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yeah I freakin did it.

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h^2 O

this is weird man....i do stuff like this and post like this when im drinking....ARE you drinking?


Active member
i'm not going to send anymore emails I agree its lame. and no I wouldn't ask her out in a email that is just way too weird.

but seriuosly is she going ot think i'm a weirdo or something after an email?

I had a girl that liked me last year send me a million emails and I thought she was weird, she also sent me a million text messages but I didn't like her so i kind of ignored them and she eventually left me alone.

good drown

this is weird man....i do stuff like this and post like this when im drinking....ARE you drinking?
yea reminds me of years ago when i would do the same.

yummy, you should post the email you sent, edit out names and anything else, but she shouldnt think you are weird just from that. unless it was weird..

what was wrong with the girl that emailed you all the time? she obviously liked you, why didnt you try and go out? it seems someone snuck inside your brain and hit the self destruct button


Active member
the girl that liked me I didn't think was attractive. well wasn't attracted to her, she had a really high pitched mickey mouse kind of voice. she was really nice though, I wasn't trying to be a jerk. I did answer a lot of her emails and texts but she'd send me like a ton of texts and I got tired of replying she eventually stopped.....

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
ok new bet
10 bucks says yummy creeps the chick out and makes her cry even before he can get her into the car
any takers?


Active member
well no I didn't send her a weird creepy email saying i'm in love with her or anyting lol. just said was wondering what dates you are agoing and said I emaile dth eprof to make sure i'm going on the same days and if not try to switch dates so I can go with her. and said I'd talk to her on thurdsay in class.

good drown

right on, but yea, call this one next. i hate talking on the phone but when you find the right girl its easy


Active member
right on, but yea, call this one next. i hate talking on the phone but when you find the right girl its easy

yeah calling a girl for the first time is scarey for me. this one time I wanted to call this girl and I was too scared I would freeze up on teh phone and like forget what tod say and have a long awkward pause so I wrote down what I want to say on a piece of paper like " hi this is yummy' lol............ I was looking at the piece of paper while phoning.

I think if a girl knew this she'd think i'm really weird lol.


Active member
this girl is also really shy from the way she talks I can tell. Also last year when I had her in class she told me that she hadn't met any people while going to university in teh past 3 years she said hard to meet people you see once a week.

I never see her chatting with other people in class also but a lot of people are like that.


Active member
yummy you ruined it all with the email

so its over now? I should give up because after an email she will no longer like me????

she asked for my email also so not sure why its a problem. like i said i won't email her after this....


Active member
Why dont ya pull yer pecker out and chase her down the street Yum?Works for me!!AND since a girl would be involved ya could almost call it sex,wanker.

good drown

if you explain to her the reason you act all weird and shy is because you like her, she will really dig that. even girls that dont like you back will understand this (unless they are hearless whores), and continue to talk to you.


if you explain to her the reason you act all weird and shy is because you like her, she will really dig that. even girls that dont like you back will understand this (unless they are hearless whores), and continue to talk to you.

if she thinks he's worth it. might as well give this advice a go yummy, she might concur in which case you can hold hands and act primary school together.. then fast forward to porking her later on...use protection, dont want you mixing those genes

Joe Hawkins

Active member
Everyone that posts any decent advice must know by now that yummy will reject it all and curl into foetal position.
Heres what will happen, guaranteed!
1. Yummy gets all flustered and cant talk to her like a normal person, because in yummy's world, girls arent people, they are merely sex objects for his fantasies.
2. Yummy bombs out with his sex fantasy
3. Yummy posts a new thread in IC making excuses for his lameness

good drown

yea, this is my first encounter with yummy. looking at him, he has 4k posts, i see he has been here and other forums for a while.
just reading 6 of his posts, i could tell he is that type to get out of things, and had already started making excuses as to why he isn't going on the same field trip as her
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