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Wuhan Coronavirus is an Offensive Biological Warfare Weapon

Cool Moe

Active member
even the Lancet has posted studies that were fake. some site calling its self a fact checker is way less authoritative then the 2 scientists who wrote that study. its always the same, believ the msm or you are presenting fake science. based on the words of some msm. its the same circular confirmation bias they used to start the war against Iraq. bush admin leaked fake info about Sadam having wmd, then the NYT wrote and article based on the leak, then the Bush admin used the article as confirmation for the public. they went back and forth a few times and hey presto war was on the horizon based on a pack of lies. but of course this time its totally different, lol. in the end HH said 1 true thing, it doesn't make any difference right now. still seems rather silly to dismiss the possibility of the leak theory without presenting a better study explaining why this was all just a 100% natural coincidence. i wonder what White Beard thinks of that study, or Microbman, or Sam. all people who say they read studies and understand them all the time. so read it and let us know your personal opinion, not some political hack partisan fact checking business's opinion.

Okay then, my personal opinion is that the study you posted above carries the same amount of weight as the "scientific" studies posted by trichrider in the north pole thread. You know, those long, detailed studies written by the fossil fuel industry that look all scientific and claim to prove that climate change isn't happening. Circular confirmation bias can be employed in any direction. As the person proffering the theory it's up to you to provide legitimate, verifiable evidence. If you can't then don't get offended if someone calls you out.


Horselover Fat

Okay then, my personal opinion is that the study you posted above carries the same amount of weight as the "scientific" studies posted by trichrider in the north pole thread. You know, those long, detailed studies written by the fossil fuel industry that look all scientific and claim to prove that climate change isn't happening. Circular confirmation bias can be employed in any direction. As the person proffering the theory it's up to you to provide legitimate, verifiable evidence. If you can't then don't get offended if someone calls you out.


I didn't read the whole thing, but what I did read was that it is a hypothesis with no evidence.


Well-known member
We need to cancel our debt with China and tell them to go fuck themselves. But Democrats and the left are compromised and can't be trusted to do what is right.


Okay then, my personal opinion is that the study you posted above carries the same amount of weight as the "scientific" studies posted by trichrider in the north pole thread. You know, those long, detailed studies written by the fossil fuel industry that look all scientific and claim to prove that climate change isn't happening. Circular confirmation bias can be employed in any direction. As the person proffering the theory it's up to you to provide legitimate, verifiable evidence. If you can't then don't get offended if someone calls you out.


lol, what makes you think this opinion piece is more plausible then the theory posited in the actual study by Jonathan Latham, PhD and Allison Wilson, PhD? (did you even bother reading it?)

funny how you say, we are trying to blame china, when the Chinese are clearly responsible for it. it didnt start in Timbuktu did it?

they continued to let Chinese people travel all over the planet while they shut down internal travel. that alone tells you they are responsible. they should have shut down foreign travel as soon as they shut internal borders.

they got pissed off with closed US borders, but they closed their internal borders up immediately. while letting their citizens continue to travel all over the world spreading this thing.

still, believe what you want, i will continue to wait and see. still waiting to hear back from people i know to be objective and non partisan. not you.

my whole point is not that i know either way, leak or natural phenomenon. but it seems very possible.


Active member
lol, what makes you think this opinion piece is more plausible then the theory posited in the actual study by Jonathan Latham, PhD and Allison Wilson, PhD? (did you even bother reading it?)

funny how you say, we are trying to blame china, when the Chinese are clearly responsible for it. it didnt start in Timbuktu did it?

they continued to let Chinese people travel all over the planet while they shut down internal travel. that alone tells you they are responsible. they should have shut down foreign travel as soon as they shut internal borders.

they got pissed off with closed US borders, but they closed their internal borders up immediately. while letting their citizens continue to travel all over the world spreading this thing.

still, believe what you want, i will continue to wait and see. still waiting to hear back from people i know to be objective and non partisan. not you.

my whole point is not that i know either way, leak or natural phenomenon. but it seems very possible.
It’s our disease now. The blame game is not saving lives. It’s only an excuse for letting us die. Why are you so hung up on it?


It’s our disease now. The blame game is not saving lives. It’s only an excuse for letting us die. Why are you so hung up on it?

lol, hung up on it?

you sir, are a very dishonest discussion partner. you mislead obfuscate and distract without ever honestly engaging the other persons words with your actual mind with openness.

basically most of your posts are just trolling and worthless. no ideas expressed, just derision of others that aren't in your brainwashed club/sect.


