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Wuhan Coronavirus is an Offensive Biological Warfare Weapon


its strange, while we see a new surge in many nations, here in Switzerland the health minister is discussing getting rid of the 2 meter distance rule as well as the limit ôf 300 people for events. i would have thought they would wait longer to see what happens in autumn, but who knows the thinking behind it.


why would china want to fuck over their own economy just to kill old people?

maybe it escaped from a lab due to malfeasance or stupidity, maybe it was some stuff they were studying, but i don't see any good strong evidence that it's a conspiracy.

lots of viruses come from china, it's perfectly reasonable to think this was just some shit that started locally from who knows what animal (bats are nasty... afaik they get rabies more often than a lotta other animals)...

i think we should investigate how it started so we can learn from this, but until some hard fact based evidence comes out, i won't draw any conclusions....

except that ppl who think fauci is behind it are fucking retarded.
Since China manufactures(d) nearly everything for the USA they also supplied a lot of products to other countries as well and even more indirectly.

It’s know that they have population control in China. I wonder if it was an experiment that got out of hand?

Or maybe they purposely let it get out of hand?

Certain industries and companies made a lot of money because of this...

China also now owns even more of our debt...

Trump wants them to somehow pay for the Virus?

Just some things to think about...


if you ask me this big surge in numbers is directly linked to the mass protests. they created the second wave. we are still on the right track here, but Germany has re locked down a couple of places and the UK is also reversing course on opening back up. the only good news seems to be that there are far fewer being killed by the virus. treatmen has become way better in terms of survival of hospitilized cases.

i still think if it came from the weapons lab, it was an accident.


Active member
if you ask me this big surge in numbers is directly linked to the mass protests. they created the second wave. we are still on the right track here, but Germany has re locked down a couple of places and the UK is also reversing course on opening back up. the only good news seems to be that there are far fewer being killed by the virus. treatmen has become way better in terms of survival of hospitilized cases.

i still think if it came from the weapons lab, it was an accident.

Or maybe the new wave is because letting/bringing covid into the country from mexi

You should not move covid patience during a pandemic.



Active member
U.S. Biowarfare Programs Have 13,000 Death Scientists Hard At Work
America’s $100-billion Germ Warfare Industry a “Criminal Enterprise,”Author of U.S. Biowarfare Act Says

The American legal authority who in 1989 drafted the law Congress enacted to comply with the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention says the U.S. today [October 11, 2015] is in flagrant violation of that Convention.

"Since Sept. 11, 2001, we have spent somewhere in the area of $100 billion" on offensive biological warfare, charges Professor Francis Boyle of the University of Illinois, Champaign.

Boyle said an estimated 13,000 "death scientists" in 400 laboratories in the U.S. and abroad, are employed making new strains of offensive killer germs that will be resistant to vaccines.

For example, Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka's group at the University of Wisconsin has found a way to increase the toxicity of the flu virus by 200 times! Boyle says Kawaoka is "the same death scientist who resurrected the genocidal Spanish Flu virus for the Pentagon for offensive biowarfare purposes."

As for fighting flu, the National Institutes of Health in 2006, a typical year, got only $120 million from Congress to fight flu, which kills an estimated 36,000 Americans annually. By contrast, Congress gave NIH $1.76 billion for "biodefense," even though the anthrax outbreak in 2001 killed just five persons.

"These distorted budgetary allocations," (spending 15 times as much for germ warfare as for fighting flu) demonstrate that the priority here is not the promotion of the public health of American citizens but rather to further develop the U.S. offensive biowarfare industry that will someday 'blowback' upon the American people with a catastrophic pandemic," Boyle said.

He went on to say the Pentagon and Central Intelligence Agency(CIA) are "ready, willing, and able to launch biowarfare when it suits their interests…They have a super-weapons-grade anthrax that they already used against us in October, 2001."

Boyle here was referring to the anthrax pathogens mailed to two U.S. Senators (Tom Daschle, of South Dakota and Patrick Leahy, of Vermont) and others after 9/11 that were traced back to the Government's biowarfare lab at Fort Detrick, Md.

Boyle's remarks came in response to written questions from Sherwood Ross, a Miami, Fla.-based columnist. Asked if the recent outbreaks of Ebola in Sierra Leone and Liberia could be from U.S. Government-backed facilities, Boyle replied:

"These Ebola vaccines were experimental U.S. biowarfare vaccines that were being tested out in West Africa. It was a result of testing out of the U.S. biowarfare vaccines at our lab in Kenema, Sierra Leone, that created the West African Ebola pandemic in the first place."

Boyle warned that the Galveston National Laboratory in Texas, a high-containment research lab, has been seeking for potential biowarfare agents in the wild in other parts of the world "in order to turn them into biological weapons."

He said, "They should shut down Galveston as an ongoing criminal enterprise along the lines of the S.S. and the Gestapo -- except that Galveston is far more dangerous to humanity than Hitler's death squads ever were."

Boyle added, "American universities have a long history of willingly permitting their research agenda, researchers, institutes, and laboratories to be co-opted, corrupted, and perverted by the the Pentagon and the C.I.A. into death science. These include Wisconsin, North Carolina, Boston U., Harvard, M.I.T., Tulane, University of Chicago, and my own University of Illinois, as well as many others."



