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X-18 Pure Pakistani

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have u guys seen this ad i scanned? lol

have u guys seen this ad i scanned? lol

ooh i saw this ad in pirates weekly - the only real pirate chronicle ;)



secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
but wait...WhereTF is the RandoMule??
not enough reputation yet?
he must be kinda dissappointed...He hasn´t been even mentioned in Pirates Weekly??
poor boy.... :violin:
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Hindu Killer

Active member
For all we know they dont even have the male,, and its a hybrid cross. One must really question this whole ordeal. Sounds to me like they are a bunch of crooks!


Active member
Now that ad is fanfukingtastic Bonecarver!!!

Rolling on the high seas, pillaging all that they come in contact with. D(ick) N A(ss)
Tighten you belts fellas, or pillaging and plundering will soon follow :moon: . :D


High Class Grass
Sick ad Bone..lmao.
But that pic of the african kinda made me think...

Stay Safe


Raco said:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
but wait...WhereTF is the RandoMule??
not enough reputation yet?
he must be kinda dissappointed...He hasn´t been even mentioned in Pirates Weekly??
poor boy.... :violin:

im sorry man - the best pic i think they got of that boy was during this act;



secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
"Jinyaati Tour per Tarmeem shuda khuraak"

Random00 said:
Well, this case of mediatic abuse is the third one that I have to face in just one month: I'm aware that there is some kind of node going on, for this situation is absolutely exceptional to me.

The first one was referred to someone who passed away recently, therefore I will not extend myself any longer.

Second, I visited the new local grow shop in the right moment to find the new issue of Spannabis Magazine on the shelves. The title of the cover story on the October issue of this national magazine is Extracción casera del hachís, something like Homemade extraction of hashish, and the first photograph that illustrates the text is one of my pictures. It's not only stolen, but taken from a thread on Cannabis Cafe named Pics of imported hashish (Fotos de hachís importado). So the journalist could go and pick any of my countless pictures avaliable with homemade products, but he is so inept that chose one of the few photos of commercial samples. All in all, it doesn't really matter to me, and probably this is the only time that I will dedicate to the subject.

And now, third in a row, I have to see a new abuse of mediatic power. In this case, with my own reputation being questioned, directly slandered. This thread should be a celebration of the X-18 line, but hypocrisy turned it into a shame of adulation and offensive victimism.

I'm a member of both sites (since the beginnings of Cannabis Cafe in 2000), but it's getting harder and harder for me to find the motivation and publish on them. Internet forums are meant to be temples of free knowledge, but many of them have been perverted, and are being heavily used by adulators and hypocrites.

In the beginning of last summer, before Raco sent me some of his cuttings, I was starting two packages of seeds from DNA that I had received in exchange for my first small editorial jobs with this seed company. I mentioned this fact to Raco during our conversation, and explained that my garden would comprise the sativa plants from DNA and his original hash plants from Tom Hill's stock. Anyway, I was not in friends with DNA at the moment; they had just contacted me for some initial jobs. Whenever it's possible, I prefer to trade instead of charging money; this way, things can go further and more wealth can be created.

Then, DNA and iLiFE were going to share a booth at the Spannabis fair in Barcelona during the last weekend of February. That was when Aaron asked me for the X-18 clone. A couple weeks later, I transmited his petition to Raco in his thread "Especies protegidas", page 97, on Cannabis Café. Here you have the translation:

Random: "By the way, Raco, Aaron from DNA Genetics is very excited with the possibility of reproducing the X-18 line. He has a male plant, but lost his selected female plant during the police raids in their grow operations last year. According to him, Budular gave him the seeds, and the smell of his female plant was very similar to the bud that I showed to them.

"What do you think about crossing your XVIII with DNA's male plant and continue the saga of this old paki blue?"

Raco: "Random!! How good see you around here!!

"I think it's great!! These jewels must be saved...

"As far as I know, our friends Budular and Kanza Kaya have one female and two males, and the best thing is it seems that the XVIII clone sent to California is doing good and rooting. Those are good news!!

"It seems that all the X-18 have a similar smell (and quite unique by the way).

"Budular tells me that he is excited with the project 2 X 2, this is his 18 girl, our XVIII and the two males... If they can, they will bombard me with a load of beans."

This effusive public approval was posted on March the 9th, two months and a half before DNA received the cutting. Anybody who knows something about me can see that I never get married with anyone, because the credibility of my words rely on my independence. I asked in public precisely to take care of my independence, and act according to Raco's response. A single hint of doubt in his words, and end of the story by my side. That simple. Therefore slandering me about DNA having the clone before being asked only portraits the person who makes the false statement.

To conclude, I know that feeling of being "pissed", and it's something natural to be overcome. It might be an analogy with an outstanding daughter that comes out of age, and the father who have to assume it. If X-18 is around since 2004, I started the seed of my pure Chitral clone, also known as Purple Paki, in 2002. I spread this plant to my best, and seed companies like Cannabiogen and ACE work freely with it, making this distinctive genetics avaliable to more people all over the world. Of course they have the right to be paid for that if making seeds is their job, part time or full time. We all must know our limits and work with humility, like Pakistani strains do: if making cannabis seeds is a hobby in my life, not my job, then I have to be grateful if some of my stock is so valuable that other dedicated growers do their best to make it avaliable for much more people than I can reach. This is more power to the people.

As a recent example, after a long time without checking ICMag, I received a private message from a member (unknown to me) asking for the avaliability of Chitralgum seeds. This was a single, private cross of mine, and a few weeks ago I sent almost all the remaining seeds of both starting lines (with two different Bubblegum IBL males) to this member. If he wants and can develop both lines, he will be able to cross them together and have a Chitralgum IBL in few generations. I'll be happy to have helped, and maybe I will ask for something in return or maybe not. I still haven't asked for anything in return for my Chitral. It just depends of what you need and what you have.

