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Wuhan Coronavirus is an Offensive Biological Warfare Weapon


Well-known member
It seems to be the case that the Wuhan CDC lab was spreading the modified virus through sheer incompetence and lack of proper procedures. Its possible they were spreading an early variant of this virus as early as 2018. Definitely by mid-2019, they were leaking the virus in earnest. There's no way in hell that China is being honest about their casualties. The CCP seems to be more obsessed with face culture than with saving lives.


China has ALWAYS been obsessed with "saving face", an ancient Asian culture thing. no matter how wrong/dangerous to others that behavior might be. they have that in common with trump.:ying:


yep, china thought they could hide their incompetence in letting this virus escape from the bio weapons research lab. problem is they have ended up causing world wide damage on an unprecedented scale in peace time. this is a big deal and the story is not finished. China might well end up having a revolution or getting attacked by the western led part of the world. i think there has never been such a challenging problem facing the chinese government. repression only works to maintain power if you have the majority backing the repression. if enough chinese start doubting their system things could potentially change


Kiss My Ring
It seems to be the case that the Wuhan CDC lab was spreading the modified virus through sheer incompetence and lack of proper procedures. Its possible they were spreading an early variant of this virus as early as 2018. Definitely by mid-2019, they were leaking the virus in earnest. There's no way in hell that China is being honest about their casualties. The CCP seems to be more obsessed with face culture than with saving lives.


EXCLUSIVE: New Evidence Confirms China Lied – Current Coronavirus is Not New and Was Identified Back in 2014

After Six Months of Exhaustive Investigative Work – Scientific Community Unable to Identify Natural Source of China Coronavirus

Why No One Should Believe COVID-19 Is Naturally Occurring


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
EXCLUSIVE: New Evidence Confirms China Lied – Current Coronavirus is Not New and Was Identified Back in 2014

After Six Months of Exhaustive Investigative Work – Scientific Community Unable to Identify Natural Source of China Coronavirus

Why No One Should Believe COVID-19 Is Naturally Occurring
The Gateway Pundit is an American far-right[3][4] news and opinion website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods and spreading hoaxes:tiphat:


Active member
The Gateway Pundit is an American far-right[3][4] news and opinion website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods and spreading hoaxes:tiphat:

The source sucks, sure, but they're right that China is lying. Even crappy sources like Alex Jones are right about some things. In fact, they have to be right about some things to get people to swallow all the lies they sell.

Check out what the Australians are saying right now. Australia and China are really angry with each other at the moment.


Also, there's increasing direct evidence of a coverup



Well-known member
There is a kernel of truth in every good lie. That's how shag my balls and his conspiracy warriors get on with life. U.S.A #1 in idiots. That's how we got to be #1 in Covid 19 deaths and also how we got to be #1 in the world in prison population. Winning !


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yea, says wikipedia.

Uh, I thought anyone can write anything on wikipedia....no?

What is your trusted news source?
Wiki is usually surprisingly accurate.

I don't trust far right or far left sites for starters. Any news site that clearly has an agenda.

BBC, Reuters, Associated Press I would mostly trust. Can't think of others offhand but I am sure there are a few.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The source sucks, sure, but they're right that China is lying. Even crappy sources like Alex Jones are right about some things. In fact, they have to be right about some things to get people to swallow all the lies they sell.

Check out what the Australians are saying right now. Australia and China are really angry with each other at the moment.


Also, there's increasing direct evidence of a coverup

That is what the Murdoch owned press are reporting. News.com.au is owned by Newscorp and I am pretty sure the Sun in UK is the same. They tend to sensationalise stories. Doesn't mean there is no truth to it however. We shall see.

It would not surprise me in the least if China was lying or downplaying the severity of the virus. A very big leap to say it is a biological weapon released either on purpose or by accident from a lab, which is the premise of this thread.


Active member
That is what the Murdoch owned press are reporting. News.com.au is owned by Newscorp and I am pretty sure the Sun in UK is the same. They tend to sensationalise stories. Doesn't mean there is no truth to it however. We shall see.

It would not surprise me in the least if China was lying or downplaying the severity of the virus. A very big leap to say it is a biological weapon released either on purpose or by accident from a lab, which is the premise of this thread.

Fair enough, Murdoch is a real pile of crap. Here's a perspective on it out of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation:



Well-known member
They used to say you can’t use the sun as toilet paper, because you’d wipe more shit on than you take off.


Active member
Wiki is usually surprisingly accurate.

I don't trust far right or far left sites for starters. Any news site that clearly has an agenda.

BBC, Reuters, Associated Press I would mostly trust. Can't think of others offhand but I am sure there are a few.


check your sources again......they are all lying theses days.
Check the facts for yourself


associated press articles are pretty much the facts, as i've noticed.

a.p. articles get shared by left and right publications alike. a lot of fucks noose articoes are a.p... it's the comments sections where all the crazies congregate.


Well-known member

check your sources again......they are all lying theses days.
Check the facts for yourself
Long been aware of an agenda at work there.
I did not say it was an impeccable source,
but agree with Chi 13 who
said it was surprisingly accurate.
Which it certainly is- that is how they are
able to make their agenda work as well
as they do.
I know decent medical people that they
have targeted who are in the process
of suing them.
I believe you to be quite mistaken in your
claim that "they are all lying these days."


Well-known member
Democracy Now is an excellent resource.
When one looks at the organization from which it comes, it is to be expected.
I know of nothing else even similar to Pacifica.
It is a bastion which stands unique and alone.


ICMag Donor
Nostradamus predicted corona.

There will be a twin year (2020) from which will arise a queen (corona) who will come from the east (China) and who will spread a plague (virus) in the darkness of night, on a country with 7 hills (Italy) and will transform the twilight of men into dust (death), to destroy and ruin the world. It will be the end of the world economy as you know it.