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You Can Say Goodbye to Cannabis Legalization



I enjoyed this thread, particularly how the OP seemed way off and how some members here focused reality down like a laser from the moon. Good thread.
By the way, I am "More Conservative" than almost every "Republican" career politician, and..BTW, I (obviously) support the complete use, growing, eating, bathing in of Cannabis by anyone whom is of legal age and chooses to do so for any reason, whether medical, or otherwise period.
It's not a conservative/liberal, party issue. It's a people issue. If you believe any one party is the "key" to legalization, then you must really be on your dope.
Pharmacan, I would love to see something llike you described happen, people simply do not understand the "voting process", w/ regard to primiary voting etc....
soooo many people just do not give a fuck, or are to dumb to. Thank you government skrewls as a wise man once said...lol.
Take it easy.


first amendment focus

first amendment focus

I (obviously) support the complete use, growing, eating, bathing in of Cannabis by anyone whom is of legal age and chooses to do so for any reason, whether medical, or otherwise period.
It's not a conservative/liberal, party issue. It's a people issue.

Agreed. How about freedom of religion or speech issue as well?
Today the US Supreme Court ruled that giving/spending money is a First Amendment right(for CORPORATIONS), and how we choose to medicate/recreate/'religilate', is NOT??


New member
Reality check

Reality check

No matter what president/parties you choose/vote for is nothing but an image installed in your mind. Who is right? who is wrong? Debating over organizations that have nothing to do with our opinion. If anything, why don't we ask the question why are there two parties to debate over? judging from history it creates an obvious separation amongst us the people of this country. Really the entire point of the constitution was to be at the power of the people, and today more so than ever we are realizing how much bullshit it stands for when we have organizations like our government walking all over it and basically taking a dump on it with innocent citizens blood on it to show how much it means nothing to them. Soo The real question isn't weather cannabis should be legalized, it is what the f*ck are we going to do with this f*cked up situation and stop this tyranny!

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
don't forget to list yourself as a "U.S. registered pothead" on the next U.S. Census...too...

...if the shoe fits?...wear it out...I say


The encouraging fact is that we have the majority

The encouraging fact is that we have the majority

Look what the democrats did with a total majority in congress. Nothing. Worst than nothing. Instead of Health Reform, they wrote a love letter to the ultra-corrupt insurance industry.

Don't say goodbye to legalization... say goodbye to the government. Then go out and fuck something up gubment.

Spray paint a pot leaf on a U.S. Postal Mailbox.

The secret to getting what we want is Organization.


(replace Z with S if you are british) :)

I only want to comment on the line I bolded in this quote.

We have the majority. We are the majority.

The snowball is growing and thundering down the hill.

Our opponents are praying that Al Gore got one right for once on this global warming thing.

Cuz it's going to take something of that intensity and magnitude to melt our snowball.

To me it's simple:

We are the majority

United we stand, divided we fall.

We must not allow anyone to use "divide and conquer" tactics on us.


i completely disagree with the op. i am in michigan, i am legal. i will not give that up willingly.
the funny thing is non of you see that the bills<HEALTHCARE> is been turned into spam because , Each person you voted ins job is to get as much as they can for there state....Fuck all the other R or Dem states.......So each and everyone for there vote has shit tacked on to make every bill a pork belly project..... Call your senators and tell um ,Stop stealing for your state,, Its kinda hard thatz there job........So every vote is bought with Project s and Parks and blah blah blah....Majority of Your states are sucking the Gov dry to pass simple things......America Voted for Health care and All the dems road his coat tails and then when it was time to pres it threw ASAP they all wanted there 20 gold coins...Same for republicans.....


Hit the nail on the head!

Hit the nail on the head!

Cannabis Legalization laws need to happen fast because there is coming a backlash against the Democrats in the next elections. Obama health care is unpopular with a huge amount of voters .
The truth is the Dems did this to themselves(and its gonna just keep sliding), they have scared the shit out of everyone by trying to push through increasingly unpopular Health care reform, and by trying to spend our way out of debt :dunno: One by one, Dem legislators and finally Obama himself will fall.

That said, I don't really think legalization is best reached at the Federal level, one day maybe, but not yet. There are just to many folks out there yet(Dems & GOP) that are still anti.

Also, the main thing standing in the way of our rights is the Supreme court, and it cannot be changed overnight(once appointed, judges sit for life), a simple ruling overturning the legality of national prohibition would free things up quickly.

Legalization efforts should still be at the state levels, when enough states have legalized, the issue will be forced at the national level. Keep in mind that all progress made so far(we have come along ways in the last 20 years) has been made at the state level, and the driving force will continue.

Register to vote, and make sure any legalization measures pass in your state!!!!!


None of this stuff matters now that the Supreme Court has ruled that corporations can legally buy politicians. Fascism is now law in the United States.

Anyone who doesn't understand the devastating impact of this ruling needs to do some research, immediately. It's the worst SC decision in American history, brought to you by Bush's ACTIVIST SC justices. It is an internal coup, and worthy of impeachment, which is the only real check the congress has on the judicial branch. Make it so, impeach Justice Roberts.

MJ and hemp will never become legal now. The tobacco and alcohol corporations will make sure of that.


Active member
In it's simplest terms, an Oligarchy is rule by the wealthy elite. It really doesn't matter the type of government, only that the wealthy elite are pulling the strings. Russia is an Oligarchy, and life there is hard for common folk.

