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Yes I really live on an Island with a tribe of Natives


that's exactly what I'm talking about...

Told ya you'd be in the shit here,, not a chemical in sight'

This thread just keeps getting better and better!! Thanks so much for sharing a bit of your life with us.
Ive only dreamed of even just seeing a place like your home, you are living the dream massa!! :D

Ello Luv,,,always nice to see you sticking yer head in for a look-c

Thank you for your service to our nation 1st of all. Second, WHAT A KICKASSED thread!! You definitely are living the dream brutha! Thanks for all the updates, from another one of your many fans.

lets see the new house!

great thread.


Couple new shipmates we have here,,,welcome aboard, plenty of room below to get settled in ,stow yer gear morning chows at 06:00. Hope everyone likes fish..............

We're making ready to head to the coffee farm,,, right now we're due to start out Sat morning, with good weather we should make it to the farm in 2 days (really miss the bike now) plan is to help get the harvest started and bring back the first sacks, which sorta sucks,,,we're gonna be bringing back sacks of coffee "cherries" that will start "festering" in the sack, so bout half way back they start to get funky and a lil slimy, and remember ,,,if you dont pick,carry, and deal with the down falls of coffee ,,,you dont get to drink none later.

Duck foot, I wanna take some updated shots before the next house, I've got my stone terrace' finished now and it looks better than the older fotos,,I'll get to it.
For a guy who never has anything to do I seem to always be busy, todays a good busy,,,our stuff has arrived and now the next 2-3 days will be spent offloading and getting everything up to the house,,
The boats a friend of ours from Balabac island in the southern PI, he has the right friends and connections to get him berthing at most small ports in the southern Asian rim and for a price will transport anything that fits in the hull except weapons, cargo like that gets a lot of attention focused on ya and he likes to play under the radar, he'll do a lil hash from time to time , but he's not one of the hash traders, just a good dude working his boat, thats his crew and their families gathered on the bow, their gypsy's of the sea..


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FUMA, eh? That's where all my buddies' delinquent older brothers (who opened our lungs to herb) were sent for the summer throughout highschool! Grew up right around the corner. (Back to reading, I just had to instantly stop to post this.)

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
hey Masa!

impressive to say the least! I am jealous of YOU and the life you have made for yourself....

you seem to have a super strong personality, along with a super wily and wise brain! not many people can say that! You have a nice set of attributes that will make you a successful man.... the most successfull man is the happiest man! the happiest man is a man who has everything he wants, and a whole lot of love! You seem to have that! I am jealous...

i was kind of bummed to see that some of your pictures were wrong in your posts.... i was curious and anxious to see a picture of your wife but it was not there? same with the dirtbike? you lead me on to believe that i would be seeing a picture of your dirtbike in one of your posts but then it was a picture of landscaping i believe...

another question i have is how the helllll do you have internet connection where you are?? do you have that same connection that the soldiers in Afghanistan use where they connect via satellite? pretty pricey service aye?

You are living th fucking life brother! that villiage seems to like you a lot, but if you hook them up with the same pad that you have then I guarantee you will achieve "godlike" status....

as far as the sadness is concerned with the child leaving, you should remind your wife of how great it was for HER when SHE left her village and went on to great things and came back with tons of knowledge and a new man! remind her that the kid is going to come back sharper, more intellectual, and wise! ....the kid WILL come back......

im tagged up now, and i literally read this whole thread the last couple hours.... that is RARE for me... i havent logged onto this site in MONTHS, and along came this thread and i was HOOKED from the get go!

you are one intellectual person whether you know it or not... and it WAS mentioned by somebody here that you should write a book....... i couldnt agree more.... .in fact, you should use this thread as an outline for your book..... just elaborate on what youve already talked about in your 61 posts.... shit, 61 posts man?!? and your not even finished! condense that shit and your at 32 chapters! you can get deeper on each topic! just an idea! you clearly have caught the attention of many here.... why not catch the attention of many others? if not i understand...... but just think of all of the upgrades you could do to that village with profits from the book :biglaugh:

catch ya around DOGG!

p.s. i wanna see your hottie wife!

Organic joe

Nice coffee time be safe on your trip, and if u could please try and take some pics along the way maybe of some of the animals there and such?


