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well i guess there going to be coming here in the next few weeks
right in the middle of flowering cool right?
not cool

i was thinking of taking my inline fans down ect? and hang clothes in my tents and act like im a weird clothes freak
and put all the plants in the other room and lock the door.

so they will leave a note saying to finish the inspection they need to get in the other room so i will just hook everything back up in the grow room and lock that door since they already went in there

any better ideas?


Active member
rent/borrow a van/panel truck and move everything into it and park it in the garage/out front. When they are done, move it back in. use big contractor bags to move big plants and rubbermaid totes for smaller ones. Be sure to put some rudimentary furniture to make the room look 'normal' as opposed to empty. Eazy Peezy.


Cannabis 101
when something similar happend to me I just rented a van cover all the windows and put everything in there... took all light down and made the room look normal...
or you can just tell em grandma is sick and she been staying in that room for a week or soo longer till you harvest.. make sure you tell em she got bird flue or something that will keep em away lol

Or just tell em you got bird flue come out with a mask and everything to answer the door and say your doctor recommended you to stay at home and not make contact with anyone!


Active member
omg lol @ tell them you have bird flu... well I vote on the same... either rent a van for temp storage... or find a place where they can be stored out of sight/mind... keeping them sheltered/closed up for a little while won't harm them... I've left mine in complete darkness for over a day before and never had any issues.... I know as a renter you have rights... including declining them entry at the time if it comes up to be random.. they also need to give you atleast 48 hours notice before entry if you are or aren't home... if not they could just walk in to YOUR place anytime they wanted without notice violating your lease and privacy....Im sure the renting laws where you are can't be that wacked... GL!


box em up... pack into a van type thing... buy small ona block for odors... pass inspection... move plants back in.

oh and take down tents temporarily. those things look nothing but suspicious.


I've had to toss harvests because of that shit. Other times, I threw them in a large, thick trash bag tied off and put them in a large wardrobe box in the closet. I don't think they look in closets, but they can't "search" the place I was in my place and the inspection literally lasted 2 minutes, in and out.


At nearly all apartment complexes around here the management has it worked into the leases where they get to legally change the HVAC filters and spray for pesticides in every room once per month. So, if you aren't dealing with that regardless of $1200/mo. rent for a one bedroom, then you're in good shape I'd surmise.


St. Elsewhere
Just take em down. It's even riskier to take the plants outside of your place, than to just stuff them in say, a locked closet.

As far as the van... I would figure summer heat might make that a pain in the ass.
when something similar happend to me I just rented a van cover all the windows and put everything in there... took all light down and made the room look normal...
or you can just tell em grandma is sick and she been staying in that room for a week or soo longer till you harvest.. make sure you tell em she got bird flue or something that will keep em away lol

Or just tell em you got bird flue come out with a mask and everything to answer the door and say your doctor recommended you to stay at home and not make contact with anyone!
The Bird flu idea is frigging priceless:good::biglaugh:


well i guess there going to be coming here in the next few weeks
right in the middle of flowering cool right?
not cool

i was thinking of taking my inline fans down ect? and hang clothes in my tents and act like im a weird clothes freak
and put all the plants in the other room and lock the door.

so they will leave a note saying to finish the inspection they need to get in the other room so i will just hook everything back up in the grow room and lock that door since they already went in there

any better ideas?

Just going through this my inspection is next Monday but I already chopped and boxed up my tent and equipment.

Jus tbuy some big boxes and put your stuff in there tape it up and put it in your bedroom. As for your plants I suggest crop if possible if not spend some money on a hotel room or uhaul van or something and stash it thats all you can really do.


Tropical Outcast

Or just tell em you got bird flue come out with a mask and everything to answer the door and say your doctor recommended you to stay at home and not make contact with anyone!

Maybe not exactly bird flue lol but anything highly contagious that will take a few more weeks to clear.

Then they are welcome to come back.


landlords, especially if they have multiple properties are pretty savvy.

I would not go with the "sick" plan, and instead take down, and place in closet in garbage bags with some onagel for odor, though i doubt it would be good enough if they openned the closet.

Then, find a new apartment where they don't to yearly inspections!


Seconding Dr.Dank! +Denying access to a room could possibly create a unnecessary suspicion.

oh and make sure there are no leaves hiding!

Gooooood luck!:ying:


Smokes, lets go
check make your there is no clause in the rent about growing marijuana and stand your ground if they ask you tell them its your garden fuck the inspectors.present your 215 recommendation and they can't really do anything about it.


get a pitbull last time the yearly apt inspection came around my place i was gonna let them come in and show them my rec and tell them nothign in the lease agreement about growing so nothing they can do... but the second they saw my pup they turned around closed the door and never came back.


I hold El Roacho's
Five Valuable words of Advice - Don't grow in an Apartment.

Thier are to many security risk & veritables that can put you and your wife or GF or children at risk and get you jail time and burry your family in a huge dept of attorney fee's and court cost.

Good luck and think about u haul lamp boxes for your tall plants they work well and so do wardrobe boxes.


buy those plastic roses and glue them all around the plants. answer the door in a police uniform say the current occupant is in custody and you're there guarding the place till the cavalry arrives. play opera music in the background and when they come in to inspect tell them you'll be back in an hour.

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