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you can get social security disability for having a social phobia


yeah, i didn't even tell you half the stories around here (and i wont) ... its like rampant in my area... "What? did you say that i don't have to work? all i have to do is keep doing what i'm doing? sign me up!"

You're right, I grew up in your area. After the steel mills closed a lot of people figured out loopholes in the system. So now there are generations of families that can barely read, but understand exactly how to fill out that paperwork perfectly and receive SSI and SSD from a young age. And that is bullshit since people that really need help can't get it.

Although I don't receive SS for it, I'm social phobic to a large extent. After my last tour in Afghanistan I've never really snapped back into complete normality. Apparently it was triggered by PTSD (or so they keep telling me). But I just can't be around crowds at all, or any situation that I don't have control over. It just triggers something in me and I get overwhelmed with paranoia and adrenaline. I have to assess everything, how many exits there are, how many people, who poses the greatest threat, etc. I feel a little better when I'm armed, but that in itself isn't a great way to live. So it was easier for me to just move into the middle of nowhere, and hide behind some seclusion. I've been around enough horrible shit to know that I don't trust people at all. With counseling I'm getting better about it, but I don't ever think I'll be 100% back to the way I was before. Luckily I receive pension, but if I didn't I don't know what I would've done.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
yeah i got a little heated there... let me explain why

Let me tell you the story of... "G"...:

There is a girl named G, and ever since she was 13 years old, she's been a whiney little baby. Her boyfriend broke up with her when she was 13, so she had a "breakdown" and "tried to kill herself", and from that point on, her mommy and daddy let her do whatever she wanted. She was homeschooled from then on, and eventually just "dropped out". She started doing percacets and rockacets and heroin. Then, when her mom and dad stopped giving her money, she started getting these unexplainable "pains" all over her body.
So, cut to 18 years old, "G" is a junky. She and her older boyfriend live in her parents' basement, stealing the debit card whenever they need pill money. "G" learns about a fun new disorder called FIBROMYALGIA, which can give her phantom pains any time she needs it to.
So, she applies for social security, and ACTUALLY RECIEVES IT!! Keep in mind, this girl has dropped out of highschool, never worked even ONE DAY in her entire life, stays up till 6am, sleeps till 6pm, just mooches off mommy and daddy (who, are VERY hardworking and good people, i might add. they are by NO means rich.)
Then, once she has recieved $800 a month for over a year (no rent, no bills, doesn't even have a driver's license) and doesn't have a dime to show of it, social security cuts her off. She gets a lawyer, and "fights the man" for almost another year. During this time, she tries heroin, because its cheaper and "better".

Finally, she WINS her case, and she receives a settlement for all the backpay that Social Security "owed" her. So, "G" and her boyfriend get a check for $22,000 ...

Now, class...what do you think happened to the money? What do you think happened to "G"?

And movingtocally, i'm not pissed at you either, but this is just one of those issues i get SO heated about, because they fucked my family over soo many times, and yet these junkies get a free pass over and over and over



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
You're right, I grew up in your area. After the steel mills closed a lot of people figured out loopholes in the system. So now there are generations of families that can barely read, but understand exactly how to fill out that paperwork perfectly and receive SSI and SSD from a young age. And that is bullshit since people that really need help can't get it.

Exactly, that pretty much sums up welfare in my area


h^2 O

wow that's really phukked up - pay people with social phobias to STAY INSIDE...wtf?? If anything get them OUTSIDE. Only way to beat social anxiety is exposure to the anxiety. Not giving them money.
I suggest everyone hire a good tax lawyer this year to make it so you pay nothing to the IRS. I mean look what they do with the money you send them!!!


yeah i got a little heated there... let me explain why

Let me tell you the story of... "G"...:

There is a girl named G, and ever since she was 13 years old, she's been a whiney little baby. Her boyfriend broke up with her when she was 13, so she had a "breakdown" and "tried to kill herself", and from that point on, her mommy and daddy let her do whatever she wanted. She was homeschooled from then on, and eventually just "dropped out". She started doing percacets and rockacets and heroin. Then, when her mom and dad stopped giving her money, she started getting these unexplainable "pains" all over her body.
So, cut to 18 years old, "G" is a junky. She and her older boyfriend live in her parents' basement, stealing the debit card whenever they need pill money. "G" learns about a fun new disorder called FIBROMYALGIA, which can give her phantom pains any time she needs it to.
So, she applies for social security, and ACTUALLY RECIEVES IT!! Keep in mind, this girl has dropped out of highschool, never worked even ONE DAY in her entire life, stays up till 6am, sleeps till 6pm, just mooches off mommy and daddy (who, are VERY hardworking and good people, i might add. they are by NO means rich.)
Then, once she has recieved $800 a month for over a year (no rent, no bills, doesn't even have a driver's license) and doesn't have a dime to show of it, social security cuts her off. She gets a lawyer, and "fights the man" for almost another year. During this time, she tries heroin, because its cheaper and "better".