The US is on the verge of becoming an Oligarchy. Bush got the transition into high gear and Obama is now racing full speed downhill, into the abyss.

We, the people, need to take back our power before it is too late. I wish the general public could see that the elite are using "divide and conquer" tactics on us; that they have us divided into competing camps where we are more concerned with win or lose than we are with the common good.

Those who do not heed the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it.



After that gotta learn to cock meth
Forum quote of the day :biggrin:

Politicians from either party will continue to support prohibition as long as it is politically smart for them to do so, and sadly that is still the case. There is still enough misinformation and uninformed instinctual resistance among the voters that politicians can very easily earn populist points for supporting the war on drugs under the guise of fighting crime or saving kids or whatever else they call this masquerade.

While the GOP is more likely to continue the war just on so-called "conservative principles", even they will change their tune once there are political repercussions for perpetuating these failed policies.

There is no amount of logic in the world, no sufficient amount of proof that can be given, to make pols from any party fundamentally change the laws until the voters clearly and consistently demonstrate their preferences at the polls.

Sadly, that day is still a long way off. We're making progress, but it's still seen as a net negative among too many voters for a politician to appear to be "soft on drugs".

Totah Sam

None of this stuff matters now that the Supreme Court has ruled that corporations can legally buy politicians. Fascism is now law in the United States.

Anyone who doesn't understand the devastating impact of this ruling needs to do some research, immediately. It's the worst SC decision in American history, brought to you by Bush's ACTIVIST SC justices. It is an internal coup, and worthy of impeachment, which is the only real check the congress has on the judicial branch. Make it so, impeach Justice Roberts.

MJ and hemp will never become legal now. The tobacco and alcohol corporations will make sure of that.

You're wasting your bandwidth. It's falling on deaf ears. Most of these people don't even know that the tea party/tea bagger organizations are funded by Corporations. We just had a coup d'état in America and America isn't even noticing.

It's time to impeach the Supreme Court.


You're wasting your bandwidth. It's falling on deaf ears. Most of these people don't even know that the tea party/tea bagger organizations are funded by Corporations. We just had a coup d'état in America and America isn't even noticing.

It's time to impeach the Supreme Court.

This issue is too important to not use (waste) bandwidth on. I will never stop until everyone understands what this ruling means. Now is the time, because the Internet (which is owned by corporations) will likely not survive. Free speech for real people is not good for the corporate bottom line.

Oh and the teabaggers apparently LOVE this ruling even though it is in direct conflict with their public platform. They don't even understand that they're PWNED by FreedomWorks et al. They're such a joke.

Totah Sam

This issue is too important to not use (waste) bandwidth on. I will never stop until everyone understands what this ruling means. Now is the time, because the Internet (which is owned by corporations) will likely not survive. Free speech for real people is not good for the corporate bottom line.

Oh and the teabaggers apparently LOVE this ruling even though it is in direct conflict with their public platform. They don't even understand that they're PWNED by FreedomWorks et al. They're such a joke.

Not to mention Massachusetts being taken for a ride by Scott Brown. He is a part of this. Where do you think a man like him got that kind of funding? Hell he couldn't even find enough people to volunteer for his campaign. He hired people from several temp agencies. Where did he get that money? Third party donations from corporations.

Everyone started slamming me on this thread. But now everything is coming to light and guess what? I'm too sick to my stomach to say, "I told you so." This country deserves what it gets if we sit back and let this happen.

Impeachment proceedings need to commence for the Supreme Court.

Cannabis legislation is going to be knocked down state by state as this movement gains ground. We are now The Corporate States of America.

Flying Goat

I've been following this thread & agree with most points (Pharmacan & slappyjack & others). Basically, what it comes down to is taking back our country.

The people who won our freedom from Britain weren't the brilliant politicians... It was the average farmer & squirrel hunter who could out-shoot the Redcoats.

Any man fighting for his home & family is worth 15 mercenary or indentured soldiers fighting for whatever flag...

We tokers need to stand up & be counted & DEMAND that they end the discrimination between MJ & alcohol/prescription drugs! We patients need to demand the right to access a plant with fewer damaging side-effects & more healing properties than the pharmaceuticals commonly prescribed.

We need to scrap our current health insurance scam system & rebuild a more rational one, eliminating the duplication & proliferation of fraud & greed.

We must educate our medical professionals in the use of herbs as medicine, along with nutritional healing, naturopathic principles, and liberate them from Big Pharma's choke hold over them.

We need to reverse the ruling where lobbyists (Big Pharma & Big Food, Big Alcohol & Tobacco, et al.) are actually able to PURCHASE the services of our elected officials.

Only when we have achieved these goals, can we to begin healing the corruption & rot that has become our political system. (Note singular noun; i.e., Dems & Reps are the SAME = fucking greedy & corrupt, whores for sale to the highest bidder.)

If we FAIL to cure these ills in our country, we can only anticipate more states enacting nullifications and, finally, secessions from the Union, potentially civil war all over again.

Should this unlikely circumstance occur, I will stand proudly with my AK-47, my family around me armed with their weapons, holding Federal forces at bay to the last moment...

Hopefully, it will not come to that. However, I DO take comfort in the fact that I am a farming squirrel hunter, rather than a soft cityboy accountant who doesn't know how to shoot or maintain a weapon.

(Steps down from soap box, blushing.)

Cheers, all.

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