Active member
Sippin on a nice fresh cup of New Guinea coffee right now, good morning wherever you may be Masa!! Am posted up for the next lil while just to try n catch the next update homeskillet!! Can't wait! Please tell the fambams hello from Norcal :)


It's your life and story, and damn I'd love to write the book -- but I think the way you tell and write it makes it particularly interesting and effective. This interactive dialogue is amazing. "Bad Dog," you've really got it going on. I almost feel guilty for thinking about asking questions!


Haha!, yeah, now we get to see how to brew up one expensive cup of civet shit. Can't wait to see pics from the farm, or how you find the bean filled cat turds to start off with, and I don't even partake ;)

Hey Masa, do you guys eat limpets there?

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
his wife is in a yellow skirt a few pages back.


oh wow i apologize i do not know why i didnt see it! perhaps it just didnt load! my computer is good for doing stuff like that..... well im impressed my friend. im impressed that you were able to pick up such a unique woman! she really is a diamond in the rough! good job!


Great thread,how do you manage to post?

Do the elders know?

Just wondering,I did read the thread it just seems like bad "juju" to me.



Active member
Hey Masa, is that the spelling/pronunciation/translation of Bad Dog that the language of the Island People sounds like?

anyone ever call u kelevra?



Active member
another question i have is how the helllll do you have internet connection where you are?? do you have that same connection that the soldiers in Afghanistan use where they connect via satellite? pretty pricey service aye?

Im gunna go out on a limb nd say he's got a satellite uplink setup in his comms center with the genny. Kinda like a WildBlue or Hughes net internet dish here in the states...great if ya have no other way but I bet the downloading is slow as fuuuuug hahaha. and ya if it's like the hughes net setup, Its expensive as hell compared to broadband


Active member
The island , the ladies & the lifestyle are beautifull but hell that boat is my fishermans dream . I gotta go get one .


FUMA, eh? That's where all my buddies' delinquent older brothers (who opened our lungs to herb) were sent for the summer throughout highschool! Grew up right around the corner. (Back to reading, I just had to instantly stop to post this.)

:laughing: For 2 of those summers I was one of the pricks with a whistle and clipboard, my punishment for being "colorful"

another question i have is how the helllll do you have internet connection where you are?? quote]

A credit card and a guy named bob. I'll go into it a bit theres another question like yers ,do the ole 2 stones with one bird thing.

Nice coffee time be safe on your trip, and if u could please try and take some pics along the way maybe of some of the animals there and such?

You got it bro,but most animals here are snakes, lizards and the like, not many mammals except monkeys, there is a cool "Kiwi looking like" bird lives in the rain forest i been trying to get a foto of one every time we go up there, its hard to get a good shot up there,,,everythings always wet and by the time ya get a camera out the shots gone, I'm about to lose another camera soon, this ones limpin along, but it goes with me most of the time,,,which is why it's limping along,,it gets banged and bumped alot getting shoved into a gargo pocket...

Sippin on a nice fresh cup of New Guinea coffee right now, good morning wherever you may be Masa!! Am posted up for the next lil while just to try n catch the next update homeskillet!! Can't wait! Please tell the fambams hello from Norcal :)

Sounds good,,how ya drink that NG java, black or cream and sugar ??

Haha!, yeah, now we get to see how to brew up one expensive cup of civet shit. Can't wait to see pics from the farm, or how you find the bean filled cat turds to start off with, and I don't even partake

Hey Masa, do you guys eat limpets there?

Snails ????????

Great thread,how do you manage to post?

Do the elders know?

Just wondering,I did read the thread it just seems like bad "juju" to me.


No they dont,,, its more of they dont wouldnt understand. Bad "juju" ??? lil bit maybe I try an off-set it when I can..
My wife busted my chops again just a few months ago when she caught me doing the smoke bath thing.
And I knew I was doing it, and why I was doing it, and I wasent trying to hide it,,every one else was doing ,,,why not me ?,,,does it work ?? is there something to it ??,, there is now,, I dont do shit without a smoke bath..

Hey Masa, is that the spelling/pronunciation/translation of Bad Dog that the language of the Island People sounds like?

anyone ever call u kelevra?


Its a Coyunan word from the Island where my wife went to school,,she gave me the handle one day when she sorta figured out it fit....