Finally, she WINS her case, and she receives a settlement for all the backpay that Social Security "owed" her. So, "G" and her boyfriend get a check for $22,000 ...

Now, class...what do you think happened to the money? What do you think happened to "G"?

And movingtocally, i'm not pissed at you either, but this is just one of those issues i get SO heated about, because they fucked my family over soo many times, and yet these junkies get a free pass over and over and over

hmmm. my first feeling is anger. Then I thought about it some more and you know what? She may be a piece of shit(OK, she is), but at what point do you say "fuck it, I'm gonna get mine." I mean the system is so broken, so racist, so corrupt, so absurd. Personally, I just assume milk every penny I can out of the bastards.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
yeah, exactly, how dare me get insurance for my 3 kids under 2 years old. I didn't ask for insurance for myself, or food stamps, or cash assistance. But medical is something infants need.

why would you have 3 kids in the first place, if you could not afford them?


Active member
The problem with having a Utopian society...you don't get to pick who stays and who goes. If everyone willingly pulled their own weight, the world would be a better place.


Yeah but I think we are all talking from a working stiff's perspective. The economy is run by day traders and a few select billionaires. These people have never worked an honest day in their life. I'm related to a few, trust me on this, heh(day traders. Not billionaires) . It's all a cycle of thievery and dishonesty.

I think not doing everything you can to get yours from the govt, while maybe honorable, is naive.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
why would you have 3 kids in the first place, if you could not afford them?

are you fucking kidding? ask anyone on here, i'm generally nice, and tolerant, and open to criticism, but what the fuck, dude?



Active member

there is a french saying/insult

your dad should have made a stain in the bedsheets instead of having made a stain on society


Active member
why would you have 3 kids in the first place, if you could not afford them?

exactly. too many baby machines. i don't know this persons circumstances, but 3 kids in your 20s and can't afford them = no business having kids.

there should be cap and trade on how many kids you can have, if you can afford them, and probably some kind of test to make sure you are going to be a good parent. just the basics.

i mean, after all, we require testing for much more trivial things such as driving, various professional and education licenses. why not for bringing a new life into the world?

plus i don't want to pay for your "mistake" because you forgot to wear a condom or it didn't feel good. i keep it wrapped like a mummy. that's why i don't have any sex trophies.


Active member
are you fucking kidding? ask anyone on here, i'm generally nice, and tolerant, and open to criticism, but what the fuck, dude?


that was a brilliant question.

Why have kids if you cannot afford them? It's child abuse to bring children into a fucked up world without a plan. Unless ya'll live on a different planet.
For you to be complaining that other people get welfare sounds a little hypocritical. You made the choice to have three kids, and nobody forced you to do it. So what if they make the choice to do drugs all their life. You don't know everyone on welfare or their personal circumstances. What about the junkie that uses food stamps to buy food for his kids? Should he have his welfare taken away? I personally prefer to live in a place that understands compassion rather than a place that prefers to just dish out justice. :2cents:


Active member
i agree with rambone and psycho pirate.

plus baby machines increase the carbon footprint exponentially. should havethought twice before giving her your egg whites. now we have to pay? funk dat. time to sack up and man up. you made your bed, now sleep in it.


You guys talking about child abuse and cap and trade on babies need to think before you post. We live in America, not China. Men and women are fighting for our rights to have as many kids as we want and some of you are acting like we live in communist China.

There are millions of hard working Americans whom lost their jobs in this economy. Millions more took pay cuts or lost medical benefits with their current employer.

None of you really know Artic's situation so I don't understand the animosity. Personally, I think government assistance is great for Americans who deserve it. It shouldn't be permanent but Artic said that he and his wife both work.

You can't tell another person how many kids they can have! maybe they didn't plan on having three kids but they accidently; got pregnant. Are you saying mandatory abortion for Americans you feel don't need that many kids?

Dammit you all!


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
yeah dude, i CAN afford them, assholes! i feed them and clothe them no problem. but they NEED insurance, which i cannot afford, what's so hard to understand?
brilliant question, my ass! he was just stirring the pot for no reason, to get a reaction. you don't know me or my situation.



Active member
yeah dude, i CAN afford them, assholes! i feed them and clothe them no problem. but they NEED insurance, which i cannot afford, what's so hard to understand?
brilliant question, my ass! he was just stirring the pot for no reason, to get a reaction. you don't know me or my situation.


your kids deserve healthcare bro. i'm uninsured too and i know how bad it sucks.

i have a pre existing.


My brother has been getting disability for about 5 years now for supposed bi-polar.He is no more bi-poar than you or I,he just hustled the system.Its not as hard as one might think but its just not for me thank you.Fortunately I have no kids and I mean that,I've had drug problems since I was a teenager why the fuck would I want to have kids lol?Me doing drugs or having to go on methadone for awhile is less harmful to society than a lazy fuck with 5 kids and no drive.EDIT You know if I were receiving assistance my methadone would be free none of this 13 dollars a day shit

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