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Yes I really live on an Island with a tribe of Natives


looks like the frog lost out .

Yea but The snake lost out this morning when the wife found him in the house, and she dont just cut off the head ,,,nooooo,, she cuts in 4-5-6 pieces in a maternal fit of " not in my house " rage.
Woke me up.....

Nice little "screenhouse" Masa. Hook some lights up in there and then you'll have control of your indicas and can get some size on them until you're ready for them to flower.

Yup im on it,, cant do much,,, one 250cfl and a D9 battery hopefully enough to keep um in veg.

Good morning, masamaaso! I hope things are well for you.

How's TamTam? Is he recovering well? Please pass on our respect and good wishes for his family if that is ok.

Have a nice day. bg

Will do lad.....

Masamaaso, let me link you to something. Will you tell me if this is the way they've been doing it? I've tired completely of the pyrolizing chamber ideology-paradigm.

Wow those last 4 words had me headin for a google box. :laughing:

But yea thats pretty much it..
Starts as a big pile of rice hulls and a small wood fire, then its a push ,cover spread move around a bit kinda operation ,,till a good base is charred then a lot of rice hulls are added and it sits for a few hours but needs to be looked at so it wont get an air hole and start a flame,, when ita all black water is poured on it in good amounts to stop the heat, the wet charred hulls are sometimes dried, but most of the time put right back into the rice fields and other veg grows.

Now,,, ya wanna hear something funny ??
the link you put up,,,, I know those guys and have been to that farm, and I'll tell ya it's a way cool place,,,way cool. All organic,,,pigs, chickens, ducks,goats and cows, organic cheese's, breads and the rainbow of vegetables all self contained on a hill side. Their also local educators with proper classes on organic,and aqua culture.
And to increase their level of humanity for those of you reading with us for what they already do,,,
that farm is an Orphanage..

Hi Masa, sounds like a woodworker's paradise out there. Apart from the mahogany what other species are there and what are their uses? I would imagine they are sustainably managed too in a community such as yours.
Ok, got to ask, what's the log with the two uprights in the last pic for-got me stumped(get it?)

Ello lad,,
yea me dad would have gone ape shit here that you can bet.
Theres several hardwood trees here that are in just about every country from the PI to Indonesia, the big 3 are,,, Apil,,hard like black oak ,,hit it with an ax and yer hands suffer badly, hard to cut with a hand saw my cordless job wont even think about it and a skil saw suffers trying to cut it
next is the Mahogany easier to work with shape and cut, termites dont eat at it and it looks good.
When I was a wee lad sanding chair legs in the shop I remember my grandfather talking about Philippine Mahogany the way I would describe a sweet nug of weed.
the last is umalina, a dense hardwood that grows faster than the other 2 and gets used for mainly for any building thats off the ground,,,if the hut is on the ground it'll be made out of Mahogany.

The item with the handles on it ya say ????
heres a foto of a more modern version...


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Wow those last 4 words had me headin for a google box. :laughing:

But yea thats pretty much it..
Starts as a big pile of rice hulls and a small wood fire, then its a push ,cover spread move around a bit kinda operation ,,till a good base is charred then a lot of rice hulls are added and it sits for a few hours but needs to be looked at so it wont get an air hole and start a flame,, when ita all black water is poured on it in good amounts to stop the heat, the wet charred hulls are sometimes dried, but most of the time put right back into the rice fields and other veg grows.

Now,,, ya wanna hear something funny ??
the link you put up,,,, I know those guys and have been to that farm, and I'll tell ya it's a way cool place,,,way cool. All organic,,,pigs, chickens, ducks,goats and cows, organic cheese's, breads and the rainbow of vegetables all self contained on a hill side. Their also local educators with proper classes on organic,and aqua culture.
And to increase their level of humanity for those of you reading with us for what they already do,,,
that farm is an Orphanage..

Just WOW. The inet have made this an even smaller world, what a trip! And to think that on top of all of that, they're also an orphanage, is just amazing to me. Thank you, masama. If you ever get a chance to let them know just how far their reach came, please do!


The item with the handles on it ya say ????
heres a foto of a more modern version...

