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WTF is w/feminized genetics,



el...:)...are you talking about genetic-recombination, linkage, SNP [single nuclotide polymorphism]?,,,,,,,,

SNP is not always bad at all.A single plant within a population can be resistant for mold e.g. while the others are heavenly affected by it.

Actually i meant this like this Alaskan Ice freaky pheno


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:



would you say its simmilar to DJ`s mutant factor?

Yep, that was caused by the Chocolate Thai he was using.Reeferman has discontinued to sell his Purple Thai because of this.Like Tom said earlier by bad breeding practices even with males you can get bad mutations or you have males with intersex genes.

It is easy to make seeds, but it is far more difficult to breed a good variety.Often seedlines are put it on the market before it is well tested like the Alaskan Ice.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:



From were i sit fem seeds are not a positive thing for the future and yet they claim to have all the answers to promote them yet when you say but hermies and males are found they blame the genetics.

I wounder how many have stopped and thort what if the remaining seed company's offering reg seeds were to stop selling seeds or were to also start to offer fem seeds what would it mean to the cannabis plants diversity left and its community.

Is it a push for the few running seed company's to control the market ? , look at the damage in the last 10 or more years from seed co that just offered hybrids and not pure true breeding lines yes lots of the old genetics are gone or are in the hands of few screw fem seeds and the hermies they produce.

So lets limit the diversity of genetics out there that is left even in hybrids lets flood the market with fem seeds so people can grow out there flowers and let them breed with them maybe not the first or 2nd x they make will go to complete shit but when it does they will need to come back to us to pay for more fem seeds.

That is how i am reading into this hole fem seed market from all the reading i have done the importance of using a male is proven but the importance of fem seeds and the stability of fem seeds is not.


Let me start off by stating that I'm an advocate of the feminization process but rather unnaturally .... not the war in Iraq.

Let me explain.

It is thought by many social commentators that the preponderance of violence at all levels of US society, in combination with the heavy reliance on polluting and dehumanizing technologies that are the chief contributing factors to the highest levels of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, mental illness and infertility in recorded history, coupled with the rank sexual objectification of women that is a hallmark of American machismo, suggests that the US society as a whole is skewed too far in the direction of a masculine paradigm (and hence a loss of vigorous Yin/Yang balance) that is vital if the US is to be the most powerful culture on earth for more than a couple of decades hence.

Now this isn't recounted so that Luddites, hippies and eurofags can rejoice at the inarguable logic of such an anti-reductionist rant. The point isn't that there is something wrong with your typical indoor growing, indica loving, Republican voting, Big Mac eating, Coke swilling, feminized seed advocating - American champ.

The point is that there's a novel remedy at hand.

Since in society - as in marijuana cultivation - an increase in female numbers is a desirable trait (after all one male can fertilize thousands of females). Why don't all the proponents of feminization go and dip yourselves in colloidal silver until your balls drop off and your bosoms increase? :laughing:

OK ....now tell me you're not a fucken hermaphrodite.

I hope I've contributed to the argument for feminization.:moon:

Lmfao.....Oh yeah bushweed now we are talking:gday:


Active member
when i grew indoors .over a 6 year period i noticed that i would get less and less male plants.
i Evan noticed a female turn to male then back to male with in a weeks time.by adding more nitrogen to the soil and fresh earth worm castings . and the blue of the blue spectrum of light . i would never see a male. for like months and i would add new seed line up to my grow
all the time as i would keep the best female clones from my last grows.


ICMag Donor
i believe DJ`s Mutant Factor is because he used too many single male selections,,,,,his populations were not big enough to stop it getting the Mutant Factor,,,i see it as 1:1 to the extreem..amazingly inbreed!!!,,,,but despetly needing a boost to stop this mutant factor....works amazingly in ourcrosses,,,


Active member
HEMPY- From what I see is seed companies are only offering more Femanized seeds these days because it seems they don't want to sell their pure lines for other breeders to get their hands on, that and all the one and done growers want female plants and not males.

Me personally I'd never order anything Fem'd, If I wanted any Fem'd seeds I'd just make them myself. I think seed companies should offer both, standard and fem'd, you'd have complete control of the market going either way, you'd be supplying the people that like pure lines that want to preserve, and you'd be supplying the people that are one and done.

I also feel really bad for the people that plant standard seed outdoors, they have to dig twice as many holes, take care of twice as many plants 3/4 of the season, just to pull half of them come flowering time when they show sex.

