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WT215s 5kW stadium with coco.. come help!


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turning a stadium into a wall of weed

turning a stadium into a wall of weed





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found 4 extra pre98s so 44 plants total going across 2 tiers, 2 sides

picked up flora micro and bloom. doin 6/9

200ppm tap
6/9 -> ~600ppm
7ml calmag -> ~800ppm
dripclean, pond enzymes, liquid karma 4ml -> 950ppm

any recommendations on adjustments? never ran 6/9 (or coco...) before. haven't seen any issues so far when i was using canna A+B the last month of veg.

was in there for quite a few hours today and found a couple lil spots of PM. so gonna spray Eagle 20 next lights off at 1.5-2ml/gal. also gonna be doin my regular Floramite SC, spinosad and lower dose IMID. Pro control plus pyrethrin bombs to get anything hiding in the room.


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a couple thoughts

a couple thoughts

flipped to 12/12 yesterday, 1/21/13

the drip system works, but unevenly. running 25gal through both levels saturates every pot fully (except for the couple non-growbag pots, i wont be mixing pots again,) but the closest to the pump get more runoff than the ones at the end. less so on the bottom level that is connected at the ends, forming a loop. it helps but doesn't fix the issue.

i think PVC + grommets is the way to go. loop it around, make it symmetrical in every dimension and perfectly flat/level. not this round, but next... that'll allow me to do 5 feeds per day zero runoff. this round will just be 2 feeds per day, so that i can completely saturate every pot with uneven runoff.

tested runoff today, 1300ppm which i attribute to a couple over-dryings while coaxing them to fill their pots but pH was at a cool 6.0.

my AC is not centered in the room.... so one side is 75f and the other 80f. i was gonna ask if that's gonna be a huge issue... but i think i answered it myself. im just gonna move it and enter the room from the sides of it. costs $20 in panda and a zipup. gotta dial environment first right DHF? :ying:

they all look crazy healthy. i have zero doubt this room will kill it as long as i stay on it tend to whatever the plants ask for.

anyone watch How I Met Your Mother?



Can't you just put a fan in to circulate the air better? Shouldn't matter where your AC is as long as its up high and you have good air movement.
Looking good though. Much more manageable then my stadium.


shapes- thanks man. i ditched the reflectors for a reason. id rather the room be the reflector.
I didn't really mean reflectors,just a bit of cardboard with reflective sheeting stuck to it,that's what I did when I ran a stadium,not sure if it made a lot of difference though.

To make the watering even,you could put pressure regulated non-drain drippers on the end of your 4mm feed pipes.

Looking really nice though,
hey man..just wanted to say love your set up..im planning on doing something very similar to you...4 1000 watters...just wondering if you are ever nervous about your power consumption...ill be doing it in my own house with no neighbours around...but none the less..just curious as to what your bill is like and if you ever get nervous about it being high...anyways...looks great and keep us updated :)


Active member
Can't you just put a fan in to circulate the air better? Shouldn't matter where your AC is as long as its up high and you have good air movement.
Looking good though. Much more manageable then my stadium.

yeah so this is what i ended up doing. moving the ac wouldve made entering the room a pain, but ever with more fans now one side is still warmer. 81 vs 76 degrees and even colder right next to it. gotta get the AC higher next time.thanks for the info.

I didn't really mean reflectors,just a bit of cardboard with reflective sheeting stuck to it,that's what I did when I ran a stadium,not sure if it made a lot of difference though.

To make the watering even,you could put pressure regulated non-drain drippers on the end of your 4mm feed pipes.

Looking really nice though,

yeah i'm just gonna keep as is. i got a pack of pressure regulated 2gphs but things exploded too quickly at flip and access is impossible now. also worried about the floranova and pond enzymes clogging them.looping the ends together fixed the problem with the last 4 of each row being much dryer. thanks.

Like your setup what Sub'd for the show.

VERY good to have you Mister_D. i'm blushing!

hey man..just wanted to say love your set up..im planning on doing something very similar to you...4 1000 watters...just wondering if you are ever nervous about your power consumption...ill be doing it in my own house with no neighbours around...but none the less..just curious as to what your bill is like and if you ever get nervous about it being high...anyways...looks great and keep us updated

thanks for the kind words you crazycanadian. nah i don't worry about it, the POCO likes me. they've got enough people stealing power as it is, and they know it.. so i'm sure they prefer me. the cost is around $700/month in electric. i talked to a lady on the phone once and she asked why i pull so much, and i said i have 2 hottubs a pool and like to keep my house at 64degrees. she laughed and said yeah right.


shit has blown up, the bottom plants are all huge. vertical lumens are just making them grow like i've never seen before.

it's hard to get good photos with all the lights on since all i got is an iphone and some growroom shades, but just to give you an idea of how big they've gotten since flip...

i think i probably packed em in a lil tight but it's all good. lots of suckers that needed to be trimmed out, im tryin to do it slowly..

i got a week til the other room is empty and i'm thinking of doing another vert in there too instead of the planned horizontal coco bed SOG. i dunno, i got a ton of veg plants. 140 bubbas in solos, 4 massive multitopped blue dreams, 15 once topped medium blue dreams, 30 baby blue dreams, and another 100 rooting now. finally took cuts of all the new genetics too, GSC, XXX, Deep Sleep (lots of Larry OG traits,) Herojuana OG, some other i cant remember.