Well-known member
lol, hung up on it?

you sir, are a very dishonest discussion partner. you mislead obfuscate and distract without ever honestly engaging the other persons words with your actual mind with openness.

basically most of your posts are just trolling and worthless. no ideas expressed, just derision of others that aren't in your brainwashed club/sect.
Nail on head Gaius.....always deflection from h.h. all the while preachin his leftist bullshit blah blah blah.....After all what do you expect on a weedsite from mostly dumbass stoners that act like PHD`s smokin a pipe sitting around a table talking down about the little folk beneath them and their intellect....

Conservatives ?.....An infection to be removed and done away with....They think we`re the problem with all their cities burning down around em....I pray for deliverance and future generations in this cesspool Democrats are heading toward if they get their way.....

Peace....DHF.....:ying: ......


Well-known member
We need to cancel our debt with China and tell them to go fuck themselves. But Democrats and the left are compromised and can't be trusted to do what is right.

china only owns a trillion or two in US debt do they not? just print more money fuck it. we are the sovereign owners of our currency and most of our debt. if we can print 16 trillion and throw it away during a pandemic im sure we can do the same for our debt.

Cool Moe

Active member
lol, what makes you think this opinion piece is more plausible then the theory posited in the actual study by Jonathan Latham, PhD and Allison Wilson, PhD? (did you even bother reading it?)

funny how you say, we are trying to blame china, when the Chinese are clearly responsible for it. it didnt start in Timbuktu did it?

they continued to let Chinese people travel all over the planet while they shut down internal travel. that alone tells you they are responsible. they should have shut down foreign travel as soon as they shut internal borders.

they got pissed off with closed US borders, but they closed their internal borders up immediately. while letting their citizens continue to travel all over the world spreading this thing.

still, believe what you want, i will continue to wait and see. still waiting to hear back from people i know to be objective and non partisan. not you.

my whole point is not that i know either way, leak or natural phenomenon. but it seems very possible.

Point taken and I'm no expert with regard to infectious diseases and viral pathogens. Most of my posts are in response to what I judge to be purposeful disinformation. I wish I could understand the motives behind it. But I can see where people could get confused when the disinformation comes from so many sources including out of our own state department.




Active member
Nail on head Gaius.....always deflection from h.h. all the while preachin his leftist bullshit blah blah blah.....After all what do you expect on a weedsite from mostly dumbass stoners that act like PHD`s smokin a pipe sitting around a table talking down about the little folk beneath them and their intellect....

Aside from the obvious fact that your composition and grammar are consistently terrible; you also have a lot of nerve to come on a pot forum and try to say that people here are "dumbass stoners". Get off your high horse and let it kick you in the face while you're at it.


Active member
This is true of Chinese money too. Why is the Chinese home ownership market 12 trillion in the positive while here in the USA we have around that same amount in debt? Did you even know we're 24 TRILLION dollars behind China in terms of home ownership.

Why exactly are average Chinese people getting richer while the average American is getting poorer? They have debt-based money too, so why are they winning?

Its all debt. the USD is a debt based currency.


Active member
This is true of Chinese money too. Why is the Chinese home ownership market 12 trillion in the positive while here in the USA we have around that same amount in debt? Did you even know we're 24 TRILLION dollars behind China in terms of home ownership.

Why exactly are average Chinese people getting richer while the average American is getting poorer? They have debt-based money too, so why are they winning?

its not hard to move up the ladder when you lived in a mud hut in the countryside previously. China was largely rural until they started manufacturing all the cheap shit thats sold at walmart.

the chinese govt is actively stockpiling gold to have a gold backed currency. They so badly want to swim in the bigboy pool, but with their planned economy they just aint got it.

Its hard to be a capitalist when you are a pinko commie.

Anyhoo........its all just numbers on paper, just like the records that were destroyed at the pentagon on 9/11, by that cruise missile.

>>>in my best Ron Paul voice<<<<......debt is slavery.


Active member
Do you actually believe that the Chinese citizens live in mud huts?

Check out this poor American man who is living in horrible squalor since moving to China.



Also, China is not communist. I don't know why people have such a hard time with this point. The USSR was never fully communist either. Both are socialist-themed authoritarian states.

Read this if you want to understand the difference:


its not hard to move up the ladder when you lived in a mud hut in the countryside previously. China was largely rural until they started manufacturing all the cheap shit thats sold at walmart.

the chinese govt is actively stockpiling gold to have a gold backed currency. They so badly want to swim in the bigboy pool, but with their planned economy they just aint got it.

Its hard to be a capitalist when you are a pinko commie.

Anyhoo........its all just numbers on paper, just like the records that were destroyed at the pentagon on 9/11, by that cruise missile.

>>>in my best Ron Paul voice<<<<......debt is slavery.

