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you can get social security disability for having a social phobia


Active member
You guys talking about child abuse and cap and trade on babies need to think before you post. We live in America, not China. Men and women are fighting for our rights to have as many kids as we want and some of you are acting like we live in communist China.

There are millions of hard working Americans whom lost their jobs in this economy. Millions more took pay cuts or lost medical benefits with their current employer.

None of you really know Artic's situation so I don't understand the animosity. Personally, I think government assistance is great for Americans who deserve it. It shouldn't be permanent but Artic said that he and his wife both work.

You can't tell another person how many kids they can have! maybe they didn't plan on having three kids but they accidently; got pregnant. Are you saying mandatory abortion for Americans you feel don't need that many kids?

Dammit you all!

sweet but think twice before asking me to pay any carbon tax unless you and your kids footprint is calculated.

the reason the environment is fucked is because of unchecked breeding. it's a fact.

in 1900 the world population was at 1.6 billion.

Today it is at 6.6 billion. This growth is unsustainable.

Have as many kids as you would like but don't ask us to foot your bill.

"fighting for your rights to have as many kids as you want" ???

are you fucking kidding me? first, it's not a right, unless you are cool with being left in the wild to fight on your own and fend for your own and not make the rest of us pay.... i.e. you can afford them.

as many as you want? i won't apologize for having a frontal lobe and exercising birth control methods. YOU CHOSE TO HAVE CHILDREN.





Here here what he said.Either holster that weiner or be prepared for the consequences,and yes I mean financial consequences.Nothing is sadder than seeing a 16 year old girl with her two babies at the methadone clinic,its a dreary sight.I'm glad I had some foresight..Actually no women would have me hahahahahahahahah
You guys talking about child abuse and cap and trade on babies need to think before you post. We live in America, not China. Men and women are fighting for our rights to have as many kids as we want and some of you are acting like we live in communist China.

There are millions of hard working Americans whom lost their jobs in this economy. Millions more took pay cuts or lost medical benefits with their current employer.

None of you really know Artic's situation so I don't understand the animosity. Personally, I think government assistance is great for Americans who deserve it. It shouldn't be permanent but Artic said that he and his wife both work.

You can't tell another person how many kids they can have! maybe they didn't plan on having three kids but they accidently; got pregnant. Are you saying mandatory abortion for Americans you feel don't need that many kids?

Dammit you all!

I never said Arctic's kids didn't deserve welfare. What I said was it's hypocritical to say you deserve welfare benefits just because you have kids, and then make judgments on others for taking welfare as well. THIS IS AMERICA EVERYONE IS "SUPPOSED" TO BE EQUAL! That mean the junkies get welfare also. Having children does not grant you special privileges.


I dont think there are many places in this country where you cant get healthcare for your kids.It may take some paperwork but kids dont get turned down that validly need assistance


Active member
I have a friend recently approved for SS DI because she has Bi polar and a few other things.
She worked for 27 years prior to getting approved. Her statement Say's she can get $850 month, that's it.
She worked for 27 years and is expected to live on $850 a month?
Worst yet, she lives in the Bay Area. A cracker box 1 bedroom apt rents for $1000 a month here.

The sad thing is junkies and illegals shouldn't ever get SS or government handouts, not ever!

Here in California, illegals get food stamps, assisted living and every little program the government has to offer, all they have to do is successfully evade deportation for 3 years or have a kid,

California's a joke. Every politician in the state should be hung up to dry as far as I'm concerned.



haha i hear you 100% on that man. unbelievable how much people milk the system out here especially in oakland.


are you fucking kidding me? first, it's not a right, unless you are cool with being left in the wild to fight on your own and fend for your own and not make the rest of us pay.... i.e. you can afford them.


Pay a carbon foot print whaaat? You either don't have a job or have never paid taxes because only large global corporations pay carbon footprint taxes.
YES! Men and women are not only fighting but dying in the process of the fight for your rights to have as many children as you want.
Now to clarify, it's not OK for someone without the means to support children himself to have a bunch of kids. But it is every Americans right to have as many kids as they want, and anyone should be able to do so without persecution from government or forum lynch mob.
You have no idea how many people lost everything during the great depression. This recession is very similar.
It's not one individuals fault this happened, IMO, it's the government's fault.

Artic has fallen under hard times as many Americans have. How was Artic suppose to know the economy was going to take a shit? A magic 8 ball perhaps? Yes, Artic is young. So were my grandparents when they had 9 children.
Your views are not shared by the USA government nor the majority of Americans.
Yes, having children is a choice but abortion is not a choice say's 50% of America.

I don't know if your young or perhaps very liberal minded. Either-way, men and women have fought and died for our rights to choose our own individual path in life.



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
no, i'm not pissed that junkies get welfare... i think that they should totally take advantage of methadone clinics and stuff. i DONT feel, however, that just because they like heroin, that they should be able to sit around and do heroin all day on my dime. Why should they get cash/food assistance when they are 100% able to work? Why should a girl who's never worked a day in her life get social security for the rest of her life for her "fibromyalgia" (read: pill addiction), yet my grandmother isn't eligible to receive it and she's worked her ass off for the past 40+ years? The system is flawed, THAT's what i'm saying. Does that mean i'm going to boycott the system at the cost of my childrens' health? no.


Pay a carbon foot print whaaat? You either don't have a job or have never paid taxes because only large global corporations pay carbon footprint taxes.
YES! Men and women are not only fighting but dying in the process of the fight for your rights to have as many children as you want.
Now to clarify, it's not OK for someone without the means to support children himself to have a bunch of kids. But it is every Americans right to have as many kids as they want, and anyone should be able to do so without persecution from government or forum lynch mob.
You have no idea how many people lost everything during the great depression. This recession is very similar.
It's not one individuals fault this happened, IMO, it's the government's fault.

