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Largest Grow House Bust I've Ever Seen + Awesome Map


I guess that will be another bene of using the Sun in my guerilla.

It would be kinda hard to explain a sudden jump in usage though if all the sudden a dude was runnin' 4 1000's or 20 or 40 and all the fans and stuff.

I guess you could say the old lady gave birth to like.....Quints!


Uncle Remus

I personally have no sympathy for idiots that get caught doing large scale indoor commercial grows...These are the peeps that, when they get caught, are giving us home growers/users a bad rep...The first thing anyone thinks or pictures when you mention indoor MJ growing is images from a video similar to this

The fool got caught going up the utility pole? Too bad the asshole didn't fry himself while he was up there...Not only did he get caught growing, but he's a thief on top of it...Glad I never have to deal with jagoffs like this ever again...Haven't paid for any smoke in over 2 years now, and I plan on keeping it that way

IMO the more peeps like this they catch the better...Hopefully large grows like this keeps the attention and resources of the LEO away from small scale grows that peeps use for personal use

You commercial guys bring the heat down on the small fries...Hate to say it but its true

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yamaha_1fan said:
There have been cases that have started based SOLEY on the amount of electrical useage. Search "Austin Texas email" in the legal forum for an example. LEO was data mining and had the electric company find all users with high useage.

Yea and that jury is out if i remember on that... he was massing a LOT of users records which is a violation of privacy/rights etc.

I know it does happen, but i think it's safe(r) to say that paying one's bill regardless of size is preferred to stealing the electricity and risking unwanted attention.

Uncle Remus

mazzakush dude.... if you wanna do 100 1k's get a fuckin generator! come on now... not that difficult.

Hmm...Loud suspicious noise running in neighbors house...Sounds like a motor or something officer...Comes on only at certain times of the day/night and runs all day/night long

Gee officer, I saw my neighbor carry 10 gal of gasoline into the house last night...What for? I don't know

Ain't gonna work bro, sorry...Now your going to draw attention to yourself with noise, exhaust fumes, fuel supply. ect...

Only way I see this working is in a rural setting with neighbors like 1 mile away...Sure as fuck aint gonna get away with anything like that in a city or suburb


ninfan77 said:
Yea and that jury is out if i remember on that... he was massing a LOT of users records which is a violation of privacy/rights etc.

I know it does happen, but i think it's safe(r) to say that paying one's bill regardless of size is preferred to stealing the electricity and risking unwanted attention.

You are right and thats what I base my op on. I am betting on the fact popo is not going to mine the records here. Its just some people swear it doesnt happen, and they need to understand it HAS happened, and may happen again.

Yeah the cop had a guy/dept just looking for records with high usage. Not sure how high useage was determined (sq footage to KWH used, previous year to current year, etc). Then he had a couple officers/detectives follow up on the leads. I am sure he had a bunch of names.

Someone said LEO can pull credit card records w/o a warrant. If so, isnt that an invasion of privacy??


Yes, that too is an invasion of privacy.. but that's my point.

My point is that for the majority of growers, even those working 10kw and up in residential.. it's "safer" to pay your bill regardless of size vs stealing power.

Sure LEO is getting more and more aggressive to "root out" the drug grower evil terrorists, but that doesn't mean one should draw even MORE attention by stealing power. Pay the bills, keep it quiet.

Always good to get feedback yamaha tho ;)


shut the fuck up Donny
DEA Press Release

DEA Press Release

Press release from a few days ago on DEA's website regarding record breaking California plant seizures.

At the bottom are two AWESOME videos with aerial footage.

Record Breaking Seizures of Marijuana Throughout California for 2008 Collaborative Efforts with Partner Agencies Yields 5,249,881 Plants Seized

November 19, 2008
DEA Public Affairs
Number: 202-307-7977
Contact: Casey McEnry
Number: 415-436-7994

NOV 19 -- SACRAMENTO, Calif.—California Department of Justice, Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement (BNE) and other participants in the Campaign Against Marijuana Planting (CAMP) including the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Field Division Offices in San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego, in conjunction with the United States Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District of California, announce record breaking seizures of marijuana from California public and private lands during CAMP season and Operation Green Acres 2, resulting in a record breaking combined total of 5,249,881. Of that number, 3,641,328 or almost 70 Percent were eradicated from state and federal public land.