Wild Seed

Active member
I don’t plan to post often about this, so no need to start a war over what I say. I’ve just become fed up of the distraction of suddenly blaming China for all the Worlds problems, of the opinionated political divide over information about Corona that remains largely unknown, of the endless repetition about DNA testing, data tracking and mass vaccination, and of the racist slurs shouted at my Chinese friends.

I think the above paper is plausible, though far from proof. A natural virus, archived or experimented on, or even slightly edited, that broke lab quarantine. At first, the leak possibly went unnoticed, and once understood, seems to explain the reaction of the Chinese authorities in and around Wuhan, sending tens of thousands of troops and medics into the area, plus silencing rumours online, to stop it going further. The international media were not overly critical of the real lock down in China either, despite troubling hints emerging and the opportunity to paint a bad image, because a lab leak would have folks the World over protesting against Bio Security Labs, weapons research, medical research, governments, etc. plus vaccines, masks, rules, political parties etc. as we see now. Many have been taught to blame China/Chinese, yet it’s governments elsewhere who did so little to limit or quarantine flights and arrivals. Also, if the virus is natural, as we’re told, and even found elsewhere previously, how is it Chinas fault? Is a hurricane crossing from the Caribbean to the US all Cubas fault?

The conspiracy theories among Chinese differ from those in the West, because all such theories are only based on the information available to us, which by the time it’s heard is already twisted to fit the regional narrative, clear from those untrusting right-liers who used to question the US Gov, but now think of it as heroic, or left counter culture who now cheer mainstream rainbow-flagged corporations. Anyway, in China it’s the USA who created the recent protests in Hong Kong (a PR trap if the police/army went in guns blazing), while in the West people blame China’s “draconian” government, yet still believe the American “Deep State” do create protests (like Antifa), but only at home.

There are some in China who believe COVID was intentionally spread to the markets during the 2019 Military Games by their main ‘frenemy’. After all, in China it is not seen as coincidence that new viruses and outbreaks keep occurring among crops, chickens and pig farms, the agricultural sectors that America has been pushing China to buy as part of the trade war.

Gao Fu, head of Chinas CDC and initially put in charge of the response happened to partake in the Event 201 coronavirus pandemic simulation only a few weeks prior, and some blamed him for the initial delay. The USA officially started planning their response in November-December, which was unusual considering it hadn’t been identified in the Wuhan region at that point, publicly at least.

Yet it still hit, even ravaged, the US, as with the rest of the World, or so we’re told. Is it a Geopolitical narrative? Some say it’s all to end Trump. Some think it will introduce the Rockefeller “lock step”, Illuminati “New World Order” or DAVOS “Great Reset”. Bill Gates famously said a “natural or intentional” pandemic would do the trick (which is an odd thing to say, if you think about it), with lockdowns speeding up poverty, small business closures and population movements, and love/hate getting folks in line for vaccines/patient ID no. and all the transhumanist ideology of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”.

With COVID mostly effecting wealthy, powerful and developed nations, all of whom purposely locked down far too late while blaming the public for the spread, and the US later leading the accusations and suggestions of reparations, I could imagine it to be part of the running pretext at present to turn opinion against China, even landscaping for conflict, while really introducing a Global Corporatocracy through the haze of confusion. After all, the West is near beaten, albeit unknown to most, and is reaching a cultural and economic dead end, with trust being so low and ideas so few that the population are less and less compliant and predictable. It’s clear that the dominant-minded militaristic superpower (the US) has shifted all strategic focus and public hatred to China, their natural successor, a massive industrious population of great economic potential, immense influence across the developing World without a record of invasions or coups, great technological adoption (and innovation too), stable social fabric, successful yet very different culture, long term ambition and a memory of who made them poor in the first place.

There’s plenty of reason for speculation in this situation, and in my view, some key piece of information is missing, whatever that may be. The World has more problems than ever, and decisions are being made on our behalf by those who could do nothing useful before, whilst we’re told that things won’t be going back to normal. It is not unrealistic in this bizarre situation, almost entirely explained and directed from above, to be suspicious of some aspect or other. Perhaps the what happened in Wuhan was totally different, the response certainly was. Those GMO/HIV ideas relate to the death of Dr. Palmer? Fake 5G shilling? Protest suppression or selection? Hoax or no virus at all, as some suggest? Move to digital economy and blockchain currency to prevent China/BRICS Gold-standard and resource pact? Or a big fuss over very little (and if so, why)? I don’t know, but there’s more to come from this story.

To those calling foul of out there ideas/theories, which are at least interesting to discuss, do you really think that proof would be readily provided if this were more than it appears? At the same time, if it really is as simple as it appears, why are there so many unknowns, leaving space for such speculation? Or such efforts to discredit yet still eliminate this kind of information from view?