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wtf is this infestation?!


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Just now seen at base of plant. Need help asap.


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look to see if there's any white spots on your leaves, if so, flip the leaf over and look for mites and their eggs on the underside....


Well maybe you have a spider making webs then.... either way if the spider is there means prey is there as well feeding on your plants.


Active member
The bottom of the container is a layer of vermiculite. Hard to tell what is there.

Also, ladies are in flower, I think that reduces options for getting rid of the mites.


Active member
The bottom of the container is a layer of vermiculite. Hard to tell what is there.

Also, ladies are in flower, I think that reduces options for getting rid of the mites.

Sorry, I meant the top layer of the container is straight vermiculite.

I spooned all of it off, and cleaned up the webbing. Now we'll see if anything comes back...


I spooned all of it off, and cleaned up the webbing. Now we'll see if anything comes back...

It will if it's spider mites.. They laid eggs which will hatch in 2-3 days. Get some Neem Oil, dishsoap, and warm\room temp water. Spray the hell out of the underside of the leaves. Then lightly spray the tops. Then see if they come back..
Just now seen at base of plant. Need help asap.

That's an interesting pic?? Spider Mites don't usually infect the base of a plant.. And I don't see any actual mites.. It almost looks like you've got a spider living down there eating gnats. Cuz those things in the web are too big for mites, they look like wrapped up dead bugs.. weird... :thinking:

the gnome

Active member
I used NPSs, the dichlorvos gas does a grea job with out all the mess of using water based soloutions.
I had some in my veg room, 3x5, nice and small, put a NPS in with the plants and checked a few hours later and the lil bastids were on top of the leaves and on the move.
they were DOA the next morning :laughing:

if you use NPS try to concentrate the plants in a smaller area and you'll get better results, and turn off the fans.
also you need to remember theres probably eggs to deal with and they will be hatching every few days so you'll need to keep on them till they are all gone.

if you decide to use a water based insecticide, volck oil works great and kills the eggs, get it at lowes for $6-$7 a bottle.
good luck and get on those lil bastids quick!


May your race always be in your favor
Take a sheet of plain paper, hold it under the leaves or branches. Tap the plant and look on the paper you'll see mites( may be the size of fine grind pepper) little teeny spec crawling around. If that the case then you have mites. You may not see them just looking at the plant. I've found that the knock method works well. Good Luck.


Active member
I'm sorry, I said vermiculite, I totally meant perlite... my bad. Regardless, I looked at the webbing up close, and it appears to be biological, and not white.

Pearl thanks for the idea, I'm going to give this a shot tomorrow. I'm really hoping that it was just a hungry spider munchin on gnats...


Looks like regular spiders to me, looks like the nest and a whole lot of spiderlings.


Active member
They weren't spiderlings, I used a loupe to look close. Perhaps discarded eggs. I threw out the top layer, so I hope they're still alive


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Well, so far nothing has reappeared. I also put a white sheet of paper underneath and knocked it. Nothing fell. So far, it looks like it was a spider, unless mites start hatching...