One thing everyone has to remember, if there wasn't a market for Fem'd seeds the seed companies wouldn't be making and selling them. They are gonna put out what sells. It's becoming a trendy thing, shit 6-7 yrs ago when I used to order seeds the only company offereing Fem stock was Female Seed Company. Now almost every company is atleast dabbling in it. If people want them to stop then quit buying them.


Active member
@time to unite
Was there any visible traits that came trough in all of these crosses, like colour/smell/leafshape/flowering time/stature anything that you can determin coming from Bubba
that the hermies did not have
or did the hermies just look like the others besides the obvius

I don't know, I haven't personally seen any of the hermies for myself yet. These were reports from far and wide, the point was to get them into as many different grow rooms as possible, not only for many people to grow them and have fun but also to see how they handled all the different rooms and stress.

There really isn't much for a variety of phenos, you got the ones that are almost just like Bubba, then you got some that are almost just like their moms, then you have a couple inbetweeners. I'm not sure if the hermies that have been reported are coming from a certain direction.

I'll keep my eyes and ears out and let you know, there are atleast a few hundred more outside this season spread far and wide, and a couple handfuls of indoor rooms are still bangin these out. There's peeps out there that have found keeper cuts that they are still growing to this day without any issues.

I have some keeper cuts that I plan on introducing a male line back into and see where that takes me. This has been all for fun and experience, I'd rather see things for myself then have people tell me whats gonna happen, although I'm more and happy to take in solid advice.


i believe DJ`s Mutant Factor is because he used too many single male selections,,,,,his populations were not big enough to stop it getting the Mutant Factor,,,i see it as 1:1 to the extreem..amazingly inbreed!!!,,,,but despetly needing a boost to stop this mutant factor....works amazingly in ourcrosses,,,

I agree that his problem was he was not using larger populations to breed out that mutation, but the result will you also have if you only use a small population of intersex females.

A little test field


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:



ICMag Donor
yes,,,DJ was lacking in repair mechinisms,,:)

i dont understand what you saying here........

el said:
"but the result will you also have if you only use a small population of intersex females."


Monsanto Cannabis Seed Corporation.

Monsanto Cannabis Seed Corporation.

Can anyone say, Monsanto Corporation ? I think fem seed lines are so popular is because the average stoner / dont give a shit about the plant grower is just that. They dont give a shit about the plant or the future of the plant. "MOST" people I have smoked with dont even give a crap what the name of the strain is or a flying f*ck about its history. I have found this to be true with most people that think they are growers. I cringe at the thought of what these evil companys will do if there is ever legalization.



ICMag Donor
yeh el..:)

small populations aint able to repair the mutation

is that what your sayin?

Tom Hill

Active member
Well I've had about enough of this reoccurring thread for today.

What a bunch of horse shit. Deja vu. I see we are once again at the point of this conversation where the opposition -being thoroughly spanked- and realizing that they never really had any ammo to begin with, resorts to a bunch of diversionary tactics. Enter political babble, a long string of off-topic links, and desperate attempts to go full-on scare tactic.

For those who are reading this thread in an attempt to actually learn something, please do not be confused by this crap. I am sure you've seen such malarkey on the evening news before and should be well versed in tuning it out.

You have Kopite, Hyb, Sam Skunkman, Chimera, Rob Clarke, CharlesX, etc, etc, etc, many well respected folk have used this tool and/or gone on record as to its worth.

You will never meet a group of guys who care more about cannabis than these folks. They care enough to seek out knowledge of it offline, many have given much of their lives to it - which is much more than most of you can say. They disagree often but on this matter they have always been in accord with each other.

Lol, but you guys know better, right? Amusing.

It's a valuable tool that is being heavily abused today, yes. I suppose if folks started dropping dead from shoving monkey wrenches up their asses you guys would be on a rampage to ban that tool as well? Wise-up. -T


Most cannabis breeders a free of greed, yeah right !

Most cannabis breeders a free of greed, yeah right !

I suppose if folks started dropping dead from shoving monkey wrenches up their asses you guys would be on a rampage to ban that tool as well? Wise-up. -T

That makes absolutely "NO" sense at all ! I could care less if people shove monkey wrenches up their ass. What the hell does that have to do with anything in this discussion ? Scare tactics ? I would guess you were referring to my Monsanto comment. Its a know fact that their breeding tactics and other evil practices is to control the grower and the market. You think some of these greedy seed f*cks aren't on the same level ? Monsanto even has genetic control over the farmer so they can be sued if they reuse seed from the harvest. I wonder if GreenHouse or any of these other cannabis seed slimeballs would be down for that, maybe ? Cant wait for breeders to start patenting genetics.