Im gunna go out on a limb nd say he's got a satellite uplink setup in his comms center with the genny. Kinda like a WildBlue or Hughes net internet dish here in the states...great if ya have no other way but I bet the downloading is slow as fuuuuug hahaha. and ya if it's like the hughes net setup, Its expensive as hell compared to broadband

Yup cept my rig beats WB and huges all to hell,, Yea gotta blow ma horn here, and I'll tell ya why.. My first attempt at setting up a decent line of communications with :laughing:anyone,, went to shit in about 6 months and cost me 25k US. Moisture, dust, and the real death blow,,,Ants,,little tiny tiny ants, I tell ya it was sad.
What I use now is designed for ocean going ships called an OR-SATw/goldkey. Speeds vary depending on the satellite, I can download a DVD rip in about 4 hours with clear weather 10-12 in cloudy skys
I was on board a big Korean container ship trading with the cook and I noticed a handful of guys in the mess on laptops, at first I didnt pay no attention to um, but when one starting talking to his girl or wife I got real interested real quick, this guys skypen his ass off, I asked the cook how they were getting online he looked at me like I was stupid and said,,,WIFI,,, Huh ??? and Im really standing there with the Scooby Doo look on my face,,
I made a pest of myself, wanting more info on this "WIFI" and finally got the ships first officer to come to the galley, turns out he was also the commuicatins officer and right proud of his comm/tech, if I ever wanted a pencil and a dry piece of paper,, it was right then..
Dude hooked me up with some serious info and I went at it full bore, took 8 months to get here and set it up, Now Ive got a unit about the size of small trash can that feeds a central control unit, from it I get WIFI (jungle style) and SAT/TV and its all marine grade,, dryest place on this rock is under that dome.

The cost ?? About the same if I was to wanna help x-wife #3 when she was begging,,,FUKIN BEGGIN me to buy her out of the house that "SHE JUST HAD TO HAVE" and cant afford anymore and the banks gonna take it away and I DONT GIVE A FUK you stupid @*n!...:biggrin: oops,,,sorry bout that,, never did like her.
Costs about the same as a house in the VA burbs.
And no no no,, I didnt run out and tell "nasty nancy" that she lost her house to the bank because I wanted to go online,,,no no.
I had a friend do it,,,:ying:

The island , the ladies & the lifestyle are beautifull but hell that boat is my fishermans dream . I gotta go get one .

That is one cool boat,,below thay have a lil house like setting,, small but it's their home,,the boat it self is 30 meters and can carry 4 tons safely in open sea, theres still a pucker factor when yer on a wooden boat 200 miles off shore.


It's your life and story, and damn I'd love to write the book -- but I think the way you tell and write it makes it particularly interesting and effective. This interactive dialogue is amazing. "Bad Dog," you've really got it going on. I almost feel guilty for thinking about asking questions!

No dont feel that way,its the questions that keep this show going.


No dont feel that way,its the questions that keep this show going.


I envy your knowledge and experience...

You said you didn't know at first how long you planned on staying on the island, but before leaving you had to consider the prospect of permanent life there, no? (Seems like it comes naturally to you.) You obviously are "specially" trained, but how did you settle on things like, for example, the fact that the nearest hospital is days away and requires a fucking TREK? In other words, had you thought about that broken foot* before it ever stepped on the island? What about all the poisonous shit out there...how do you know what is or isn't poisonous, what you can and cannot eat (duh, I know the locals could tell you, but still, how convenient is that all of the time)? It's gotta be more to it than copperheads and timber rattlers...Do you keep any sort of anti-venoms/antidotes/shit like that? Can you tell us a little bit about the traditional medicines/treatments of the tribe? You're fucking balls out man. I know it's life as usual for all of you out on the island, but...

You mention a five-foot average height? I imagine you stand out like a sore thumb in that regard. With having married in, being the Western representative (specimen, if you will), and based on your descriptions of life with the tribe, I assume that these people must hold you in very high esteem...in a way it's hard for me to imagine this is even real...pretty cool thing happening here, I appreciate you sharing your life with us.

Pets...you keep pigs, and you've also got a gecko (forgot his name)...do you or any of the natives keep pets? Is this common practice? Specifically, I'd like to know if you've seen a dog since you've moved out/down there. Would you be able to keep one on the island, or would it just be snake food?


*P.S. How'd things turn out with the broke foot? Was it okay having only one foot to rub for awhile?