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Wow! I'm fucking up!




A woman bent on divorcing her husband goes to see an attorney.
"I want to divorce my husband"
Attorney... "well, on what grounds"
Woman..."he's always digging in his nose"
Attorney..."well, that's hardly grounds for divorce ma'am, surely there must be something more"
Woman...."um, he never takes off his underwear when we make love"
Attorney..."again, that isn't grounds for divorce there must be more?"
Woman... "Ahhh, he never lets me get on top"
Attorney..."I think we should try mediation first. Can you both come here together?"
She agrees and returns with her husband at the next visit.

Attorney to husband..."your wife complains you pick your nose too often"
Man... "Yeah, My old man told me to always keep my nose clean"
Attorney... "she also mentioned that you never take off your underwear during lovemaking"
Man... "Yeah, my old man told me to always cover my ass"
Attorney..."well why is it that you never let her on top"
Man... "that's another thing I learned from my old man"
.........."Never Fuck Up!"


Its another series of lifes trials

A measurement of oneself ,should be taken
when things are at their worst.The decisions
you make then .Are truly you as a person.

Because everyone is great,the best,the big man,
and the shit.When things are going well in
their lives..

+ reps, if I could :)


Its another series of lifes trials

A measurement of oneself ,should be taken
when things are at their worst.The decisions
you make then .Are truly you as a person.

Because everyone is great,the best,the big man,
and the shit.When things are going well in
their lives..

This is one of a couple life lessons everyone should learn. The sum of what you are judged by is how you react to adversity. Just look at every great leader in history. Its not how they led in good times but bad....

Another life lesson Ill go ahead and share because it may help you.

I lived most my life concerned with what other people said and did. Somehow I had it in my mind I had some sort of control over these things sadly. This made me very upset most of the time because I was constantly upset with choices other people made. One day .. I had a epiphany. I can only control what I say and do. I can only control my reactions to what other people say and do. It is by those reactions we are judged as mentioned previously. I know this sounds simple but accepting it can make a huge life difference.

Carl Carlson

take notes if you have to. might make it easier not to repeat past mistakes.


Ever have one of those moments?

I'm fucking up in so many ways.

I think you have gotten some sound advise here,
plus my attempts at humor to cheer you up.

Now, I'll add to the advise.
Life isn't about what happens to us,
it is about what we do about what happens to us.

I recommend to look into the "Law of Attraction"
We are what we think about most of the time!
if you think about fucking up, that's what you'll experience.
If you think about solutions, that's what you'll experience.

Rather than to monitor what you are thinking at all times,
make it easier on yourself and monitor your emotions.
They clue you into your perspective.
The chin should be up and stay up.

With that good luck sir. :)


an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Someone said that too early in the morning to recount.


This thread started out a little strange, but some really good posts made it become a collection of great advice.

+++ to those with sound advice!


nope I'm definitely fucking up.
Gotta stop doing that.

Oh, and thanks for the words of advice everyone....but I need to go catch some zzz's. PEACE!


I guess there really is nothing other to do than just to pick myself up and move forward, huh?

Or I risk turning into Yummybud or something. :D


We are what we think about most of the time!

That is the truth. We create our own reality.

You know when it's time to tighten up. Just don't let the guilty feelings get you down. Move past it, and turn it into positve actions. Good luck.
A good night's sleep is under-rated for helping people get their minds right. Also, if you are an anxiety/paranoia-prone person, you may want to lay off the sativa. If you smoked some serious sativa or ate some really strong edibles, maybe you should go light on the smoke/edibles, get a good night's sleep, and then start looking at how you really feel about things.

And what about a good solid meal? Protein, veggies, some nice bread, a glass of milk/juice/water, etc. Get a good meal and a lot of times your attitude will change.

If you've done all of the above, then sit down with a piece of paper and write down what you are fucking up at. Leave some space under each area and add details or ideas about how to fix the problem. Sleep on it and look at your notes and edit. Sleep on it again. Share with a friend or trusted family member. These are the things you can do to get a handle on the situation.


A good night's sleep is under-rated for helping people get their minds right. Also, if you are an anxiety/paranoia-prone person, you may want to lay off the sativa. If you smoked some serious sativa or ate some really strong edibles, maybe you should go light on the smoke/edibles, get a good night's sleep, and then start looking at how you really feel about things.

And what about a good solid meal? Protein, veggies, some nice bread, a glass of milk/juice/water, etc. Get a good meal and a lot of times your attitude will change.

If you've done all of the above, then sit down with a piece of paper and write down what you are fucking up at. Leave some space under each area and add details or ideas about how to fix the problem. Sleep on it and look at your notes and edit. Sleep on it again. Share with a friend or trusted family member. These are the things you can do to get a handle on the situation.
Definitely was not the pot. If anything, it was not enough pot. The solid meal always seems to help. Unless edibles can make you queezy. I felt a little queese but I had some other issues and when I smoked it all came to the surface I think. Some heavy-duty issues that I was dealing with very poorly. Basically money has been a pretty big issue. Court costs, credit card collections, unemployment.
Money has been an issue because it has hindered me from achieving the goals I set for myself. It just sucks; it isn't necessarily my fault. Getting off of probation (still sitting here with my fingers crossed, really, haven't received any mail from the probation dept. but my p.o. informed me that I was off) has relieved a great deal of stress from my life.
Hopefully soon the money will come and everything will be ok.:ying:


Definitely was not the pot. If anything, it was not enough pot. The solid meal always seems to help. Unless edibles can make you queezy. I felt a little queese but I had some other issues and when I smoked it all came to the surface I think. Some heavy-duty issues that I was dealing with very poorly. Basically money has been a pretty big issue. Court costs, credit card collections, unemployment.
Money has been an issue because it has hindered me from achieving the goals I set for myself. It just sucks; it isn't necessarily my fault. Getting off of probation (still sitting here with my fingers crossed, really, haven't received any mail from the probation dept. but my p.o. informed me that I was off) has relieved a great deal of stress from my life.
Hopefully soon the money will come and everything will be ok.:ying:

Totally feel ya man! Sometimes you sit back and say WTF...its tough. In the end whatever doesnt kill you only makes you stronger...and in life only the strong survive.

Hang tough man......the grey cloud will soon pass and sunny skies will shine!
Not enough pot smoking is one possibility I didn't think of. I can definitely tell you that sometimes if I don't smoke enough, I can be crazy. It always helps smooth out the rough edges in my personality. I wouldn't be who I am without pot, that's for sure.

On the other stuff, I totally feel you. When money is tight, every little thing causes anxiety, and when you're running a garden, you can't achieve what you want out of it without money.

HUGS and nugs!


Man I know what you mean about being unemployed, and broke with no (or very little) hope. I am too presently. Anyway keep the faith. Don't give up man, life is still sweet, even with the hard times...i mean it beats the alternative.

Being off probation will eliminate that financial woe at least. Little more breathing room for ya! Peace.

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