CAMP reported a second year of record breaking numbers of marijuana plants eradicated during the 2008 season at 2.9 million. Of the 2.9 million plants, two million were seized from public lands while the remainder was seized from private lands. Marijuana eradication season begins in July and continues through October.

The continued discovery of record numbers of plants is the result of an organized, collaborative effort by the CAMP program and its partner agencies. CAMP has been operating for 26 years as a multi-agency task force comprised of local, state, and federal agencies including, Drug Enforcement Administration, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, National Parks Service, California Department of Fish and Game, Office of National Drug Control Policy–National Marijuana Initiative, California National Guard, and Office of Emergency Services. The program is designed to help counties eradicate illegal marijuana cultivation and trafficking in California.

BNE Chief John Gaines stated, “California is Ground-Zero for domestically produced marijuana in the United States; more than half of the domestically produced marijuana in the United States is grown in California. The California Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement vows to continue our exceptional partnership with our local, state and federal counterparts to eradicate illegally grown marijuana and prosecute those individuals and organizations responsible for trafficking this drug while damaging our environment and endangering the lives of our citizens.”

The counties with the highest numbers of eradicated plants for 2008 are: Lake (499,508), Tulare (395,489), Shasta (394,375), Mendocino (231,802), and Humboldt (145,762). All counties listed, except for Humboldt, had an increase in the number of marijuana plants eradicated.

Last year, 53 individuals were arrested and 41 weapons were seized. During the 2008 season, 143 individuals were arrested and 142 weapons seized.

“Our forests and public lands cannot and will not be allowed to become safe havens for Mexican drug cartels operating massive marijuana cultivations. These criminal enterprises pose great risk to those simply seeking to enjoy these lands in the manner for which they were intended,” U.S. Attorney McGregor Scott said.

In addition to the 2008 CAMP season, DEA conducted their second year of Operation Green Acres, a four-week, statewide operation that began in late July and was concluded in August 2008. The operation was conducted by federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, and primarily focused on marijuana grown outdoors.

As a result of Operation Green Acres 2, agents seized almost 1.4 million marijuana plants, with an estimated street value of $4.2 billion. Approximately 1.2 million of those plants were eradicated from public lands in California, a 73 percent increase from last year. Additionally, 63 individuals were arrested statewide in connection with the operation. Of those arrests, seven were charged in federal court in the Eastern District of California, while four were charged in federal court in the Central District of California. Nearly $200,000 in assets and 102 weapons were seized during the operation.

“Each year more marijuana is seized from California’s public lands. It destroys our national forests and threatens the safety of the residents and visitors who seek to enjoy California’s natural treasures. Only with collaborative law enforcement efforts, will we be able to make an impact against this serious problem,” stated DEA Special Agent in Charge Javier F. Peña.

Another important eradication effort, also undertaken last summer, was operation LOCUST, targeting large-scale marijuana cultivation in and around Sequoia National Park. This operation was spearheaded by Tulare County Sheriff Bill Wittman, BNE, along with DEA, U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. It resulted in the seizure of approximately 524,000 plants and indictments of 15 individuals in the Fresno Court of the Eastern District of California.

The CAMP program and its partner agencies continue to eradicate the large scale marijuana cultivations from public and private lands that cause deforestation, damage to wildlife habitats, and hazardous-chemical pollution. Pesticides, chemical repellants, poisons, and fuels are often used in large-scale, outdoor marijuana cultivation. Attempts to irrigate the marijuana crops often harm nearby ecology including creeks, streams, and rivers. These plants are often under surveillance by their caretakers, who, in many instances, are heavily armed with pre-planned escape routes.

