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Wuhan Coronavirus is an Offensive Biological Warfare Weapon


Active member
I don’t plan to post often about this, so no need to start a war over what I say. I’ve just become fed up of the distraction of suddenly blaming China for all the Worlds problems, of the opinionated political divide over information about Corona that remains largely unknown, of the endless repetition about DNA testing, data tracking and mass vaccination, and of the racist slurs shouted at my Chinese friends

Man I really don't like the CCP, but treating individual Chinese people bad over this? That is just so fucking crazy. Its like blaming bats for it; the bats are victims too. They wouldn't choose to be vectors if they had a choice. Even if the CCP deliberately created this and spread it(which I think is unlikely); it still wouldn't be the fault of random Chinese people.

It reminds me of those assholes beating up and murdering Sikhs right after 9/11 because they were too stupid to understand that Arabs/Muslims don't wear turbans.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
lol, hung up on it?

you sir, are a very dishonest discussion partner. you mislead obfuscate and distract without ever honestly engaging the other persons words with your actual mind with openness.

basically most of your posts are just trolling and worthless. no ideas expressed, just derision of others that aren't in your brainwashed club/sect.

Gaius; I have not paid any attention to this thread until now and I have yet to read through everything. I began reading the article you linked by Wilson and Latham and got interrupted by work. In the interim, I'm guessing the gist is to support that the virus escaped from the lab.

This is something I suspected from the onset and I do understand there was research collaboration with a lab in North Carolina which was discontinued over a year before the outbreak. I don't know if that is mentioned in the article. I'll try to read through it and the thread, given time.


Active member
lol, hung up on it?

you sir, are a very dishonest discussion partner. you mislead obfuscate and distract without ever honestly engaging the other persons words with your actual mind with openness.

basically most of your posts are just trolling and worthless. no ideas expressed, just derision of others that aren't in your brainwashed club/sect.

All your posts are obscure opinions. Tidbits telling partial stories telling you what you want to believe. You’re repeating trump. You’re repeating Q. They don’t warrant much research or reply. I am very honest. You can’t back up your cut and paste with any actual knowledge or thought.

Somebody got a negative test and they were still quarantined. You conclude the tests were bunk. Some doctor told you masks grow fungus. You conclude masks are dangerous. There’s no logic in your arguments. Arguments like yours are why so many folks are dying.

Instead of calling me a troll, research your nonsense. Don’t expect me to. You won’t accept the facts. They don’t fit your agenda.

vanilla dutch

Active member
:biglaugh:masks are only good for one day. some only good for a week. some u can wash and dry because there not disposable. cant wait for my argument .lol covid is from chinese lizards. why is americas debt a topic in a thread about covid 19.conspiracy nuts love to argue


All your posts are obscure opinions. Tidbits telling partial stories telling you what you want to believe. You’re repeating trump. You’re repeating Q. They don’t warrant much research or reply. I am very honest. You can’t back up your cut and paste with any actual knowledge or thought.

Somebody got a negative test and they were still quarantined. You conclude the tests were bunk. Some doctor told you masks grow fungus. You conclude masks are dangerous. There’s no logic in your arguments. Arguments like yours are why so many folks are dying.

Instead of calling me a troll, research your nonsense. Don’t expect me to. You won’t accept the facts. They don’t fit your agenda.

lol, and here we go, even more dishonesty and misrepresentation. i hope you can look yourself in the mirror.

don't know why even bother with you, everyone reading along knows the truth. waste of time really....

how many times do i have to say i don't know either way, but i think that study is plausible. seems even Microbman agrees about this aspect of the discussion. thats the difference i'm always ready to re evaluate, while you just look and see what trump says and then say the opposite and think that makes you right, lmao.

why you even wanna make it about Trump is another strong indication of that new syndrome (TDS) that seems to be hitting people faster then corona....


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
even Microbeman? Do you think it may be time to tone down the ego so you can view things objectively?


even Microbeman? Do you think it may be time to tone down the ego so you can view things objectively?

did you not just post that you agreed with the leak hypothesis?

