance companies all managed to emerge unscathed. Why do ya think that they never objected to anything that he was shoving down our throats? 'Cuz they were going to loose money or make a whole lot more with all of the new required coverages that are going to be forced? While it's true that not being able to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions is good, he never addressed the fact that there's nothing to stop the insurers from charging whatever they want for that coverage. We still can't even cross State lines to seek out competitive rates from these pirates. And then of course there's the fact that he has absolutely no way to pay for anything except to keep borrowing from his masters at the Federal Reserve. The last minute break out of the Medicare bailout is the only thing that kept the price from looking as insane as it actually is...and we're still going to have to bail out medicare.

The public outcry against his bill mattered not one wit to him because he has an agenda, and he realizes that he's likely going to have but one term to do what damage he can before the citizenry wakes up. Of course if he can find a way to re-invigorate that portion of his base that will vote for anyone that shares his ethnicity without ever bothering to consider the reality of his rule, he may yet survive to screw us all another day.

His method of ruling so far has been to speak out of both sides of his mouth at the same time while ignoring what the people want. His administration has constantly exhibited a level of political thuggery and race baiting that would put Jesse Jackson and Richard Daley to shame. He has at least proved that regardless of race...there's plenty more idiots where George Bush came from, regardless of their party label. Gonna get us out'a Absurdistan...yeah sure! Right after he sends another 30,000 kids off to sacrifice life and limb to protect big oils' interests. Where's all that change...presumably for the better that we were supposed to see. He can't blame Bush forever.

Do you know anybody that's better off now? Again, probably not, unless they work for the Federal government. What happened to the blarney that his supporters believed about finally getting someone in charge who would end the insanity of incarcerating 20% of his own race? Ain't happenin'. He's actually stepping up attempts to lock up more folks over weed fer chrisakes! The guy is Bush ver.2.0 with a heavy dose of socialism on the side.

And BTW, socialism is not communism, it's got more to do with the concentration of power under the auspices of the State, just like Bush.


Cosmik Debris, I think me and you are on the same track here. Good to know some people know what's really going on.
Here here! Let's have our lawyers beat up their lawyers!

Can you imagine NORML having the lobbying clout of General Dynamics or Blue Cross & Blue Shield? Yee Haa!. We'll have weed dispensaries like Star Bucks...two on every corner, one in every book store and OMG...can you imagine the grocery stores with a weed lounge? They really should get behind this...they could make millions.

Join NORML today!


Active member
Section 3: Lawful Activities
Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, commencing with section 11300 is added to read:
Section 11300: Personal Regulation and Controls
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it is lawful and shall not be a public offense under California law for any person 21 years of age or older to:

(ii) Cultivate, on private property by the owner, lawful occupant, or other lawful resident or guest of the private property owner or lawful occupant, cannabis plants for personal consumption only, in an area of not more than twenty-five square feet per private residence or, in the absence of any residence, the parcel. Cultivation on leased or rented property may be subject to approval from the owner of the property. Provided that, nothing in this section shall permit unlawful or unlicensed cultivation of cannabis on any public lands.

Keyword's here being NOT WITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF LAW. There's the choice right there. The cities can choose whether or not you can grow too. Do you know how to read law? I'm not spreading any misinformation. You just happen to be misinformed. I know you keep hearing the words legal being thrown around but that's not what it is at all and you know it.

Snipped from:
The Attorney General Legislative Analyst’s Office Analysis
The legal analysis from the State on the proposed law


This measure (1) legalizes various marijuana-related activities, (2) allows local governments to regulate these activities, (3) permits local governments to impose and collect marijuana-related fees and taxes, and (4) authorizes various criminal and civil penalties.

Legalization of Marijuana-Related Activities. Under the measure, persons age 21 or older could engage in “personal consumption” of marijuana. Specifically, personal consumption of marijuana would be permitted in a “non-public place,” defined as including a residence or a public establishment licensed for on-site marijuana consumption. The measure states that persons generally may (1) possess, process, or transport up to one ounce of marijuana; (2) cultivate marijuana on private property in an area up to 25 square feet; (3) possess harvested and living marijuana plants cultivated in such an area; and (4) possess any items or equipment associated with the above activities. However, the measure permits local authorities to authorize the possession and cultivation, including commercial production, of larger amounts of marijuana. Under the terms of this measure, the state could also enact laws to allow larger amounts of marijuana, as well as to enact new laws to regulate the commercial production of marijuana. The measure prohibits state and local law enforcement agencies from seizing or destroying marijuana that was possessed, used, or sold in accordance with this measure.

So this allows local governments to regulate. Remember a law is what is written, there are not hidden conditions. That said, This prop does not give cities the right to ban or make illegal anything listed within. It allows cities to increase. It allows the State to increase. They are not allowed to decrease, in other words, the initial limits set forth are minimums and cannot be lowered. That is without a state level, voter initiated law, whose sole purpose is to overturn specific portion or all of prop 19. That is what "Notwithstanding any other provision of law" refers to. Cities cannot pass a law in direct conflict with State law. So...they cannot take away your giving right under prop19 to grow personally.