“Illegal marijuana cultivation is wreaking havoc on our public lands and causing extensive environmental damage of these precious resources,” said DEA Los Angeles Special Agent in Charge Timothy J. Landrum. “DEA is committed to working jointly with our federal, state, and local partners in combating this growing threat to our parks and our communities.”

The continued success of the CAMP program is due in large part to the coordinated effort between local, state, and federal agencies.

Link with two videos: http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/pubs/pressrel/pr111908.html


shut the fuck up Donny
You know your screwed when you see this in your front yard...



shut the fuck up Donny
Boy did this one hurt when I came upon it...

Afghanistan underground bunker stored with... 262 TONS of Hash.






shut the fuck up Donny
This guy got a huge 30 acre spot with a cabin on it and built a underground grow room with 450ish plants, elevator etc, but then also grew 233 plants at his main home. Busted (we don't know how) by DEA, IRS (who took all his homes).

Pictures link at bottom

New Photos Show Sophistication of Indoor Marijuana Grow in California

APR 3 -- United States Attorney Karen P. Hewitt announced today that Damien Anthony Andrews, Anthony Martin Hillerby, and Sean Daniel Smith, were arraigned on separate but related felony complaints charging them with conspiracy to manufacture marijuana plants and manufacturing marijuana plants, in violation of Title 21, United States Code, Sections 841(a) and 846.

According to Assistant U.S. Attorney Sherri Walker Hobson, who is prosecuting the cases, Damien Anthony Andrews was arrested following the execution of a federal search warrant at his log cabin located on a 39-acre parcel in Santa Ysabel, California, on March 28, 2007. According to court documents, the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”), the San Diego Narcotic Task Force (“NTF”), and the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation (“IRS”) found a sophisticated clandestine indoor marijuana cultivation operation consisting of 454 marijuana plants that was concealed underground, accessible by a concealed closet elevator in a garage structure on the parcel. From the elevator shaft, there was a 4-foot wide, 65-foot tunnel that led to the large underground grow rooms with irrigation, lighting, electrical and ventilation systems. According to court documents, Andrews, who owns the 39 -acre parcel, had a sophisticated surveillance system with multiple cameras and monitors located in and around the property. Sean Smith, who was arraigned today before Magistrate Judge Louisa Porter following his arrest by the U.S. Marshal’s Service, is charged with conspiring with Andrews to cultivate marijuana at that location. The DEA also filed a civil complaint for forfeiture related to the 39-acre parcel that belonged to Andrews.

According to court documents, Anthony Martin Hillerby was arrested on March 28, 2007, following the execution of a federal search warrant at his residence in Oceanview Terrace, Encinitas, where agents found approximately 233 marijuana plants. According to the management company, Damien Andrews was the renter of that location.

In addition to the criminal complaints, IRS agents also filed civil complaints for forfeitures against Andrews’ residential properties located on Compass Road, Oceanside, California, and on Neptune Avenue in Encinitas, which is Andrews’ primary residence. Andrews purchased the Neptune beach home for $1.4 million in November 2006. The IRS forfeiture complaints allege that Damien Andrews’ properties were involved in money laundering violations.

United States Attorney Hewitt said, “These sophisticated marijuana growing operations demonstrate the lengths to which drug traffickers will go to make their illicit profit. The arrests of those responsible and the steps taken to forfeit their properties establish our unwavering commitment to taking the profit out of their criminal conduct.”

United States Attorney Hewitt praised the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) for the coordinated team effort in the culmination of this investigation. Several local, state and federal law enforcement agencies assisted in this OCDETF investigation, including DEA, San Diego Narcotic Task Force, IRS, and the United States Marshal’s Service. The OCDETF program was created to consolidate and utilize all law enforcement resources in this country’s battle against major drug trafficking.

DEA Acting Special Agent in Charge Alan Poleszak said, “The sophisticated nature of this marijuana cultivation operation is further evidence of the lengths to which individuals will go in an effort to traffic drugs. As with cross-border drug tunnels our law enforcement successes above ground have forced drug traffickers underground in a desperate attempt to avoid detection. With literally millions of dollars at stake, drug traffickers are limited only by their imaginations, the strength of their resolve and the constant presence of law enforcement seeking to thwart their efforts.”