Gaius; I have not paid any attention to this thread until now and I have yet to read through everything. I began reading the article you linked by Wilson and Latham and got interrupted by work. In the interim, I'm guessing the gist is to support that the virus escaped from the lab.

This is something I suspected from the onset and I do understand there was research collaboration with a lab in North Carolina which was discontinued over a year before the outbreak. I don't know if that is mentioned in the article. I'll try to read through it and the thread, given time.

btw you should read the new study a few pages back, it takes all the facts we know into account in making the theory.


Active member
lol, and here we go, even more dishonesty and misrepresentation. i hope you can look yourself in the mirror.

don't know why even bother with you, everyone reading along knows the truth. waste of time really....

how many times do i have to say i don't know either way, but i think that study is plausible. seems even Microbman agrees about this aspect of the discussion. thats the difference i'm always ready to re evaluate, while you just look and see what trump says and then say the opposite and think that makes you right, lmao.

why you even wanna make it about Trump is another strong indication of that new syndrome (TDS) that seems to be hitting people faster then corona....
You post a bunch of DTS poorly written conspiracy trash and call me dishonest. Whatever. Your study may be 1% plausible and you post it as fact. Basically propaganda. You sir are the dishonest one.


You post a bunch of DTS poorly written conspiracy trash and call me dishonest. Whatever. Your study may be 1% plausible and you post it as fact. Basically propaganda. You sir are the dishonest one.


nice post, not a shred of original content.

excuse me, but i seriously have better things to do.

the record in the thread stands, anyone can read and make their own minds up.

if anyone has interesting studies on the topic, pro and contra, pls link them up.


Well-known member
This is why the left can't even beat the Democratic party.



Active member
even Microbeman? Do you think it may be time to tone down the ego so you can view things objectively?

The Cult of Trump is entirely about ego; its about being the greatest country, the greatest race, the greatest businessmen, and placing property above human life.

What you're asking is unreasonable because it is reasonable. Reasonable is not their thing. You don't legitimize their hate, so you can never give them what Trump does.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
btw you should read the new study a few pages back, it takes all the facts we know into account in making the theory

did not spot what you mean.

why don't you tell me why? probably because im evil, yes?

Don't you find your response a little 'off'?

Even; in the English language when used with someone's name it means 'despite being'
ex. even George could find the sandbox (despite being a dimwit)
even George got the joke (despite being humorless)
even George agreed (despite being on the other side)



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
The Cult of Trump is entirely about ego; its about being the greatest country, the greatest race, the greatest businessmen, and placing property above human life.

What you're asking is unreasonable because it is reasonable. Reasonable is not their thing. You don't legitimize their hate, so you can never give them what Trump does.

I get your point but I'm not sure I would call Gaius a member of the Trump Cult.

I think we ALL just need to discuss things more rationally without calling into question another's intellectual honesty or acuity.

Comprehension of another's statement can sometimes be tricky. It helps to slow down and try to push ego aside. What is happening in the US is ugly with so many throwing words of hurt and hate at each other.

Why a virus would even become a political thing is crazy. Trump got one Freudian slip correct; Mob mentality.


I get your point but I'm not sure I would call Gaius a member of the Trump Cult.

I think we ALL just need to discuss things more rationally without calling into question another's intellectual honesty or acuity.

Comprehension of another's statement can sometimes be tricky. It helps to slow down and try to push ego aside. What is happening in the US is ugly with so many throwing words of hurt and hate at each other.

Why a virus would even become a political thing is crazy. Trump got one Freudian slip correct; Mob mentality.

thats why i respect you, you are rational and know how to debate a hot topic in a friendly way. its an acquired skill to disagree with something someone says, without being disagreeable about it. without taking 1 issue to put one on 1 side or another.

its so easy to misunderstand what someone is saying online, without facial expressions and tone. or to assume one has understood when one has misread it, or misunderstood what was badly written.

anyway, the matter of "even", why did i use it? it was something like;

even Microbman agrees with the plausibility of the leak theory.

its simple really, i used it to say even you, someone who disagrees with me often, is apparently agreeing with my opinion regarding the leak, OR natural phenomenon question. no insult was intended.
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