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Yayyy! My first colloidal silver generator (photo)


Well-known member
In my place they made a hard work to dissolve a fake for a good ppm reading.:tiphat:
My first attempt was failed with pharmacy spray "35ppm Ag+9999" on the label.
It was colourless liquid a little opalescent. The TDS-meter reading was 50ppm.
There was no sign of she-male metamorphosing and the clone flowering was finished as a female.



New member
quick question,

I have .925 silver ... bracelet, will that do to? or isnt it pure enough..?

Absolutley NOT. In fact, you should use 9999. Your .925 is sterling silver with a lot of copper in it, bad news for plants. For those who are serious about making CS there is a forum discussion over the period of over a year about the development of the best Colloidal Silver generator. The first part is here:


hmm, wikipedia said .925... was oke, so i made it last night, i will buy tomorrow some .999 silver and make some new water and keep on useing that :)


just letting u guys no not to by cs from shops all ready made ,
when i ordered mine i was told its 40ppm . today my ppm meter turned up from the usa so i tested my cs and its only reading 15ppm . so ive been screwed for over £30 ive emailed the shop asking for my ££ back . see what happens .

i will make my own and try again now

i emailed the shop were i got my cs from and they emailed the people who make it . this is the reply i had from them ..

One of the problems with most TDS meters is, when analysing, they don't start with pure water, and their TDS meters aren't calibrated for only silver. Many people calibrate their meters using distilled water purchased at a supermarket to zero out the machine. Unfortunately distilled water sold at supermarkets is not as pure as people like to imagine. Firstly it's sold in non-PET plastic so whether the water was pure at time of bottling or not, it's certainly not pure from sitting on the shelf. It would contain the residues from the bottles and the plastics, which could be as much as ten ppm. I would assume this would necessitate that variances on any product tested would be out at least 10ppm. Our CS particle size is also less than 13un.

Remember we use professional TDS meters purchased from a commercial lab. A commercial lab also needs to set a TDS meter in order for the meter to read correctly, which is done through spectrometry.
Our products are independently analysed prior to bottling and we have had no such variances in their results.


this is the reply i had from them ..

"and their TDS meters aren't calibrated for only silver"

... *BLINK* ...

It's a TDS meter - it doesn't matter WHAT is in the water - it is not specific to any one substance such as silver compounds. Nor is there any "calibration for silver" or other specific compound.

From Wiki's TDS meter page ... "A TDS Meter indicates the amount of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in a solution. Since dissolved ionized solids like salts and minerals contribute to the conductivity of a solution, a TDS meter measures the conductivity of the solution then converts that figure to an estimated TDS reading."


... *BLINK* ...

It's a TDS meter - it doesn't matter WHAT is in the water - it is not specific to any one substance such as silver compounds. Nor is there any "calibration for silver" or other specific compound.

From Wiki's TDS meter page ... "A TDS Meter indicates the amount of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in a solution. Since dissolved ionized solids like salts and minerals contribute to the conductivity of a solution, a TDS meter measures the conductivity of the solution then converts that figure to an estimated TDS reading."

hey pheno so are they trying to screw me and not refund my £££


Well-known member
CS ppm degradation

CS ppm degradation

It was reported ten days back on 03-14-2010
It was 52ppm and now after 10 days of shelf life it is 45ppm.
Today 03-24-2010 TDS meter reading is 41ppm.

CS in a green glass bottle in a dark storage place at the room temp slowly degrades with time.


I've made CS using a 22V adapter running for about 24 hours, filtered twice. Its taking ages for the CS to dry on the leaves, and its leaving some dark spots, picture taken after 3rd spraying, is this normal? most importantly will it work? :D


Well-known member
dark spots

dark spots

Hi hisser!
I've observed dark spots from the start of spraying. Later they look a bronze glitter.
Probably it is the sign of cs-overdose but they didn't kill my plants.
There were also watermarks on the leaves and a kind of nitrogen claw when N was given in a little to zero.


Well-known member
CS ppm fluctuations

CS ppm fluctuations

... CS stored in a closed green glass bottle in a dark place at the room temp was previously 52ppm.
After first ten days it degrades down to 45ppm.
After next ten days it is 41ppm.

i wonder how many microns in size the larger undesirable silver particles are if they could be effectively removed the solution would hold its ppm longer in storage i would think. the coffee filter strainings help but there must be a better way.
... Today in 4 days after last observation I filtered CS from the green bottle. Coffee filter caught black CS sediment. CS ppm is now 45ppm.

Will you post your CS ppm dynamics to compare please. I suppose coffee filter is probably quite enough if it will go this way.

Now is 24 days of CS shelf life. I can comment this fluctuation only in terms of TDS-meter error on reading 41ppm.


Just create FRESH, STRONG colloidal silver ... there's no point gambling on the quality of old CS! :) And it doesn't cost much


Awesome, waiting to collect my first feminized seeds in couple of weeks. Actually my first seedrun ever. So easy, so cheap, so unbelievable... This was only a testround, next time gotta choose interesting strains etc.