“Illicit drug manufacturing and drug trafficking generates huge amounts of illegal proceeds, usually in the form of laundered currency that must be concealed from law enforcement. The expertise and unique skills of IRS Special Agents are particularly useful in narcotic investigations. We will continue to be part of a very formidable team of law enforcement agencies whose mission is to expose these clandestine operations and eradicate their presence in our communities,” said Kenneth J. Hines, Special Agent in Charge, IRS Criminal Investigation, San Diego Field Office.

The next court appearance for Damien Andrews and Anthony Martin Hillerby will be on April 19, 2007, at 9:00 a.m., before United States Magistrate Judge Ruben B. Brooks. Sean Smith’s next court hearing is scheduled before United States Magistrate Judge Louisa Porter on April 5, 2007, at 10:30 a.m.
Damien Anthony Andrews
Encinitas, California Case Number: 07mj0711
Age: 34 In Custody
Anthony Martin Hillerby
Encinitas, California Case Number: 07mj0712
Age: 40 In Custody
Sean Smith
Santa Ysabel, California Case Number: 07mj0747
Age: 35 In Custody
Civil Complaints for Forfeitures of Properties: 07cv0567, 07cv0569

Conspiracy to Manufacture Marijuana Plants (100 plants or more)
Title 21, United States Code, Sections 841(a)(1) and 846
Penalties: 5 year minimum mandatory to 40 years in custody; 4 years of supervised release, $1,000,000 fine
Manufacturing Marijuana Plants/Aiding and Abetting (100 plants or more)
Title 21, United States Code, Section 841(a)(1) and Title 18, United States Code, Section 2
Penalties: 5 year minimum mandatory to 40 years in custody; 4 years of supervised release, $1,000,000 fine

Drug Enforcement Administration
San Diego Narcotics Task Force
Internal Revenue Service
United States Marshals Service

A complaint itself is not evidence that the defendants committed the crimes charged. The defendants are presumed innocent until the Government meets its burden in court of proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Pictures: http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/photo_library7.html#marijuana

Uncle Remus

I like that pic headie

Funny facts about Afghanistan...It supplies 92% of the entire WORLD'S supply of opium, US military has been there for 4-5-6 years and opium production has INCREASED by something like 40% since the US invaded

Hmm...Wonder who's getting a piece of THAT pie...Can you say C.I. shhhh



New member
Over 5 million plants eradicated in California? That's a damn lot of work. And our money wasted. :( I always thought stealing electricity is a bit much, sure you have a black box, but the real question is whether the electricity bill would give them away versus stealing electricity? I think the latter.


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Over 5 million plants eradicated in California? That's a damn lot of work. And our money wasted. :( I always thought stealing electricity is a bit much, sure you have a black box, but the real question is whether the electricity bill would give them away versus stealing electricity? I think the latter.

Notice that while 5 million plants or whatever were destroyed, only 53 people were arrested. 53 people didn't plant even a 10th of those 5 million plants, so the cops are catching less than 10% of the criminals.... We're winning in other words.

As for the electricity bill, in the original article, the guy had a barn on his property and neighbors were far away. So that suggests he was rural, or outside the main part of town. I've seen a lot of farms with perfectly legit power bills of 30-50 thousand a month. Farms are super expensive. Nobody would have scrutinized his power use. Stealing power in his case was stupid on a scale that is just stunning really.


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Again we see huge grows with lights mounted way up high! My suspicion is that the people who build these things are in it for the money and thus don't really understand or love pot the way us home growers do. They want something slick that just works without any tinkering, regardless of how perfect it is. The Tennessee Pot Cave was a prime example, but any of these really work. The irony is that they'd make way more money if they used their lights efficiently and used reflectors to contain the light that misses the plants on the first pass.

Verger OG

With this type of grow op, making so much monye, why not offset the power costs with a n investment in photovoltaïc or wind power? It may not completely cover your power use but you can still benefit from a lot of undetectable kilowatthour.