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wtf is this infestation?!


Active member
The answer is.... a spider!

I found a little spider with the same webbing on a different plant today. Tried to take a picture but it wasn't working out.


I hold El Roacho's
either way once your done cutting them bitches down I would clean your room top to bottom Inside out! good luck lm may your harvest be abundant & bountiful :yes:


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
i have spiders that will do that to my pots.... i leave em.. . I literally had a batch of spiders hatch and literally tons of these little spiders were making nest in and around all my clones... had spider mites but none ever seemed to get on these clones lol.... GO spiders!!


Active member
It's amazing how many gnats the previous spider had caught and eaten. I would have left em, but I don't want hatchlings in the buds, might get stuck in the resin.
cool thread.. PoopyTeaBagz, if I may call you that, correct me if I'm wrong, you're saying that the spiders appeared to be protecting your clones from spider mites? if that's true, oh goodness, i wonder how many possible solutions are eluding us ICer's. :thinking:


is there a grower on earth that doesnt have spiders in his growroom? Its impossible for me to keep em out atleast, however i have never had any issues with other bugs, gnats or whats.


Active member
I have a grow cab. There would be no spiders if I had put something over my intake. I like the spiders, but I didn't want webbing/spiderlings in the final product. Put it outside.

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