Well-known member
if you ask me this big surge in numbers is directly linked to the mass protests. they created the second wave. we are still on the right track here, but Germany has re locked down a couple of places and the UK is also reversing course on opening back up. the only good news seems to be that there are far fewer being killed by the virus. treatmen has become way better in terms of survival of hospitilized cases.

i still think if it came from the weapons lab, it was an accident.

there have been no "mass protests" here, but cases are climbing. try again...i seriously doubt that the local tobacco farmers etc traveled to make a point.


there have been no "mass protests" here, but cases are climbing. try again...i seriously doubt that the local tobacco farmers etc traveled to make a point.

well shit. today i read that our numbers are creeping up again too now. from monday everyone has to wear masks in public transport.

maybe in your area it came from church gatherings or anti lockdown protests that were happening too back then? but you can't tell me those masses of people gathering didnt do anything to spread covid? that would be illogical, no?

mack 10

Well-known member
They talking about some pig flu now,
In China. As next...
Also Covid Spose to of mutated.
The newer version is way more spreadable and stronger illness.

Looks like they trying again.
There first go was not destructive enough
For these psychos.

There Is definitely some illness as both my bro and his wife had it.
Only she got tested though.

They are deff pushing this vaccine crap.
No way I'm getting that if it ever appears.


Kiss My Ring

Is This Torture?

Amazing Polly presents some good points that this hysteria is a result of torture. She outlines what torture is and its effects.
almost an hour long, but is riveting.
feel free to post in other threads because this is an 'awakening' moment. F the NWO....


Well-known member
well shit. today i read that our numbers are creeping up again too now. from monday everyone has to wear masks in public transport.

maybe in your area it came from church gatherings or anti lockdown protests that were happening too back then? but you can't tell me those masses of people gathering didnt do anything to spread covid? that would be illogical, no?

yes, that WOULD be illogical. no lockdown protests here that i have heard/read about. church my wife goes to has not held services since back at the first of the year. i'm sure any "masses" would have to have a cumulative effect wherever they occurred. this is a fairly conservative(yet Christian, predominately) area. most folks here neither want a disease, nor the guilt of passing one to anyone else. remember guilt? most normal folks feel bad when they harm others unnecessarily. we've got a few hanging around that would probably high-five each other if they passed along a disease & sickened someone else. self-centered at best, sadistic at worst. pick one...


See the world through a puff of smoke
There was a painting hanging at the Denver airport in 1994.Had this man or woman future vision?



Active member
I suspect that is supposed to be some sort of commentary on how nationalism divides us, while our childlike nature unites us. That's sort of the vibe I take from it. Ironically the masks probably indicate a thing that divides us, and at this time masks are actually what we need to be able to gather together at all. My kid is smart about his mask, but I can't trust schools or other large gatherings to keep his safety in mind.

I can't get over all these people who think the government is telling us to wear masks as some sort of means of dehumanizing and dividing us. If the government in general really wanted to kill massive numbers of people, they would tell them the pandemic isn't real and that they shouldn't wear masks. Also: why would the government specifically advocate for something that makes facial recognition and eyewitness testimony more unreliable? Anyone telling you that mask orders are a conspiracy to control us is just not thinking straight.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
' Its getting to the point where we are all having to dress up as bank-robbers to go to the bank -'

- It don't seem to matter what the government is telling people to do lately - the media always reports fastidiously on how the people are NOT doing what the government says - its as if being anti-establishment - has become the establishment mind-set - and no matter how sensible a government directive may be in reality - some 'group' will contest that directive - just for the heck of it - even if it kills them - to be anti-establishment - because being divided and at odds on every issue looks to be more advertized and promoted than any sort of unity and understanding amongst us humans - and creates more media interest - because bad news sells better than good -


See the world through a puff of smoke
In Spain you're obligated to wear a mask at the beach, in Belgium in the shops and in Holland only in public transportation.
Pathologist in Bulgaria had said its a hoax, but when i look at the official list, they only have 265 death till now.


here in Switzerland the younger folks are acting like nothing ever happened. they have to wear masks in public transport, but not in the shops yet. numbers are slghtly increased, but nothing drastic. the older folks are taking it more seriously and they have an app now which remembers the phones with this app on that got close to you for longer then 10 minutes. if you get covid you tell the app and all the phones that were close to you get told that they need to get tested. no personal info is shared or stored. its all kept on peoples phones and you only get told to get tested, not who has covid who you were close to. they also used open source coding. im thinking of getting it. now that i know it uses blue tooth to tell when you are close to another phone, not gps i feel better about it. specially as it might well be the answer to eradicating this thing.

our out breaks have been from night clubs, which have not been doing distancing, nor have they taken names of the patrons down, so its led to like 80 cases from 1 place. they are talking of locking the clubs down again, probably would be smart as these partying youths will be so fucked up on drugs etc, that corona rules will be far from their minds lol. oh for the good old days of feeling imortal, hehe.

btw did you read that corona was found in the sewers in march of 2019 in Barcelona if im not mistaken. they tested samples taken back then and were shocked to find it.


Active member
It seems to be the case that the Wuhan CDC lab was spreading the modified virus through sheer incompetence and lack of proper procedures. Its possible they were spreading an early variant of this virus as early as 2018. Definitely by mid-2019, they were leaking the virus in earnest. There's no way in hell that China is being honest about their casualties. The CCP seems to be more obsessed with face culture than with saving lives.