Ahhhh, the penny drops! I thought it might be a two man post driver but didn't think it would work very well. I bet that's nice on the old back and shoulders, I had to use a steel one all day on a job once after the wacker plate went bang-never again!
I'm afraid I'm a bit of a wood perv so I know exactly where your Grandad was coming from. Bud love and wood love are the same thing for me-just appreciation of a beautiful natural phenomenon:)


ICMag Donor
I'm finally caught up with the whole thread. Thanks again for sharing. So many amazing stories,and you truly have a way with words,making us feel like were experiencing everything your writing.
Such a great read with a few tasty joints.
Thanks again for sharing with us,

Take care.


Professor Organic Psychology
Enjoying the way you live your life man, just like most of the site! In a way I am tired of living in a big city, but for me nothing is forever.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Frogs eating bugs, lizards eating frogs, snakes eating frogs... I want to see some frog on frog action. The big ones have to be eating the smaller ones. Which is true just about everywhere in the animal kingdom, i guess.

Is the coral like gravel? If it's small pieces i would think you could almost do some sort of hempy bucket, which is basically hydroponic growing in buckets of perlite. Usually in hydro you want nutes readily available for the roots to uptake; not sure if unrefined organic nutes like guano would be readily uptaken, maybe maybe not, but that seaweed slurry they pour on the corn sounds appropriate. Course you'd have to water more often but this way you could maximize oxygen to the roots.
Speaking of hydro growing, dont you have coconuts and therefore coco fiber?
Just curious, but do you have any sassafras trees there?


Coral is comprised to a large degree of calcium carbonate. I personally think that if he tries growing in that, he's going to have a LOT of problems. Lava rock would be a better choice here, IMO.


Active member
Heh maybe he can start a homeade Emily's Garden! Haha bringin back the old school!!! All ya need is a dish some lava rock and a way to circulate ur water lol


Ahhhh, the penny drops! I thought it might be a two man post driver but didn't think it would work very well. I bet that's nice on the old back and shoulders, I had to use a steel one all day on a job once after the wacker plate went bang-never again!
I'm afraid I'm a bit of a wood perv so I know exactly where your Grandad was coming from. Bud love and wood love are the same thing for me-just appreciation of a beautiful natural phenomenon:)
Yea you'll get a work out with that baby,,weighs in at 33kilos the log is a tree called Apil and the hardest of the timbers here,,,that tools lasted from the first project up to the birdcage,,,screen room and is ready for the next job,which I hope is a far distance off...

Frogs eating bugs, lizards eating frogs, snakes eating frogs... I want to see some frog on frog action. The big ones have to be eating the smaller ones. Which is true just about everywhere in the animal kingdom, i guess.

Is the coral like gravel? If it's small pieces i would think you could almost do some sort of hempy bucket, which is basically hydroponic growing in buckets of perlite. Usually in hydro you want nutes readily available for the roots to uptake; not sure if unrefined organic nutes like guano would be readily uptaken, maybe maybe not, but that seaweed slurry they pour on the corn sounds appropriate. Course you'd have to water more often but this way you could maximize oxygen to the roots.
Speaking of hydro growing, dont you have coconuts and therefore coco fiber?
Just curious, but do you have any sassafras trees there?

Dude,,, yer sorta in luck,,, a few months ago I was talking about a big ass "speckled" frog that looked like Jave the Hut and was eating another frog,,tossing it in the air to get a better bite and it was gone in 2 gulps,,it was way cool,,, dark and of course my camera now where near..
Last night me and the dog were,,(or is that,, the dog and I ???hummmm) we were doing a lil perimeter recon, not for any other reason except we like to do it,,,when something of good size was moving in a small runoff canal behind the house,,and it hit me,,,BLAM,,, its in the same area I saw the giant speckled frog some time back,,,,ran for the hut ,,grabbed the cam,,,dog trying to figure out W T F... I get back and he's still there,,not eating a meal this time,, but stayed still long enough for me to get a few piks,,sucks he wouldnt show me his mouth ,,its the coolest looking part,,,big wide grin mouth,,,big enough to swallow a large frog in 2 gulps,, so here ya go bro,,the latest i amphibian fotos.



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Just WOW. The inet have made this an even smaller world, what a trip! And to think that on top of all of that, they're also an orphanage, is just amazing to me. Thank you, masama. If you ever get a chance to let them know just how far their reach came, please do!