Once yas wrap yer head around bare bulbs and building a dialed sideways canopy , there`s no goin back WT......bet on it....

Hell....You definitely ain`t hurtin fer shit ta roll with , cuz trust me.....Plant numbers dictate yield.......guaranteed......so.....

Since yas got that many Bubba cuts rootin , I say stack some bulbs and build some shelves like BST did instead of a stadium , and then pack em in there with less veg and flip them bitches for buncha Bubba budsicles for faster harveys.....but then......

Whatchas gonna do with the rest of that smorgasbord..... LOL.......anyways....Shit`s lookin proper over there Bro , and whatever yas come up with`s cool with me for another vert setup........


Handle it and get backta work....:moon:.....



Active member
Once yas wrap yer head around bare bulbs and building a dialed sideways canopy , there`s no goin back WT......bet on it....

Hell....You definitely ain`t hurtin fer shit ta roll with , cuz trust me.....Plant numbers dictate yield.......guaranteed......so.....

Since yas got that many Bubba cuts rootin , I say stack some bulbs and build some shelves like BST did instead of a stadium , and then pack em in there with less veg and flip them bitches for buncha Bubba budsicles for faster harveys.....but then......

Whatchas gonna do with the rest of that smorgasbord..... LOL.......anyways....Shit`s lookin proper over there Bro , and whatever yas come up with`s cool with me for another vert setup........


Handle it and get backta work....:moon:.....


I think racks are what's gonna happen. Two 2kw racks.

Thinking I should take down the framed out room in the garage, setup the AC to cool the whole room, insulate the garage door, and then build racks like you and BST that make the plants the reflectors. i've got another 1kw i can hang down there for a half size rack setup.

will probably do 64 per, 16 per rack like you right? thatll end up being 160 around 5kw.

gonna upgrade all the inlines for ridiculous air flow. also more environmental controls... sounds like a much better use of $800 than new reflectors for a hori SOG ill probably run once.

ill probably throw a buncha the small blue dreams around that 1kw see how it does. might try a T5 flower out with the bigger blue dreams. they've got nodes stacked like crazy after a couple months, if i bushmastered them it would turn into a 4'x4'x2' brick of nugs.... or i'm just really high....



here's some photography



gonna try and take some cuts to some clubs tomorrow and see if they're interested... id rather get em to other patients than compost the extras. anyone have any experience with donating cuts to a dispensary? should i say that they've all been treated with the heavy stuff (eagle 20, floramite, merit) to ensure nothing could possibly be on em? or just say they're clean and offer samples?


Forget the bushmaster and just drop T-5`s down on top of the cuts with proper airflow and yas`ll prolly still get that brick of nug with all the bottom shit cleaned out right before flipped Bro......

Wish I`d had the opportunity ta donate unneeded cuts back in the day , so respect for not wantin ta compost em , but not sure what parameters dispensaries work within for cuts not normally supplied by their regular vendors....anyways.....

New plans for racks sound promising WT.....Good luck and take care.....



Active member
Forget the bushmaster and just drop T-5`s down on top of the cuts with proper airflow and yas`ll prolly still get that brick of nug with all the bottom shit cleaned out right before flipped Bro......

Wish I`d had the opportunity ta donate unneeded cuts back in the day , so respect for not wantin ta compost em , but not sure what parameters dispensaries work within for cuts not normally supplied by their regular vendors....anyways.....

New plans for racks sound promising WT.....Good luck and take care.....


medville is nice, that's forsure.

:) downstairs got torn down today.. got a bare garage, rack building starts tomorrow morning. no sleep til it's done.

thanks for stoppin by! :)

Great show! Be paitent and numbers will stack. Looks fresh bro.

indeed! thanks for the kind words brother.


before a round of defoliating, day 22


been feeding Floranova @ 7ml/gal. plants are happy with it, they're starting to ask for more P and K i think... right around day 18 i started to see a couple fans with minor signs of PK deficiency. especially the area with the hortilux lamp not 9 month old cheapo lamps. so ill start to add in Monster Bloom 0-50-30 today.

photos of post defoliation soon. :biggrin:

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