Before giving the X-18 to DNA, and even with the approval from Raco, I asked Aaron about the goal of this X-18 project. His answer was this: "The goal is to bring this pure pakistani to the heads of the world who have been missing this one for a very long time!"

Thanks for reading,

P.S.: Don't worry for the pictures issue in High Times, Hachis. It's all good. To see a full page picture of such a good cannabis like that Anunnaki from seed hours before its harvest, after 100 days flowering in subtropical environment, is priceless. You see, it's just a humble picture taken with a cheap camera in a small garden, but shows the real beauty of truly good herb instead of the artificial lush of those abused, unhappy plants grown conventionally. To me, this is a gift for everyone.

For if it´s the case...saved here.
"Mein tumse itni mohabbat karta hoon ki bayan nahin kar sakta" :wink:

Am I pissed??
you bet...
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Now I just have to say something that might sound weird, but it's true: if you see me like the boy on the picture, that's amazing!


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
I think youre a good person and I like your work :smile:
I won´t allow this to rest rest UNLESS you admitt you were tricked (or fooled) by DNA...
bear in mind that here´s ICmag,and the DNA guys are frowned here,as far as I know...
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ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Nice to see some lighthearted humor here. (well, maybe not so lighthearted :confused: )

Fact is, from the b r e e d bay posts, it's obvious DNA are monitoring this thread, and one would think they'd be reaching out to make things sorta right.

Maybe in time things will right themselves, but the fact is, by not offering up the X-18 male to even the "exchange", it certainly calls into question the truth of them actually having said male. ( If they truly care about
preservation, exchanging the male would be a given)

It just blows my mind that a business wouldn't reach out to make things right in the eyes of potential customers.

By not doing so, it's obvious they're ruthless PIRATES! Their followers scream about hoarding and how DNA are providing a great service by making this strain available. Their heads' are so far up DNA's ass, they just don't get the comraderie that can be found within the canna community. Calling Raco a hoarder is proposterous!
All anyone needs to do IS BE A GOOD PERSON WITHIN THE COMMUNITY! Good things will come to you over time! There is no reason to ever buy a seed again!
Obviously the DNA backers don't care about forming relationships, just pay yer $$$ cut & dried. They're all on the same boat, and these "deckhands" have no idea they're getting F U C K E D! More rum to keep 'em dumb. :rolleyes:
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High Class Grass
Bone: Yeah that one....not sure if its funny or sad as hell.

Stay Safe


Raco...Been lurking on this thread for a cpl. days...Brother, you don't have to lower yourself to these petty thieves. You have proved time & again your skills & generosity. You've been taken advantage of, and it hurts you I'm sure. Let this go & get back to smilin'...being the wiser man for it!

my 2 cents....


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Where´s snookster´s post?
another DNAphiliac??
This is driving me crazy...for phck sake!! :cuss:

Trilighter aka dynamota master (builds X-plosive joints) :wink:
I´ve found a few things...thought this one was funny
hope you don´t mind :)

Me and Al are talking on AIM... We've invented our own new language! We call it- well, he called it, Sheepish!

LostDesertFan (6:40:33 PM): Fwemeep. Mefweep ^^
AlexHidemasaF (6:40:44 PM): Frugleoskfn/
AlexHidemasaF (6:40:46 PM): ?
LostDesertFan (6:41:18 PM): Fwemeep Mefweep Meep Fwee: Hello! How are you? I like Sheep of Doom.
AlexHidemasaF (6:42:12 PM): Frewwmeep meeefemm meepo meepwee: Sheep of Doom? That is prosposterous, granny carborator. Pardon my genius, but my sheepish is sadly rusty.
AlexHidemasaF (6:42:44 PM): Neopets is down for maintenance
and should be back online in about 1 hour.
LostDesertFan (6:42:51 PM): Fwee! Meepfwee Fwemeep Meepfwee: This is not Sheepish. It's just Sheepish.
LostDesertFan (6:43:08 PM): Meep fwa sheep meep: I see... }cries{
LostDesertFan (6:43:44 PM): Meep fwee sheep fwee meepfweep: My pet's are in the BC. It starts in 17 minutes.
AlexHidemasaF (6:44:59 PM): Meepo meepo meepit monkey moodle mcCarthy madame moo: That is too bad for your uncle. Well, neopets is down on is one chicken, so perhaps you can fat make it!
LostDesertFan (6:46:04 PM): Meep fwee sheep meepfweepa meepwa toshi yoshi: Squirrels are greedy pigs. Yoshi-Shaped Toast is yummy.
AlexHidemasaF (6:47:01 PM): -.-
AlexHidemasaF (6:47:12 PM): Your mother is a dyslexic monkey on Rolaids!

Meepfwa! Meepfi fweemeep. : It's fun! ^^ Anything can mean anything.
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ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Trilighter:muahaha: aka dynamota master (builds X-plosive joints)

Raco, your supposed to REMOVE the seeds before rolling! :biglaugh: Don't blame me! :muahaha:
BTW, any f2's in that High&Tri nug?


Herbal relaxation...
:D :D :D

bone -> :confused: What sites are you surfing bro? :biglaugh:

HL: Good job mang, would love to be in Raco´s position sampling your delicious nuggets fo´shure!!!!! + some genetic goodies in them :yes:


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
I found one...only.I´m going to start it asap
I like this one :)
Raco said:
Pardon my genius, but my sheepish is sadly rusty.
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