Afternoon SM,,,wanted to expand on the our last,,,,
That farm like I said is a way way cool place and you can spend hours there,,which is cool if ya do cause then they'll ask ya to stay for dinner and ya eat with the kids what the kids eat and its all good well balanced meals,,not just a bowl of rice and some chicken broth.. The entire farm is self sustained raising meats fruits and veg of all kinds, and educators in organics and aqua culture.
And I wanted to ask K&$t if he minded me mentioning his farm here on this site,,, he laffed and said all the word he can spread in any form is why he does what he does...

Yea ,,,
I know the guy..

freaked me when I saw the site you linked,,,I called the wife and said hey,,,"looky this shit" she said thats K&#t's farm, I said yea ,,she asked what was up,,,told her someone from the US is doing the biochar and checking out the farm links ,,,she says,,dam,,thats pretty cool...

So,,,,so,so ,soooooo

I guess its safe enough to let you know,,,,
this is where NeNe is staying.
Hows that for kinda cool ?? .


Active member
Afternoon SM,,,wanted to expand on the our last,,,,
That farm like I said is a way way cool place and you can spend hours there,,which is cool if ya do cause then they'll ask ya to stay for dinner and ya eat with the kids what the kids eat and its all good well balanced meals,,not just a bowl of rice and some chicken broth.. The entire farm is self sustained raising meats fruits and veg of all kinds, and educators in organics and aqua culture.
And I wanted to ask K&$t if he minded me mentioning his farm here on this site,,, he laffed and said all the word he can spread in any form is why he does what he does...

Yea ,,,
I know the guy..

freaked me when I saw the site you linked,,,I called the wife and said hey,,,"looky this shit" she said thats K&#t's farm, I said yea ,,she asked what was up,,,told her someone from the US is doing the biochar and checking out the farm links ,,,she says,,dam,,thats pretty cool...

So,,,,so,so ,soooooo

I guess its safe enough to let you know,,,,
this is where NeNe is staying.
Hows that for kinda cool ?? .

It's a small world, after all isn't it heh heh. Trip out on that!! :)


Active member
Wow! Very small world...and very cool that she is at such a cool place.

That frog looks evil with his/her red eyes.

Thanks for staying so active in this thread. I still check it every day . Have a good one !


Grower for Life
wow, what a coincedence thats she posted a link and thats where NeNe is staying....incredible.

great thread still massa!


NeNe is there...? Oh... I can't explain it, but that brought tears to my eyes.


NeNe is there...? Oh... I can't explain it, but that brought tears to my eyes.

There ya are,,,been waitin for ya ta pop in...

Ahhh yea,, told ya when we first saw the link I was a lil " a taken back" and the wife was all with the "come on,,,yer kidding me".
She even said I put that link there,,,I said,,,NO...She looked at me and said it again "yer kidding me".....
But no shipmates we no kiddy kiddy( sorry couldnt resist).

So now with this were looking at hopping on next months diesel boat or what evers heading north east in the next few weeks for a visit.

We've been trying to get there since Dec but the weather sucked and when yer in a big ass wooden boat bad weather gets dangerous.
I'll be sure and get some fotos,, specially for you guys who know all the who's why's and wherefor's.

Nee's needing a visit and a refitting for next school year,, this years almost done she'll get a break in march and april, 2nd year begins in May.

She's well caught up with the first year high school class and we're told she's the better of the English speakers in her class but her Tagalog skills still need work,All classes all taught in English and she's got a nice edge,,when I taught her, I also taught her the meanings of the words,,not just how to pronounce letters arranged in a certain order to form a word,,, a word that may mean the difference between getting your cloths washed,,or being the one doing the washing, and Most of which was from the good ole Inet,,,come a long way from the days of just e-mail and porno eh guys ??? :laughing: :laughing:
I guess you had to have been a fly on the wall during x-wife number 2's turn at bat.

Sabuya did get a few E-mails from the head penguin (catholic school) about some of the American "slang" Nee used during times of frustration as well as times of happiness,, my only question was did she use the "term or terms" in proper "context",,:laughing:

Yea, that didnt go over to well here either..:biggrin:


Active member
Ahhh good ol English!! Gotta love it. What a randomly connected sequence of events....it's still trippin me out for sure! Now remember kiddies...Lots o pics for the folks @ home!! I know Im living vicariously thru them heh heh! Hey don't forget to pack the coffee and brown sugar Masa!


