Get a stuffed tiger and see if that scares them off.
Get some wolf pee, bring your dogs to the spot and have them mark it up.
Get some wolf pee, bring your dogs to the spot and have them mark it up.
My pump 30-06 goes with me every time I visit my patches, I have, do and will continue to kill critters that jeopardize my lively hood, but I also use the meat for food. As far as I'm concerned I live on 3200 acres of my land and know every bit of it as well as they do, don't bother my weed-I won't bother you. Same goes for the 2 legged variety of pest, I find you fuckin with my shit they'll be eating off you under em next season.
Must be the "big, bad, man syndrome.
Because it's not a very bright approach.
Killing critters is futile.
Mother nature will just make more critters.
It never ends.
If it's about a successful harvest, screens make sense, repellents make sense and careful placement makes sense.
Guns do not.
If it's about macho bullshit.
Deep seated feelings of genital inferiority.
Or homosexual panic,
Then yah, bust out yer BFGs and kill somethin'.
With me, it's about maximum harvest.
It would depend on the animal in question. I personally am not a veggie. I eat animals and I am pretty sure some animals would eat me given half a chance. That's nature's law not leave every living thing to live. Here in the UK we don't have big predators like dears we did once but no more. we killed them so we replace them by controlling the numbers of Fox etc wich bears and wolf's would control numbers of. That's nature not letting animals like rabbit's and deer get to plague populations. Control animal population not wipe them out.