Artic has fallen under hard times as many Americans have. How was Artic suppose to know the economy was going to take a shit? A magic 8 ball perhaps? Yes, Artic is young. So were my grandparents when they had 9 children.
Your views are not shared by the USA government nor the majority of Americans.
Yes, having children is a choice but abortion is not a choice say's 50% of America.

I don't know if your young or perhaps very liberal minded. Either-way, men and women have fought and died for our rights to choose our own individual path in life.


so whats your problem with the young? or very liberal minded? do you shake your fist at those damned teenagers as they drive by? :nanana:


Everything can be found to be flawed,including your opinion of opiate addicted people to "sit around" on your dime haha.Maybe you should look at who goes and gets their methadone before heading off to work every day.You may find yourself getting a little education


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
please educate me on all your opiate wisdom, oh mighty sparkjumper. I forgot who i was talking to for a second there! please forgive me!



Thats OK man damn,we all make mistakes.Like I just said in a previous thread,it could be yo mama,his mama,her mama,or her mama's mama but they normally dont spend their time sitting around.Its a cross section of everyone you can think of,not the stereotype people are used to.We are talking about opiates here,not cocain.You see many 80 year old opiate addict but you dont see elderly coconuts.A lot of folks had accidents or became addidicted then "cut off" because of an illness.Then of course you have your street junkie,a visable minority being that most street addicts dont want methadone or any kind of treatment.The person who inevitably ends up on methadone because of a bad motor cycle accident may find your attitude hurtful.Dont worry I forgive you


Man that is NOT cool posting a pic of me,you're off my boody list!!!Besides thats before I started growing I have a nice rigid box to sleep in now.Seriously people like my brother are the problem.There is nothing wrong with the guy,plain and simple yet he gets about 700 a month for his bi-polar pff.What shit man I'll end up like the guy above me before I go on welfare.There are just too many ways to make money even now when things are tight.I was a full time electrician until I started growing around 2002.My best friend and partner of over a decade got electrocuted on the job a few months ago.He actually died taking care of his family and people like my brother just get over on the system.No class and zero self-respect.When I decide to go back to work even though I'm licensed I dont think it'll be in electrical.I've got nailed quite a few times in my career theres really no way around it and I don't need it anymore.Seeing my friends moms face was enough for me.I even ride with a motorcycle helmet now lol I cant put my mom through that


Nothing wrong with being young pirate.
I wish I was still in my 20's... hell, I wish I was still in my early 40's lol.

I've seen both sides of the argument. I remember sitting in the car waiting for my dad to get his daily dose from the methadone clinic. It was a daily ritual for years. Eventually, he died from an over dose of heroin.
Watching your father slowly kill himself year after year will make you run away from junk. It's the worst drug ever.
Family experience tells me that opiates are the hardest to kick. My pops was hooked for 40 years.... even the 24 years he spent in prison. It's fuckin sad bro. Does that mean I'm an advocate for government assistance to junkies. HELL NO! they will take the money and buy more more junk every time.. EVERYTIME NO EXCEPTIONS, NOT EVER.

peace all,



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
Nothing wrong with being young pirate.
I wish I was still in my 20's... hell, I wish I was still in my early 40's lol.

I've seen both sides of the argument. I remember sitting in the car waiting for my dad to get his daily dose from the methadone clinic. It was a daily ritual for years. Eventually, he died from an over dose of heroin.
Watching your father slowly kill himself year after year will make you run away from junk. It's the worst drug ever.
Family experience tells me that opiates are the hardest to kick. My pops was hooked for 40 years.... even the 24 years he spent in prison. It's fuckin sad bro. Does that mean I'm an advocate for government assistance to junkies. HELL NO! they will take the money and buy more more junk every time.. EVERYTIME NO EXCEPTIONS, NOT EVER.

peace all,


Nothing wrong with being young pirate.
I wish I was still in my 20's... hell, I wish I was still in my early 40's lol.

I've seen both sides of the argument. I remember sitting in the car waiting for my dad to get his daily dose from the methadone clinic. It was a daily ritual for years. Eventually, he died from an over dose of heroin.
Watching your father slowly kill himself year after year will make you run away from junk. It's the worst drug ever.
Family experience tells me that opiates are the hardest to kick. My pops was hooked for 40 years.... even the 24 years he spent in prison. It's fuckin sad bro. Does that mean I'm an advocate for government assistance to junkies. HELL NO! they will take the money and buy more more junk every time.. EVERYTIME NO EXCEPTIONS, NOT EVER.

peace all,


so it's your right to have children, but not to do drugs?


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
dude i wanted kids! maybe not as early as i had them, but still, why not have them while i'm young?

who WANTS to be a junkie living off the government? who wakes up one day and says "Hell yeah, i want to do some of that BAD shit that everyone's always talking about".. There should be assistance to help quit heroin or pills, not enable their habit. There should be programs to help children in the first (most important) years of life, like insurance and WIC, but again, there is no reason to have a child living off the state for their entire life, i was never advocating that. Why are you arguing just to argue? do you have kids? do you receive assistance? are you an opiate-addict? just curious



You can do whatever you like. It's a free country.
I don't believe junkies should recieve cash rewards from the goverment because they choose to have an addiction.

I don't mind paying taxes for a childs needs. I'm speaking from past experience. Not just my pops either. All of his buddies I grew up with.

I believe if your addicted to a substance then you should recieve medical help. Not a monthly check. see the difference?