Ahhh good ol English!! Gotta love it. What a randomly connected sequence of events....it's still trippin me out for sure! Now remember kiddies...Lots o pics for the folks @ home!! I know Im living vicariously thru them heh heh! Hey don't forget to pack the coffee and brown sugar Masa!

Forget the coffee ??? I'd forget my ole ladys birthday first......
we're getting packed for a boat ride north now, we've contacted our guy at sea and he'll be here by the end of this week with this months supply run, not looking to take anything so I'm trying to get all 3 of us packed in one seabag but it's not working out well,,,the thought of leaving the boy here lasted about hot second,,,, All I did was give the "one raised eyebrow" look,, scorpion king style,,,,,,,,,, thats not gonna happen,,,the boy goes where I go and theres no need to waste time discussing it, And besides he likes to shoulder his little Lighting macqueen backpack, "KA-CHOWWW" he see's everyone else with a pack and wants his own...

Ok so check this lil fruit out,,Its called a "Kamias" (KA-ME-AHS)

kamias, kalamias, or iba
belimbing asam, belimbing buloh, b'ling, or billing-billing
belimbing wuluh or belimbing sayur

depending on who ya ask,,you;ll get one or more of these names for it........

Just another one of natures gifts big Pharma would rather you didnt know about it will out sour a lemon any day of the week,,,if eaten raw it will do that thing to your mouth like when you suck on half a lemon,, only 10 fold and you can't talk for a minute or 2 cause yer mouth is all contorted. The kids do it for fun trying to talk after eating a whole one,,,and it is funny as hell watching um try to talk and they can't....
As a food its kinda like a starfruit the flesh is soft and firm with lil tiny seeds, but unlike the tasteless starfruit these guys pack a punch and get used for dozens of food related items ,,,my fav is to make a thick soy sauce relish with tomatoes , onions garlic and what ever else tastes good at the moment and use it with fish.

It can be mixed with sugar, A LOT of sugar,and it makes a greenish yellow drink that taste like fresh squeezed lemonade, and yea you betcha,,,it can be fermented into a liquor, thats close to grain alchole and gets mixed with fruit juices to and coconut to make fruity drinks that getcha alll fuck up...

The Acidic has got to be off the charts,, this one with get yea reaching for a bottle of rolaids for sure, and if ya suffer from hiatal hernia don't even think about it....

But wait,,,,theres more....
We got a ton of medical use going on with this one...
Some of the better uses are steaming the fruits and leaves together to make a nasty green looking sour tasting mix thats good for coughs, fever and colds,, and is given to women just after giving birth,,, the fruits are made into a paste and used for sunburn. dry skin,,rashes, pimples, bug bites and more,, Any skin ailment gets a dose of the paste, and a mouth full of those purple flowers knocks out a toothache.

And now we all ask,,,does it really work or is it all just folklore and hope.
I cant deny some of the claims,we use it on bug bite and rashes all the time almost daily, my wifes mother has given me liquids made from it that did several things,,,broke a bad fever in a few hours and another time I got sun fried and dried and went into a lil dehydration thing,,,I was drinking gallons of water but couldnt piss,,hadnt pissed in 2 days when the wifes mom shows up with some hot shitty green looking sour drink (thats what we call it now) 2-3 hours after drinking a liter of sour grossness I coulda pissed out a good sized fire, by the evening time There was nothing wrong with me except I was hungry, hadnt eating in a few days.
lots of med claims on this one,, some I can say are real I cant speak for all.



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Horse-toothed Jackass
Thanks for the frog pic, Masa!
Is that him, the giant speckled? He didn't look that big, although it's hard to get a sense of scale. Maybe those leaves he was next to are very large...

I predict Kamias will be the next 'acai berry' fad.

You're like Harrison Ford in "Mosquito Coast". When's the air conditioning coming?


, The Ghost of
Masa, cant wait to hear about your upcoming journey when you get back. Do you have a pic of the kamia tree in full bloom?